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Allow anonymous access to my Azure OpenAI chat bot

题意:允许匿名访问我的 Azure OpenAI 谈天呆板人


I have an Azure OpenAI chat bot using my own data (I configured an OpenAI resource and chose Deploy as Web App) . Members of my domain can access it by logging in. Now I want it to be accessible anonymously or for other domains I define - whatever is easier to configure.
我有一个利用我自己数据的 Azure OpenAI 谈天呆板人(我设置了一个 OpenAI 资源并选择了以 Web 应用的形式摆设)。我的域内成员可以通过登录访问它。如今我盼望它可以匿名访问,大概对我界说的其他域开放——以更轻易设置的方式为准。

In the Azure Web App Authentication settings I could do two things:
在 Azure Web 应用的身份验证设置中,我可以做两件事:

[*]Disable Authentication   禁用身份验证
[*]Allow unauthenticated access   允许未认证的访问
See this screenshot:        看下面的截图
When I disable authentication or when I allow unauthenticated access I get in both cases the same error message when opening the chat bot:
   Authentication Not Configured
I also tried to allow not only my single domain but multiple account types of the Identity Provider. But when I login with a different domain I still the an error messge:
   AADSTS50020: User account 'myuser@otherdomain' from identity provider 'https://sts.windows.net/....../' does not exist in tenant 'MyDomain' and cannot access the application 'MyChatBot') in that tenant.
How to do it properly?        该怎样正确设置?


You have to understand that the "Deploy to Web App" button in Azure OpenAI Studio is only an accelerator for the "all-in-one" deployment of a project which is in fact open-sourced by Microsoft.
你需要相识,Azure OpenAI Studio 中的“摆设到 Web 应用”按钮只是一个用于项目“一体化”摆设的加速器,而该项目现实上是由微软开源的。

It's this one:         就是这个:   GitHub - microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatGPT: Sample code for a simple web chat experience through Azure OpenAI, including Azure OpenAI On Your Data.

So the Authentication Not Configured message you are facing is implemented inside this project, here: 
所以你碰到的 “Authentication Not Configured” 错误消息是实现于该项目内部的,位置在这里:sample-app-aoai-chatGPT/frontend/src/pages/chat/Chat.tsx at af9d06b4ba153523fed366d3f8b1b19d1fc5f5e8 · microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatGPT · GitHub

Possible solution        可能的解决方案
The README of the project explains that you can remove it if you want, here
该项目的 README 中解释了如果你想移除它,可以查察这里。
To remove this restriction, you can add AUTH_ENABLED=False to the environment variables. This will disable authentication and allow anyone to access the chat functionality of your app. This is not recommended for production apps.
As said, "This is not recommended for production apps.".

Especially as the frontend is calling itself for the conversation (POST to /conversation) so if you remove the authentication, I guess that someone could use this endpoint directly to consume your OpenAI resource which is behind (ok, they can't modify your system message etc. but it's still an issue)
特殊是因为前端是通过自身调用举行对话的(POST 到 /conversation),所以如果你移除了身份验证,我猜测有人可能会直接利用这个端点来斲丧你后台的 OpenAI 资源(固然他们不能修改你的体系消息等,但这仍然是一个题目)。


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