王柳 发表于 2024-8-26 09:01:56

爆改YOLOv8 | 利用MB-TaylorFormer提高YOLOv8图像去雾检测



2.1 步调一
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision.ops.deform_conv import DeformConv2d
import numbers
import math
from einops import rearrange
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['MB_TaylorFormer']

freqs_dict = dict()


def to_3d(x):
    return rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c')

def to_4d(x, h, w):
    return rearrange(x, 'b (h w) c -> b c h w', h=h, w=w)

class BiasFree_LayerNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, normalized_shape):
      super(BiasFree_LayerNorm, self).__init__()
      if isinstance(normalized_shape, numbers.Integral):
            normalized_shape = (normalized_shape,)
      normalized_shape = torch.Size(normalized_shape)

      assert len(normalized_shape) == 1

      self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(normalized_shape))
      self.normalized_shape = normalized_shape

    def forward(self, x):
      sigma = x.var(-1, keepdim=True, unbiased=False)
      return x / torch.sqrt(sigma + 1e-5) * self.weight

class WithBias_LayerNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, normalized_shape):
      super(WithBias_LayerNorm, self).__init__()
      if isinstance(normalized_shape, numbers.Integral):
            normalized_shape = (normalized_shape,)
      normalized_shape = torch.Size(normalized_shape)

      assert len(normalized_shape) == 1

      self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(normalized_shape))
      self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(normalized_shape))
      self.normalized_shape = normalized_shape

    def forward(self, x):
      mu = x.mean(-1, keepdim=True)
      sigma = x.var(-1, keepdim=True, unbiased=False)
      return (x - mu) / torch.sqrt(sigma + 1e-5) * self.weight + self.bias

class LayerNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, LayerNorm_type):
      super(LayerNorm, self).__init__()
      if LayerNorm_type == 'BiasFree':
            self.body = BiasFree_LayerNorm(dim)
            self.body = WithBias_LayerNorm(dim)

    def forward(self, x):
      h, w = x.shape[-2:]
      return to_4d(self.body(to_3d(x)), h, w)

## Gated-Dconv Feed-Forward Network (GDFN)
class FeedForward(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, ffn_expansion_factor, bias):
      super(FeedForward, self).__init__()

      hidden_features = int(dim * ffn_expansion_factor)

      self.project_in = nn.Conv2d(dim, hidden_features * 2, kernel_size=1, bias=bias)

      self.dwconv = nn.Conv2d(hidden_features * 2, hidden_features * 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1,
                              groups=hidden_features * 2, bias=bias)

      self.project_out = nn.Conv2d(hidden_features, dim, kernel_size=1, bias=bias)

    def forward(self, x):
      x = self.project_in(x)
      x1, x2 = self.dwconv(x).chunk(2, dim=1)
      x = F.gelu(x1) * x2
      x = self.project_out(x)
      return x

class refine_att(nn.Module):
    """Convolutional relative position encoding."""

    def __init__(self, Ch, h, window):


      if isinstance(window, int):
            # Set the same window size for all attention heads.
            window = {window: h}
            self.window = window
      elif isinstance(window, dict):
            self.window = window

            raise ValueError()

      self.conv_list = nn.ModuleList()
      self.head_splits = []
      for cur_window, cur_head_split in window.items():
            dilation = 1# Use dilation=1 at default.
            padding_size = (cur_window + (cur_window - 1) *
                            (dilation - 1)) // 2
            cur_conv = nn.Conv2d(
                cur_head_split * Ch * 2,
                kernel_size=(cur_window, cur_window),
                padding=(padding_size, padding_size),
                dilation=(dilation, dilation),

      self.channel_splits =

    def forward(self, q, k, v, size):
      """foward function"""
      B, h, N, Ch = q.shape
      H, W = size

