老婆出轨 发表于 2024-9-9 13:50:21

Java语言程序计划基础篇_编程练习题18.4 (对数列求和)

题目:18.4 (对数列求和)

编写一个测试程序,为i = 1, 2, …, 10显示m(i)

[*] 代码示例
package chapter_18;

public class 编程练习题18_4SumOfSequences {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                for(int i = 1;i <= 10;i++) {//从1到10
                        System.out.printf("When i is %d, the sum of the fraction is %.2f\n",i,sequences(i));
        public static double sequences(int n) {
                return sequences(1,n);
        public static double sequences(int i,int n) {
                if(i > n)// 如果i大于n,说明已经超出了范围,返回0(因为没有元素可加)
                        return 0;
                else return 1.0/i + sequences(i+1, n);// 否则,返回当前数的倒数加上从i+1到n的倒数之和


[*] 输出结果
When i is 1, the sum of the fraction is 1.00
When i is 2, the sum of the fraction is 1.50
When i is 3, the sum of the fraction is 1.83
When i is 4, the sum of the fraction is 2.08
When i is 5, the sum of the fraction is 2.28
When i is 6, the sum of the fraction is 2.45
When i is 7, the sum of the fraction is 2.59
When i is 8, the sum of the fraction is 2.72
When i is 9, the sum of the fraction is 2.83
When i is 10, the sum of the fraction is 2.93

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