徐锦洪 发表于 2024-9-5 22:48:14

k8s - Volume 简介和HostPath的使用

K8S 的持久化

K8S 实现持久化存储的方法有许多种
比方 卷 (Volume), 持久卷(PV), 暂时卷(EV) 等, 还有许多不常用的选项上图没有列出来
此中Volume 本身也分许多种
Secret, configMap(之前的文章covered了), hostPath, emptyDir等
本文主要focus on hostPath

HostPath 的简介

hostPath 卷能将主机节点文件系统上的文件或目录挂载到你的 Pod 中。 虽然这不是大多数 Pod 必要的,但是它为一些应用提供了强盛的逃生舱。
简朴来讲就是让k8s node 的目录or 文件map在你的POD 容器里
至于为什么上面提到的逃生舱, 是因为如果你的POD 崩溃了or 被shutdown, 我们仍然可以在node对应的path上找到我们想要的数据(前提是把相应的数据output 到hostpath)
但是 官方并不推荐使用hostpath 把数据输出到node上
建议用local PersisentVolume取代, 主要是安全风险的缘故原由
如果你通过准入时的验证来限制对节点上特定目录的访问,这种限制只有在你额外要责备部 hostPath 卷的挂载都是只读的环境下才有用。如果你允许不受信任的 Pod 以读写方式挂载任意主机路径, 则该 Pod 中的容器可能会粉碎可读写主机挂载卷的安全性。
无论 hostPath 卷是以只读还是读写方式挂载,使用时都必要警惕,这是因为:

[*]访问主机文件系统可能会暴露特权系统凭证(比方 kubelet 的凭证)或特权 API(比方容器运行时套接字), 这些可以被用于容器逃逸或攻击集群的其他部分。
[*]具有相同设置的 Pod(比方基于 PodTemplate 创建的 Pod)可能会由于节点上的文件不同而在不同节点上表现出不同的行为。
[*]hostPath 卷的用量不会被视为暂时存储用量。 你必要自己监控磁盘使用环境,因为过多的 hostPath 磁盘使用量会导致节点上的磁盘压力。

HostPath 的范例

除了必需的 path 属性外,你还可以选择为 hostPath 卷指定 type。
valuedesc“”空字符串(默认)用于向后兼容,这意味着在安装 hostPath 卷之前不会实行任何检查。DirectoryOrCreate如果在给定路径上什么都不存在,那么将根据必要创建空目录,权限设置为 0755,具有与 kubelet 相同的组和属主信息。Directory在给定路径上必须存在的目录。FileOrCreate如果在给定路径上什么都不存在,那么将在那边根据必要创建空文件,权限设置为 0644,具有与 kubelet 相同的组和全部权。File在给定路径上必须存在的文件。Socket在给定路径上必须存在的 UNIX 套接字。CharDevice(仅 Linux Node) 在给定路径上必须存在的字符装备。BlockDevice(仅 Linux Node) 在给定路径上必须存在的块装备。


这个例子是测试多个pod同时往1个hostpath 写日志

添加filter 让其可以输出api 调用日志

我们先为springboot cloud-order service 增加1个filter
public class InfoFilter implements Filter {
    private String hostname;

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
      // Initialization code

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
      HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;

      // Log the request information
      log.info("API of hostname: {} has been called, Request Method: {}, Request URI: {}, Requested from : {}",hostname, httpRequest.getMethod(), httpRequest.getRequestURI(), httpRequest.getRemoteAddr());
      // You can log more information as needed

