王海鱼 发表于 2024-5-18 13:43:16

ICESat-2 ATL03光子数据读取


ATL03的数据字典:ATL03 Product Data Dictionary (nsidc.org)

import warnings
import pandas as pd

def read_hdf5_atl03_beam_pandas(filename, beam, verbose=False):
    # 打开HDF5文件进行读取
    h5_store = pd.HDFStore(filename, mode='r')
    root = h5_store.root
    # 为ICESat-2 ATL03变量和属性分配python字典
    atl03_mds = {}

    # 读取文件中每个输入光束
    # beams = ', k))]
    beams = ['gt1l', 'gt1r', 'gt2l', 'gt2r', 'gt3l', 'gt3r']
    if beam not in beams:

    atl03_mds['heights'] = {}
    atl03_mds['geolocation'] = {}

    # -- 获取每个HDF5变量
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
      # -- ICESat-2 Heights Group
      heights_keys = ['dist_ph_across', 'dist_ph_along', 'h_ph', 'lat_ph', 'lon_ph', 'signal_conf_ph']
      for key in heights_keys:
            atl03_mds['heights'] = root['heights'][:]

      geolocation_keys = ['ref_elev', 'ph_index_beg', 'segment_id', 'segment_ph_cnt', 'segment_dist_x', 'segment_length']
      # -- ICESat-2 Geolocation Group
      for key in geolocation_keys:
            atl03_mds['geolocation'] = root['geolocation'][:]

    return atl03_mds使用h5py

import os
import h5py
import re

def read_hdf5_atl03_beam_h5py(filename, beam, verbose=False):
    ATL03 原始数据读取
      filename (str): h5文件路径
      beam (str): 光束
      verbose (bool): 输出HDF5信息


    # 打开HDF5文件进行读取
    file_id = h5py.File(os.path.expanduser(filename), 'r')

    # 输出HDF5文件信息
    if verbose:

    # 为ICESat-2 ATL03变量和属性分配python字典
    atl03_mds = {}

    # 读取文件中每个输入光束
    beams = ', k))]
    if beam not in beams:

    atl03_mds['heights'] = {}
    atl03_mds['geolocation'] = {}
    atl03_mds['bckgrd_atlas'] = {}

    # -- 获取每个HDF5变量
    # -- ICESat-2 Measurement Group
    for key, val in file_id['heights'].items():
      atl03_mds['heights'] = val[:]

    # -- ICESat-2 Geolocation Group
    for key, val in file_id['geolocation'].items():
      atl03_mds['geolocation'] = val[:]

    for key, val in file_id['bckgrd_atlas'].items():
      atl03_mds['bckgrd_atlas'] = val[:]

    return atl03_mds重建沿轨道隔断

在读取ICESat-2 ATL03数据后,我们必要根据分段信息重建每个光子的沿轨道隔断,已知数据如下:

[*]当前分段内每个光子的相对沿轨道隔断 + 当前分段的沿轨道隔断 = 每个光子的真正沿轨道隔断。
import numpy as np

def get_atl03_x_atc(atl03_mds):
    val = atl03_mds

    # 初始化
    val['heights']['x_atc'] = np.zeros_like(val['heights']['h_ph']) + np.NaN
    val['heights']['y_atc'] = np.zeros_like(val['heights']['h_ph']) + np.NaN
    val['geolocation']['ref_elev_all'] = np.zeros_like(val['heights']['h_ph'])

    # -- ATL03 Segment ID
    segment_id = val['geolocation']['segment_id']
    # -- 分段中的第一个光子(转换为基于0的索引)
    segment_index_begin = val['geolocation']['ph_index_beg'] - 1
    # -- 分段中的光子事件数
    segment_pe_count = val['geolocation']['segment_ph_cnt']
    # -- 每个ATL03段的沿轨道距离
    segment_distance = val['geolocation']['segment_dist_x']
    # -- 每个ATL03段的轨道长度
    segment_length = val['geolocation']['segment_length']

    # -- 对ATL03段进行迭代,以计算40m的平均值
    # -- 在ATL03中基于1的索引:无效==0
    # -- 此处为基于0的索引:无效==-1
    segment_indices, = np.nonzero((segment_index_begin[:-1] >= 0) &
                                  (segment_index_begin >= 0))
    for j in segment_indices:
      # -- j 段索引
      idx = segment_index_begin
      # -- 分段中的光子数(使用2个ATL03分段)
      c1 = np.copy(segment_pe_count)
      c2 = np.copy(segment_pe_count)
      cnt = c1 + c2

      # -- 沿轨道和跨轨道距离
      # -- 获取当前段光子列表,idx当前段(j)第一个光子数量,c1当前段光子数量,idx+c1当前段长度
      distance_along_x = np.copy(val['heights']['dist_ph_along'])
      ref_elev = np.copy(val['geolocation']['ref_elev'])
      # -- 给当前段的光子加上当前段沿轨道距离
      distance_along_x[:c1] += segment_distance
      distance_along_x += segment_distance
      distance_along_y = np.copy(val['heights']['dist_ph_across'])

      val['heights']['x_atc'] = distance_along_x
      val['heights']['y_atc'] = distance_along_y
      val['geolocation']['ref_elev_all'] += ref_elevATL03数据截取

from glob import globfrom readers.get_ATL03_x_atc import get_atl03_x_atcfrom readers.read_HDF5_ATL03 import read_hdf5_atl03_beam, read_hdf5_atl03_coordinatedef read_data(filepath, beam, mask_lat, mask_lon):    """    读取数据,返回沿轨道隔断和高程隔断    :param filepath: h5文件路径    :param beam: 轨道光束    :param mask_lat: 维度范围    :param mask_lon: 经度范围    :return:    """    atl03_file = glob(filepath)    is2_atl03_mds = read_hdf5_atl03_beam(atl03_file, beam=beam, verbose=False)    # 添加沿轨道隔断到数据中    get_atl03_x_atc(is2_atl03_mds)    # 选择范围    d3 = is2_atl03_mds    subset1 = (d3['heights']['lat_ph'] >= min(mask_lat)) & (d3['heights']['lat_ph'] = mask_lon)      elif mask_lon is None and mask_lon is not None:            subset1 = subset1 & (d3['heights']['x_atc'] = min(mask_lon)) & (d3['heights']['x_atc'] = min(mask_lat)) & (d3['lat'] = min(mask_lon)) & (d3['lon']
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