      # We don't use CLS_TOKEN
      q_img = q
      k_img = k
      v_img = v
      # Shape: -> .
      q_img = rearrange(q_img, "B h (H W) Ch -> B h Ch H W", H=H, W=W)
      k_img = rearrange(k_img, "B h Ch (H W) -> B h Ch H W", H=H, W=W)
      qk_concat = torch.cat((q_img, k_img), 2)
      qk_concat = rearrange(qk_concat, "B h Ch H W -> B (h Ch) H W", H=H, W=W)
      # Split according to channels.
      qk_concat_list = torch.split(qk_concat, self.channel_splits, dim=1)
      qk_att_list = [
            conv(x) for conv, x in zip(self.conv_list, qk_concat_list)
      qk_att = torch.cat(qk_att_list, dim=1)
      # Shape: -> .
      qk_att = rearrange(qk_att, "B (h Ch) H W -> B h (H W) Ch", h=h)
      return qk_att
## Multi-DConv Head Transposed Self-Attention (MDTA)
class Attention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, num_heads, bias, shared_refine_att=None, qk_norm=1):
      super(Attention, self).__init__()
      self.norm = qk_norm
      self.num_heads = num_heads
      self.temperature = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(num_heads, 1, 1))
      # self.Leakyrelu=nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.01,inplace=True)
      self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
      self.qkv = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim * 3, kernel_size=1, bias=bias)
      self.qkv_dwconv = nn.Conv2d(dim * 3, dim * 3, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=dim * 3, bias=bias)
      self.project_out = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, kernel_size=1, bias=bias)
      if num_heads == 8:
            crpe_window = {
                3: 2,
                5: 3,
                7: 3
      elif num_heads == 1:
            crpe_window = {
                3: 1,
      elif num_heads == 2:
            crpe_window = {
                3: 2,
      elif num_heads == 4:
            crpe_window = {
                3: 2,
                5: 2,
      self.refine_att = refine_att(Ch=dim // num_heads,
    def forward(self, x):
      b, c, h, w = x.shape
      qkv = self.qkv_dwconv(self.qkv(x))
      q, k, v = qkv.chunk(3, dim=1)
      q = rearrange(q, 'b (head c) h w -> b head (h w) c', head=self.num_heads)
      k = rearrange(k, 'b (head c) h w -> b head c (h w)', head=self.num_heads)
      v = rearrange(v, 'b (head c) h w -> b head (h w) c', head=self.num_heads)
      # q = torch.nn.functional.normalize(q, dim=-1)
      q_norm = torch.norm(q, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) / self.norm + 1e-6
      q = torch.div(q, q_norm)
      k_norm = torch.norm(k, p=2, dim=-2, keepdim=True) / self.norm + 1e-6
      k = torch.div(k, k_norm)
      # k = torch.nn.functional.normalize(k, dim=-2)
      refine_weight = self.refine_att(q, k, v, size=(h, w))
      # refine_weight=self.Leakyrelu(refine_weight)
      refine_weight = self.sigmoid(refine_weight)
      attn = k @ v
      # attn = attn.softmax(dim=-1)
      # print(torch.sum(k, dim=-1).unsqueeze(3).shape)
      out_numerator = torch.sum(v, dim=-2).unsqueeze(2) + (q @ attn)
      out_denominator = torch.full((h * w, c // self.num_heads), h * w).to(q.device) \
                        + q @ torch.sum(k, dim=-1).unsqueeze(3).repeat(1, 1, 1, c // self.num_heads) + 1e-6
      # out=torch.div(out_numerator,out_denominator)*self.temperature*refine_weight
      out = torch.div(out_numerator, out_denominator) * self.temperature
      out = out * refine_weight
      out = rearrange(out, 'b head (h w) c-> b (head c) h w', head=self.num_heads, h=h, w=w)
      out = self.project_out(out)
      return out
class TransformerBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, num_heads, ffn_expansion_factor, bias, LayerNorm_type, shared_refine_att=None, qk_norm=1):
      super(TransformerBlock, self).__init__()
      self.norm1 = LayerNorm(dim, LayerNorm_type)
      self.attn = Attention(dim, num_heads, bias, shared_refine_att=shared_refine_att, qk_norm=qk_norm)
      self.norm2 = LayerNorm(dim, LayerNorm_type)
      self.ffn = FeedForward(dim, ffn_expansion_factor, bias)
    def forward(self, x):
      x = x + self.attn(self.norm1(x))
      x = x + self.ffn(self.norm2(x))
      return x
class MHCAEncoder(nn.Module):
    """Multi-Head Convolutional self-Attention Encoder comprised of `MHCA`
    def __init__(
      self.num_layers = num_layers
      self.MHCA_layers = nn.ModuleList([
            ) for idx in range(self.num_layers)
    def forward(self, x, size):
      """foward function"""
      H, W = size
      B = x.shape
      # return x's shape : ->
      x = x.reshape(B, H, W, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()