      // Call the next filter in the chain
      chain.doFilter(request, response);

    public void destroy() {
      // Cleanup code

为k8s-node1 加上label

这个例子测试 多个POD 同时为1个hostpath 写日志
所以为了方便测试, 必要把全部PODs 都部署在同1个node上。
所以我们要为k8s-node1 加上label
gateman@MoreFine-S500:/app/logs$ kubectl label nodes k8s-node1 cloud-order=enabled
node/k8s-node1 labeled
gateman@MoreFine-S500:/app/logs$ kubectl get nodes --show-labels
NAME         STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION   LABELS
k8s-master   Ready    control-plane,master   190d   v1.23.6   beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux,ingress=true,kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,kubernetes.io/hostname=k8s-master,kubernetes.io/os=linux,node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane=,node-role.kubernetes.io/master=,node.kubernetes.io/exclude-from-external-load-balancers=
k8s-node0    Ready    <none>               190d   v1.23.6   beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux,ingress=true,kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,kubernetes.io/hostname=k8s-node0,kubernetes.io/os=linux
k8s-node1    Ready    <none>               190d   v1.23.6   beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux,cloud-order=enabled,kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,kubernetes.io/hostname=k8s-node1,kubernetes.io/os=linux
k8s-node3    Ready    <none>               169d   v1.23.6   beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux,kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,kubernetes.io/hostname=k8s-node3,kubernetes.io/os=linux
可以见到, cloud-order=enabled 这个label 已经加上到了k8s-node1

在k8s-node1 提前创建1个folder

当然如果用DirectoryOrCreate 是可以skip 这个步骤
gateman@MoreFine-S500:~/projects/coding/k8s-s/service-case/cloud-order$ gcloud compute ssh k8s-node1
WARNING: This command is using service account impersonation. All API calls will be executed as .
WARNING: This command is using service account impersonation. All API calls will be executed as .
No zone specified. Using zone for instance: .
External IP address was not found; defaulting to using IAP tunneling.

To increase the performance of the tunnel, consider installing NumPy. For instructions,
please see https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/using-tcp-forwarding#increasing_the_tcp_upload_bandwidth

WARNING: This command is using service account impersonation. All API calls will be executed as .
Warning: Permanently added 'compute.7230880099421476498' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Linux k8s-node1 5.10.0-32-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.223-1 (2024-08-10) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Sat Mar9 19:39:42 2024 from
gateman@k8s-node1:~$ sudo su -
root@k8s-node1:~# mkdir /k8s-shared
root@k8s-node1:~# cd /k8s-shared/
root@k8s-node1:/k8s-shared# ls
root@k8s-node1:/k8s-shared# mkdir logs
root@k8s-node1:/k8s-shared# ls

编写deployment yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
labels: # label of this deployment
    app: cloud-order # custom defined
    author: nvd11
name: deployment-cloud-order # name of this deployment
namespace: default
replicas: 3            # desired replica count, Please note that the replica Pods in a Deployment are typically distributed across multiple nodes.
revisionHistoryLimit: 10 # The number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback
selector: # label of the Pod that the Deployment is managing,, it's mandatory, without it , we will get this error
            # error: error validating data: ValidationError(Deployment.spec.selector): missing required field "matchLabels" in io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.LabelSelector ..
      app: cloud-order
strategy: # Strategy of upodate
    type: RollingUpdate # RollingUpdate or Recreate
      maxSurge: 25% # The maximum number of Pods that can be created over the desired number of Pods during the update
      maxUnavailable: 25% # The maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during the update
template: # Pod template
      app: cloud-order # label of the Pod that the Deployment is managing. must match the selector, otherwise, will get the error Invalid value: mapstring{"app":"bq-api-xxx"}: `selector` does not match template `labels`
    spec: # specification of the Pod
      - image: europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/jason-hsbc/my-docker-repo/cloud-order:1.1.0 # image of the container
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      name: container-cloud-order
      command: ["bash"]
          - "-c"
          - |
            java -jar -Dserver.port=8080 app.jar --spring.profiles.active=$APP_ENVIRONMENT --logging.file.name=/app/logs/cloud-order.log
      env: # set env varaibles
      - name: APP_ENVIRONMENT # name of the environment variable
          value: prod # value of the environment variable
          - name: volume-log
            mountPath: /app/logs/
            readOnly: false # read only is set to false
      - containerPort: 8080
          name: cloud-order
      cloud-order: enabled
      - name: volume-log
            path: /k8s-shared/logs # the path on the host (k8s node)
            type: Directory
      restartPolicy: Always # Restart policy for all containers within the Pod
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10 # The period of time in seconds given to the Pod to terminate gracefully

