吴旭华 发表于 2022-8-10 01:02:45

Baozi Training Leetcode solution 2304. Minimum Path Cost in a Grid

Problem Statement 

You are given a 0-indexed m x n integer matrix grid consisting of distinct integers from 0 to m * n - 1. You can move in this matrix from a cell to any other cell in the next row. That is, if you are in cell (x, y) such that x < m - 1, you can move to any of the cells (x + 1, 0), (x + 1, 1), ..., (x + 1, n - 1). Note that it is not possible to move from cells in the last row.
Each possible move has a cost given by a 0-indexed 2D array moveCost of size (m * n) x n, where moveCost is the cost of moving from a cell with value i to a cell in column j of the next row. The cost of moving from cells in the last row of grid can be ignored.
The cost of a path in grid is the sum of all values of cells visited plus the sum of costs of all the moves made. Return the minimum cost of a path that starts from any cell in the first row and ends at any cell in the last row.
Example 1:
https://assets.leetcode.com/uploads/2022/04/28/griddrawio-2.png<strong data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">Input:</strong> grid = [,,], moveCost = [,,,,,]
<strong data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">Output:</strong> 17
<strong data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">Explanation: </strong>The path with the minimum possible cost is the path 5 -> 0 -> 1.
- The sum of the values of cells visited is 5 + 0 + 1 = 6.
- The cost of moving from 5 to 0 is 3.
- The cost of moving from 0 to 1 is 8.
So the total cost of the path is 6 + 3 + 8 = 17.Example 2:
<strong data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">Input:</strong> grid = [,], moveCost = [,,,,,]
<strong data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">Output:</strong> 6
<strong data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">Explanation:</strong> The path with the minimum possible cost is the path 2 -> 3.
- The sum of the values of cells visited is 2 + 3 = 5.
- The cost of moving from 2 to 3 is 1.
So the total cost of this path is 5 + 1 = 6. 
<ul data-original-attrs="{"style":"-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; orphans: 2; widows: 2;"}"><li data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">m == grid.length<li data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">n == grid.length<li data-original-attrs="{"style":""}">2
页: [1]
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