      for layer in self.MHCA_layers:
            x = layer(x)

      return x

class ResBlock(nn.Module):
    """Residual block for convolutional local feature."""

    def __init__(

      out_features = out_features or in_features
      hidden_features = hidden_features or in_features
      # self.act0 = act_layer()
      self.conv1 = Conv2d_BN(in_features,
      self.dwconv = nn.Conv2d(
      # self.norm = norm_layer(hidden_features)
      self.act = act_layer()
      self.conv2 = Conv2d_BN(hidden_features, out_features)

    def _init_weights(self, m):
      if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
            fan_out = m.kernel_size * m.kernel_size * m.out_channels
            fan_out //= m.groups
            m.weight.data.normal_(0, math.sqrt(2.0 / fan_out))
            if m.bias is not None:

    def forward(self, x):
      """foward function"""
      identity = x
      # x=self.act0(x)
      feat = self.conv1(x)
      feat = self.dwconv(feat)
      # feat = self.norm(feat)
      feat = self.act(feat)
      feat = self.conv2(feat)

      return identity + feat

class MHCA_stage(nn.Module):
    """Multi-Head Convolutional self-Attention stage comprised of `MHCAEncoder`

    def __init__(


      self.mhca_blks = nn.ModuleList([

            ) for _ in range(num_path)

      self.aggregate = SKFF(embed_dim, height=num_path)

      # self.InvRes = ResBlock(in_features=embed_dim, out_features=embed_dim)

    # self.aggregate = Conv2d_aggregate(embed_dim * (num_path + 1),
    #                           out_embed_dim,
    #                           act_layer=nn.Hardswish)

    def forward(self, inputs):
      """foward function"""
      # att_outputs = )]
      att_outputs = []

      for x, encoder in zip(inputs, self.mhca_blks):
            # ->
            _, _, H, W = x.shape
            x = x.flatten(2).transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
            att_outputs.append(encoder(x, size=(H, W)))

      # out_concat = torch.cat(att_outputs, dim=1)
      out = self.aggregate(att_outputs)

      return out

## Overlapped image patch embedding with 3x3 Conv
class Conv2d_BN(nn.Module):

    def __init__(

      self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_ch,
      # self.bn = norm_layer(out_ch)

      # torch.nn.init.constant_(self.bn.weight, bn_weight_init)
      # torch.nn.init.constant_(self.bn.bias, 0)

      for m in self.modules():
            if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                # Note that there is no bias due to BN
                fan_out = m.kernel_size * m.kernel_size * m.out_channels
                m.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / fan_out))

      self.act_layer = act_layer() if act_layer is not None else nn.Identity()

    def forward(self, x):

      x = self.conv(x)
      # x = self.bn(x)
      x = self.act_layer(x)

      return x

class SKFF(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, height=2, reduction=8, bias=False):
      super(SKFF, self).__init__()

      self.height = height
      d = max(int(in_channels / reduction), 4)

      self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
      self.conv_du = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, d, 1, padding=0, bias=bias), nn.PReLU())

      self.fcs = nn.ModuleList([])
      for i in range(self.height):
            self.fcs.append(nn.Conv2d(d, in_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=bias))

      self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)

    def forward(self, inp_feats):
      batch_size = inp_feats.shape
      n_feats = inp_feats.shape

      inp_feats = torch.cat(inp_feats, dim=1)
      inp_feats = inp_feats.view(batch_size, self.height, n_feats, inp_feats.shape, inp_feats.shape)

