悠扬随风 发表于 2024-8-11 12:26:53

【Python】PyWebIO 初体验:用 Python 写网页


前两天正在逛 Github,偶然看到一个很故意思的项目:PyWebIo。
这是一个 Python 第三方库,可以只用 Python 语言写出一个网页,而且支持 Flask,Django,Tornado 等 web 框架。
甚至,它可以支持数据可视化图表的绘制,还提供了一行函数渲染 Markdown 文本。
1 利用方法

1.1 安装 Pywebio

打开 CMD,在里面输入以下代码:
pip install pywebio
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pywebio
1.2 输出内容

[*]put_text() 输出文字
[*]put_table() 输出表格
[*]put_markdown() 输出 markdown 内容
[*]put_file() 输出文件下载链接
[*]put_image() 输出图片
[*]put_button() 输出按钮
from pywebio.output import *

def main():
    # 文本输出
    put_text("Hello world!")
    # 表格输出
      ['商品', '价格'],
      ['苹果', '5.5'],
      ['香蕉', '7'],

    # Markdown输出

    # 文件输出
    put_file('hello_word.txt', b'hello word!')

if __name__ == '__main__':
1.3 输入内容

[*]input() 和 python 一样的函数欸
from pywebio.input import *

def main():
    name = input("请输入你的名字:")

if __name__ == '__main__':
2 示例步伐

这些都是官方给出的实例,代码都不到 100 行!
2.1 BMI 盘算器

from pywebio.input import input, FLOAT
from pywebio.output import put_text

def bmi():
    height = input("Your Height(cm):", type=FLOAT)
    weight = input("Your Weight(kg):", type=FLOAT)

    BMI = weight / (height / 100) ** 2

    top_status = [(14.9, 'Severely underweight'), (18.4, 'Underweight'),
                  (22.9, 'Normal'), (27.5, 'Overweight'),
                  (40.0, 'Moderately obese'), (float('inf'), 'Severely obese')]

    for top, status in top_status:
      if BMI <= top:
            put_text('Your BMI: %.1f, category: %s' % (BMI, status))

if __name__ == '__main__':
2.2 Markdown 编辑器

from pywebio import start_server

from pywebio.output import *
from pywebio.pin import *
from pywebio.session import set_env, download

def main():
    """Markdown Previewer"""

    put_markdown("""# Markdown Live Preview
    The online markdown editor with live preview. The source code of this application is (https://github.com/wang0618/PyWebIO/blob/dev/demos/markdown_previewer.py).
    ## Write your Markdown
    put_textarea('md_text', rows=18, code={'mode': 'markdown'})

    put_buttons(['Download content'], lambda _: download('saved.md', pin.md_text.encode('utf8')), small=True)

    put_markdown('## Preview')
    while True:
      change_detail = pin_wait_change('md_text')
      with use_scope('md', clear=True):
            put_markdown(change_detail['value'], sanitize=False)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_server(main, port=8080, debug=True)
2.3 聊天室

import asyncio

from pywebio import start_server
from pywebio.input import *
from pywebio.output import *
from pywebio.session import defer_call, info as session_info, run_async


chat_msgs = []# The chat message history. The item is (name, message content)
online_users = set()

def t(eng, chinese):
    """return English or Chinese text according to the user's browser language"""
    return chinese if 'zh' in session_info.user_language else eng

async def refresh_msg(my_name):
    """send new message to current session"""
    global chat_msgs
    last_idx = len(chat_msgs)
    while True:
      await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
      for m in chat_msgs:
            if m != my_name:# only refresh message that not sent by current user
                put_markdown('`%s`: %s' % m, sanitize=True, scope='msg-box')

      # remove expired message
      if len(chat_msgs) > MAX_MESSAGES_CNT:
            chat_msgs = chat_msgs

      last_idx = len(chat_msgs)

async def main():
    """PyWebIO chat room

    You can chat with everyone currently online.
    global chat_msgs

    put_markdown(t("## PyWebIO chat room\nWelcome to the chat room, you can chat with all the people currently online. You can open this page in multiple tabs of your browser to simulate a multi-user environment. This application uses less than 90 lines of code, the source code is (https://github.com/wang0618/PyWebIO/blob/dev/demos/chat_room.py)", "## PyWebIO聊天室\n欢迎来到聊天室,你可以和当前所有在线的人聊天。你可以在浏览器的多个标签页中打开本页面来测试聊天效果。本应用使用不到90行代码实现,源代码[链接](https://github.com/wang0618/PyWebIO/blob/dev/demos/chat_room.py)"))

    put_scrollable(put_scope('msg-box'), height=300, keep_bottom=True)
    nickname = await input(t("Your nickname", "请输入你的昵称"), required=True, validate=lambda n: t('This name is already been used', '昵称已被使用') if n in online_users or n == '
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查看完整版本: 【Python】PyWebIO 初体验:用 Python 写网页