承接上文,本文旨在论述编写软件需求遵循的规则。1. 总览
Software requirements have to be granular and understandable. Unclear or generic requirements have to be clarified with the system requirement owner.
The emphasis of the requirement specification is clarifying ‘do what’ instead of ‘how to do’. ‘how to do’ is a matter in the software design and implementation phase. When writing the software requirements, we shall comply with the following rules:
[*]Correctness 正确性
[*]Unambiguousness 确定性
[*]Completeness 完整性
[*]Consistency 一致性
[*]Ranked for Importance or Stability 紧张性和稳固性
[*]Verifiability 可验证性
[*]Traceability 追溯性
[*]Technical feasibility 技术可行性
[*]Atomicity 原子性
[*]The former 1) necessity and 2) clear boundaries are deleted here.
2. Correctness 正确性
A SRS is correct only if every requirement stated therein is one that the software shall meet. There is no tool or procedure that ensures correctness. The SRS should be compared with any appliable superior specification (such as a system requirements specification), with other project documentation, and with other applicable standards, to ensure that it agrees. Alternatively, the customer or user can determine if the SRS correctly reflects the actual needs. Traceability makes this procedure easier and less prone to error.
3. Unambiguousness 确定性
A requirement is unambiguous only if every requirement stated therein has only one interpretation. At a minimum, this requires that each characteristic of the final product be described using a single unique term. In cases where a term used in a particular context could have multiple meanings, the term should be included in a glossary where its meaning is made more specific. The SRS should be unambiguous both to those who create it and to those who use it. However, these groups often do not have the same background and therefore do not tend to describe software requirements the same way. Representations that improve the requirements specification for the developer may be counterproductive in that they diminish understanding to the user and vice versa.
The requirement is stated in such a way so that it can be interpreted in only one way. The requirement is stated simply and is easy to be understood. Example
[*]BMS shall set “SwtHvCtrK21==High” to cut off the HV positive contactor once upon the cell voltage is ≥700V when charging.
4. Completeness 完整性
An SRS is complete only if it includes the following elements:
[*]All significant requirements, whether relating to functionality, performance, design constraints, attributes, or external interfaces. In particular, any external requirements imposed by a system specification should be acknowledged and treated.
[*]Definition of the responses of the software to all realizable classes of input data in all realizable classes of situations. Note that it is important to specify the responses to both valid and invalid input values.
[*]Full labels and references to all figures, tables, and diagrams in the SRS and definition of all terms and units of measure.
[*]No “To Be Determined” (TBD) labels. If there is a section containing a TBD it must also contain: a description of the conditions causing the TBD (e.g., why an answer is not known) so that the situation can be resolved, a description of what must be done to eliminate the TBD, who is responsible for its elimination, and by when it must be eliminated.
5. Consistency 一致性
Consistency refers to internal consistency. If an SRS does not agree with some higher-level document, such as a system requirements specification, then it is neither consistent nor correct. An SRS is internally consistent only if no subset of individual requirements described in it conflicts. The three types of likely conflict in an SRS are as follows:
1. Conflict among specified characteristics of real-world objects.
[*]The format of an output report may be described in one requirement as tabular, but in another as textual.
[*]One requirement may state that all lights should be green, while another may state that all lights should be blue.
2. Logical or temporal conflict between two specified actions.
[*]One requirement may specify that the program add two inputs, but another may
specify that the program should multiply them.
[*]One requirement may state that “A” must always follow “B,” while another may
require that “A and B” occur simultaneously.
3. Two or more requirements may describe the same real-world object but use different terms for that object. For example, a program’s request for a user input may be called a “prompt” in one requirement and a “cue” in another. Standard terminology and definitions use promotes consistency.
4. 实际世界对象的特定特性之间的冲突。
5. 两个指定动作之间的逻辑或时间冲突。
[*]一项要求可能规定“A”必须始终紧跟“B”,而另一项要求可能要求“ A和B ”同时发生。
6. 两个或多个需求可能形貌雷同的实际世界对象,但对该对象使用不同的术语。例如,程序对用户输入的请求在一个需求中可能被称为“提示”,而在另一个需求中可能被称为“暗示”。标准术语和定义的使用促进了一致性。
6. Ranked for Importance or Stability 基于紧张性或稳固性排序
An SRS is ranked for importance and/or stability if each requirement in it has an identifier that indicates either the importance or stability of that particular requirement. Typically, requirements that relate to a software product are not equally important. Some requirements may be essential, especially for life-saving applications, while others may be desirable.
[*]The requirement description shall be concise and unambiguous.
[*]Use active voice: describing who does what instead of that will happen.
[*]Use attributives as little as possible: for example, words used as modifiers are usually adjectives. Attributive means uncertainty, especially for the verification standard description of non-functional requirements, the principle is transforming the qualitative description into the quantitative description.
[*]Use the modal verb ‘shall’ as mandatory requirement (i.e. ‘system shall…’ or ‘controller shall…’), followed by an action, instead of words like could, may, etc.
[*]Use natural language and diagram as a combination method to improve the readability, completeness and maintainability of the requirements. A certain grammatical structure can be applied to specify requirements, two structures are listed below:
[*] Example: When signal x is received, the system shall set the signal x received bit within 2 seconds.
[*] Example: The invoice system shall display pending customer invoices in ascending order of invoice due date
[*]When there are two Actions in the requirement, it means that this requirement is not singular and it requires to be split.
[*]使用情态动词“shall”作为逼迫性要求(即“system shall…”或“controller shall…”),后面跟着一个动作,而不是像could, may等词。
[*][动作束缚]示例:当吸收到信号x 时,系统应在2秒内设置吸收到的信号x位[动作束缚]。
[*]软件工程: 软件开发