      feats_U = torch.sum(inp_feats, dim=1)
      feats_S = self.avg_pool(feats_U)
      feats_Z = self.conv_du(feats_S)

      attention_vectors =
      attention_vectors = torch.cat(attention_vectors, dim=1)
      attention_vectors = attention_vectors.view(batch_size, self.height, n_feats, 1, 1)
      # stx()
      attention_vectors = self.softmax(attention_vectors)

      feats_V = torch.sum(inp_feats * attention_vectors, dim=1)

      return feats_V

class DWConv2d_BN(nn.Module):

    def __init__(
            offset_clamp=(-1, 1)
      # dw
      # self.conv=torch.nn.Conv2d(in_ch,out_ch,kernel_size,stride,(kernel_size - 1) // 2,bias=False,)
      # self.mask_generator = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_ch, out_channels=in_ch, kernel_size=3,
      #                                                 stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, groups=in_ch),
      #                                       nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_ch, out_channels=9,
      #                                                 kernel_size=1,
      #                                                 stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)
      #                                    )
      self.offset_clamp = offset_clamp
      self.offset_generator = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_ch, out_channels=in_ch, kernel_size=3,
                                                      stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, groups=in_ch),
                                              nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_ch, out_channels=18,
                                                      stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)

      self.dcn = DeformConv2d(
      )# .cuda(7)
      self.pwconv = nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, 1, 1, 0, bias=False)

      # self.bn = norm_layer(out_ch)
      self.act = act_layer() if act_layer is not None else nn.Identity()
      for m in self.modules():
            if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                n = m.kernel_size * m.kernel_size * m.out_channels
                m.weight.data.normal_(0, math.sqrt(2.0 / n))
                if m.bias is not None:
                # print(m)

      #   elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
      #   m.weight.data.fill_(bn_weight_init)
      #      m.bias.data.zero_()

    def forward(self, x):

      # x=self.conv(x)
      # x = self.bn(x)
      # x = self.act(x)
      # mask= torch.sigmoid(self.mask_generator(x))
      # print('1')
      offset = self.offset_generator(x)
      # print('2')
      if self.offset_clamp:
            offset = torch.clamp(offset, min=self.offset_clamp, max=self.offset_clamp)# .cuda(7)1
      # print(offset)
      # print('3')
      # x=x.cuda(7)
      x = self.dcn(x, offset)
      # x=x.cpu()
      # print('4')
      x = self.pwconv(x)
      # print('5')
      # x = self.bn(x)
      x = self.act(x)
      return x

class DWCPatchEmbed(nn.Module):
    """Depthwise Convolutional Patch Embedding layer Image to Patch

    def __init__(self,
               offset_clamp=(-1, 1)):

      self.patch_conv = DWConv2d_BN(
      self.patch_conv = DWConv2d_BN(

    def forward(self, x):
      """foward function"""
      x = self.patch_conv(x)

      return x

class Patch_Embed_stage(nn.Module):
    """Depthwise Convolutional Patch Embedding stage comprised of
    `DWCPatchEmbed` layers."""

    def __init__(self, in_chans, embed_dim, num_path=4, isPool=False, offset_clamp=(-1, 1)):
      super(Patch_Embed_stage, self).__init__()

      self.patch_embeds = nn.ModuleList([
                in_chans=in_chans if idx == 0 else embed_dim,
            ) for idx in range(num_path)

    def forward(self, x):
      """foward function"""
      att_inputs = []
      for pe in self.patch_embeds:
            x = pe(x)

      return att_inputs

class OverlapPatchEmbed(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_c=3, embed_dim=48, bias=False):
      super(OverlapPatchEmbed, self).__init__()
      self.proj = nn.Conv2d(in_c, embed_dim, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=bias)
      # self.proj_dw = nn.Conv2d(in_c, in_c, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1,groups=in_c, bias=bias)
      # self.proj_pw = nn.Conv2d(in_c, embed_dim, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=bias)

      # self.bn=nn.BatchNorm2d(embed_dim)
      # self.act=nn.Hardswish()

    def forward(self, x):
      x = self.proj(x)
      # x = self.proj_dw(x)
      # x= self.proj_pw(x)
      # x=self.bn(x)
      # x=self.act(x)
      return x

