盛世宏图 发表于 2022-8-11 09:00:56

cs106b 作业1

第二题:Only Connect


string onlyConnectize(string phrase) {
    /* TODO: The next few lines just exist to make sure you don't get compiler warning messages
   * when this function isn't implemented. Delete these lines, then implement this function.
    if (phrase == "") return phrase;
    char first = phrase;
    // 判断是否是字母
    if (isalpha(first))
      // 判断是否为元音
      if (first == 'a' || first == 'e' || first == 'i' || first == 'o' || first == 'u' ||
                        first == 'A' || first == 'E' || first == 'I' || first == 'O' || first == 'U')
            return onlyConnectize(phrase.substr(1));

      // 不是元音变大写
      first = toUpperCase(first);
      return charToString(first) + onlyConnectize(phrase.substr(1));
    // 不是字母直接下一个
    return onlyConnectize(phrase.substr(1));

string aSequenceOfOrder(int n) {
    if (n < 0) error("n should not less than zero");
    if (n == 0) return "A";
      return aSequenceOfOrder(n - 1) + bSequenceOfOrder(n - 1);

string bSequenceOfOrder(int n) {
    if (n < 0) error("n should not less than zero");
    if (n == 0) return "B";
      return bSequenceOfOrder(n - 1) + aSequenceOfOrder(n - 1);

void dropSandOn(Grid<int>& world, int row, int col) {
    world += 1;
    if (world > 3)
      world = 0;
      if (world.inBounds(row - 1, col))
            dropSandOn(world, row - 1, col);
      if (world.inBounds(row + 1, col))
            dropSandOn(world, row + 1, col);
      if (world.inBounds(row, col - 1))
            dropSandOn(world, row, col - 1);
      if (world.inBounds(row, col + 1))
            dropSandOn(world, row, col + 1);

void runPlotterScript(istream& input) {
   bool ud=0;string op;
   double x1=0,y1=0,x2,y2;
   PenStyle pen={1,"black"};
   else if(op=="pendown")
   else if(op=="moverel")
   {   double a,b;
   else if(op=="moveabs")
   else if(op=="penwidth")
   else if(op=="pencolor")
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