[*]启动命令加上 --logging.file.name=/app/logs/cloud-order.log 让日志输出到指定位置
[*]加上volume-log 这个hostpath, 映射的主机路径是 /k8s-shared/logs
[*]volumemount 那边把 volume-log mount在了 /app/logs
[*]使用nodeSelector 让pods 都部署在1个node


gateman@MoreFine-S500:~/projects/coding/k8s-s/service-case/cloud-order/volumes$ kubectl delete deployment deployment-cloud-order
deployment.apps "deployment-cloud-order" deleted
gateman@MoreFine-S500:~/projects/coding/k8s-s/service-case/cloud-order/volumes$ kubectl apply -f deployment-cloud-order-hostpath.yaml
deployment.apps/deployment-cloud-order created
gateman@MoreFine-S500:~/projects/coding/k8s-s/service-case/cloud-order/volumes$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS       AGE
deployment-bq-api-service-6f6ffc7866-8djx9   1/1   Running   3 (13d ago)    18d
deployment-bq-api-service-6f6ffc7866-g4854   1/1   Running   12 (13d ago)   61d
deployment-bq-api-service-6f6ffc7866-lwxt7   1/1   Running   14 (13d ago)   64d
deployment-bq-api-service-6f6ffc7866-mxwcq   1/1   Running   11 (13d ago)   61d
deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-h8ktj       1/1   Running   0            7s
deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-xg2x2       1/1   Running   0            7s
deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-zc2dq       1/1   Running   0            7s


curl http://www.jp-gcp-vms.cloud:8085/cloud-order/actuator/info
curl http://www.jp-gcp-vms.cloud:8085/cloud-order/actuator/info
curl http://www.jp-gcp-vms.cloud:8085/cloud-order/actuator/info
curl http://www.jp-gcp-vms.cloud:8085/cloud-order/actuator/info
curl http://www.jp-gcp-vms.cloud:8085/cloud-order/actuator/info
进入k8s-node1 查察相应的日志文件:
root@k8s-node1:/k8s-shared/logs# tail -f cloud-order.log

2024-09-01T14:28:14.298ZINFO 1 --- com.home.clouduser.filter.InfoFilter   : API of hostname: deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-h8ktj has been called, Request Method: GET, Request URI: /actuator/info, Requested from :
2024-09-01T14:28:15.384ZINFO 1 --- com.home.clouduser.filter.InfoFilter   : API of hostname: deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-h8ktj has been called, Request Method: GET, Request URI: /actuator/info, Requested from :
2024-09-01T14:28:15.856ZINFO 1 --- com.home.clouduser.filter.InfoFilter   : API of hostname: deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-zc2dq has been called, Request Method: GET, Request URI: /actuator/info, Requested from :
2024-09-01T14:28:17.211ZINFO 1 --- com.home.clouduser.filter.InfoFilter   : API of hostname: deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-h8ktj has been called, Request Method: GET, Request URI: /actuator/info, Requested from :
2024-09-01T14:28:18.183ZINFO 1 --- com.home.clouduser.filter.InfoFilter   : API of hostname: deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-h8ktj has been called, Request Method: GET, Request URI: /actuator/info, Requested from :
2024-09-01T14:28:19.128ZINFO 1 --- com.home.clouduser.filter.InfoFilter   : API of hostname: deployment-cloud-order-ff4989c97-xg2x2 has been called, Request Method: GET, Request URI: /actuator/info, Requested from :
可以见到 , 由于loadbalancer 的关系, 多个pods轮流被调用, 但是都可以写进同1个hostpath内的日志文件
所以如果用append 方式(比方写日子) 多个pod 写同1个host path 是不会由文件冲突题目的!

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查看完整版本: k8s - Volume 简介和HostPath的使用