## Resizing modules
class Downsample(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_feat, out_feat):
      super(Downsample, self).__init__()

      self.body = nn.Sequential(# nn.Conv2d(n_feat, n_feat // 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False),
            # dw
            nn.Conv2d(input_feat, input_feat, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=input_feat, bias=False, ),
            # pw-linear
            nn.Conv2d(input_feat, out_feat // 4, 1, 1, 0, bias=False),
            # nn.BatchNorm2d(n_feat // 2),
            # nn.Hardswish(),

    def forward(self, x):
      return self.body(x)

class Upsample(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_feat, out_feat):
      super(Upsample, self).__init__()

      self.body = nn.Sequential(# nn.Conv2d(n_feat, n_feat*2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False),
            # dw
            nn.Conv2d(input_feat, input_feat, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=input_feat, bias=False, ),
            # pw-linear
            nn.Conv2d(input_feat, out_feat * 4, 1, 1, 0, bias=False),
            # nn.BatchNorm2d(n_feat*2),
            # nn.Hardswish(),

    def forward(self, x):
      return self.body(x)

##---------- Restormer -----------------------
class MB_TaylorFormer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
               num_path=,## True for dual-pixel defocus deblurring only. Also set inp_channels=6
               offset_clamp=(-1, 1)

      super(MB_TaylorFormer, self).__init__()

      self.patch_embed = OverlapPatchEmbed(inp_channels, dim)
      self.patch_embed_encoder_level1 = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path, isPool=False,
      self.encoder_level1 = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                       ffn_expansion_factor=2.66, num_path=num_path,
                                       bias=False, LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      self.down1_2 = Downsample(dim, dim)## From Level 1 to Level 2

      self.patch_embed_encoder_level2 = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path, isPool=False,
      self.encoder_level2 = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                       num_path=num_path, bias=False, LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      self.down2_3 = Downsample(dim, dim)## From Level 2 to Level 3

      self.patch_embed_encoder_level3 = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path,
                                                            isPool=False, offset_clamp=offset_clamp)
      self.encoder_level3 = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                       num_path=num_path, bias=False, LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      self.down3_4 = Downsample(dim, dim)## From Level 3 to Level 4

      self.patch_embed_latent = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path,
                                                    isPool=False, offset_clamp=offset_clamp)
      self.latent = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                 ffn_expansion_factor=2.66, num_path=num_path, bias=False,
                                 LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      self.up4_3 = Upsample(int(dim), dim)## From Level 4 to Level 3
      self.reduce_chan_level3 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(dim * 2, dim, 1, 1, 0, bias=bias),
            # nn.BatchNorm2d(dim * 2**2),
            # nn.Hardswish(),

      self.patch_embed_decoder_level3 = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path,
                                                            isPool=False, offset_clamp=offset_clamp)
      self.decoder_level3 = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                       ffn_expansion_factor=2.66, num_path=num_path, bias=False,
                                       LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      self.up3_2 = Upsample(int(dim), dim)## From Level 3 to Level 2
      self.reduce_chan_level2 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(dim * 2, dim, 1, 1, 0, bias=bias),
            # nn.BatchNorm2d( dim * 2),
            # nn.Hardswish(),

      self.patch_embed_decoder_level2 = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path,
                                                            isPool=False, offset_clamp=offset_clamp)
      self.decoder_level2 = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                       ffn_expansion_factor=2.66, num_path=num_path, bias=False,
                                       LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      self.up2_1 = Upsample(int(dim), dim)## From Level 2 to Level 1(NO 1x1 conv to reduce channels)

      self.patch_embed_decoder_level1 = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path,
                                                            isPool=False, offset_clamp=offset_clamp)
      self.decoder_level1 = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                       ffn_expansion_factor=2.66, num_path=num_path, bias=False,
                                       LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      self.patch_embed_refinement = Patch_Embed_stage(dim, dim, num_path=num_path,
                                                      isPool=False, offset_clamp=offset_clamp)
      self.refinement = MHCA_stage(dim, dim, num_layers=num_blocks, num_heads=heads,
                                     ffn_expansion_factor=2.66, num_path=num_path, bias=False,
                                     LayerNorm_type='BiasFree', qk_norm=qk_norm)

      #### For Dual-Pixel Defocus Deblurring Task ####
      self.dual_pixel_task = dual_pixel_task
      if self.dual_pixel_task:
            self.skip_conv = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, kernel_size=1, bias=bias)

      # self.output = nn.Conv2d(dim*2**1, 3, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)

      self.output = nn.Sequential(# nn.Conv2d(n_feat, n_feat*2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False),
            # nn.BatchNorm2d(dim*2),
            # nn.Hardswish(),
            nn.Conv2d(dim, 3, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, ),


    def forward(self, inp_img):
      inp_enc_level1 = self.patch_embed(inp_img)

      inp_enc_level1_list = self.patch_embed_encoder_level1(inp_enc_level1)

      out_enc_level1 = self.encoder_level1(inp_enc_level1_list) + inp_enc_level1

      # out_enc_level1 = self.encoder_level1(inp_enc_level1_list)
      inp_enc_level2 = self.down1_2(out_enc_level1)

      inp_enc_level2_list = self.patch_embed_encoder_level2(inp_enc_level2)
      out_enc_level2 = self.encoder_level2(inp_enc_level2_list) + inp_enc_level2
      inp_enc_level3 = self.down2_3(out_enc_level2)

      inp_enc_level3_list = self.patch_embed_encoder_level3(inp_enc_level3)
      out_enc_level3 = self.encoder_level3(inp_enc_level3_list) + inp_enc_level3
      inp_enc_level4 = self.down3_4(out_enc_level3)

      inp_latent = self.patch_embed_latent(inp_enc_level4)
      latent = self.latent(inp_latent) + inp_enc_level4

      inp_dec_level3 = self.up4_3(latent)
      inp_dec_level3 = torch.cat(, 1)
      inp_dec_level3 = self.reduce_chan_level3(inp_dec_level3)
      inp_dec_level3_list = self.patch_embed_decoder_level3(inp_dec_level3)
      out_dec_level3 = self.decoder_level3(inp_dec_level3_list) + inp_dec_level3

      inp_dec_level2 = self.up3_2(out_dec_level3)

      inp_dec_level2 = torch.cat(, 1)

      inp_dec_level2 = self.reduce_chan_level2(inp_dec_level2)

      inp_dec_level2_list = self.patch_embed_decoder_level2(inp_dec_level2)

      out_dec_level2 = self.decoder_level2(inp_dec_level2_list) + inp_dec_level2

      inp_dec_level1 = self.up2_1(out_dec_level2)

      inp_dec_level1 = torch.cat(, 1)

      inp_dec_level1_list = self.patch_embed_decoder_level1(inp_dec_level1)

      out_dec_level1 = self.decoder_level1(inp_dec_level1_list) + inp_dec_level1

      inp_latent_list = self.patch_embed_refinement(out_dec_level1)

      out_dec_level1 = self.refinement(inp_latent_list) + out_dec_level1

      # nn.Hardswish()

      #### For Dual-Pixel Defocus Deblurring Task ####
      if self.dual_pixel_task:
            out_dec_level1 = out_dec_level1 + self.skip_conv(inp_enc_level1)
            out_dec_level1 = self.output(out_dec_level1)
            out_dec_level1 = self.output(out_dec_level1) + inp_img

      return out_dec_level1

def count_param(model):
    param_count = 0
    for param in model.parameters():
      param_count += param.view(-1).size()
    return param_count

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from thop import profile

    model = MB_TaylorFormer()
    print("params", count_param(model))
    inputs = torch.randn(1, 3, 640, 640)
    output = model(inputs)
    print(output.size()) 2.2 步调二
2.3 步调三

# Ultralytics YOLO
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查看完整版本: 爆改YOLOv8 | 利用MB-TaylorFormer提高YOLOv8图像去雾检测