属性字符串StyledString/MutableStyledString(MutableStyledString继承于StyledString,以下同一简称StyledString)是功能强盛的标记对象,可用于字符或段落级别设置文本样式。通过将StyledString附加到文本组件, 可以通过多种方式更改文本,包罗修改字号、添加字体颜色、使文本可点击以及自定义方式绘制文本等。具体用法可参考StyledString。属性字符串提供多种类型样式对象,涵盖各种常见的文本样式格式。也可以自行创建CustomSpan, 以应用自定义样式。
struct styled_string_demo1 {
styledString1: StyledString = new StyledString("运动45分钟");
mutableStyledString1: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("运动35分钟");
controller1: TextController = new TextController();
controller2: TextController = new TextController();
async onPageShow() {
build() {
Column() {
// 显示属性字符串
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller1 })
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller2 })
[*] 创建及应用文本字体样式对象(TextStyle)
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI'
struct styled_string_demo2 {
textStyleAttrs: TextStyle = new TextStyle({ fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder, fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(24), fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic })
mutableStyledString: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("运动35分钟 目标达成", [
start: 2,
length: 2,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: this.textStyleAttrs
start: 7,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontColor: Color.Orange, fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(12)})
controller: TextController = new TextController();
async onPageShow() {
build() {
Column() {
// 显示属性字符串
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
.margin({ top: 10 })
[*] 创建及应用文本阴影对象(TextShadowStyle)
// xxx.ets
struct styled_string_demo3 {
mutableStyledString: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("运动35分钟", [
start: 0,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.TEXT_SHADOW,
styledValue: new TextShadowStyle({
radius: 5,
type: ShadowType.COLOR,
color: Color.Red,
offsetX: 10,
offsetY: 10
controller: TextController = new TextController();
async onPageShow() {
build() {
Column() {
// 显示属性字符串
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
[*] 创建及应用文本装饰线对象(DecorationStyle)
// xxx.ets
struct styled_string_demo4 {
mutableStyledString: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("运动35分钟", [
start: 0,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.DECORATION,
styledValue: new DecorationStyle({type: TextDecorationType.LineThrough, color: Color.Red})
controller: TextController = new TextController();
async onPageShow() {
build() {
Column() {
// 显示属性字符串
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
[*] 创建及应用文本基线偏移量对象(BaselineOffsetStyle)
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI'
import { LengthUnit } from '@ohos.arkui.node'
// xxx.ets
struct styled_string_demo5 {
mutableStyledString: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("运动35分钟", [
start: 0,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.BASELINE_OFFSET,
styledValue: new BaselineOffsetStyle(LengthMetrics.px(20))
controller: TextController = new TextController();
async onPageShow() {
build() {
Column() {
// 显示属性字符串
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
[*] 创建及应用文本行高对象(LineHeightStyle)
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI'
import { LengthUnit } from '@ohos.arkui.node'
// xxx.ets
struct styled_string_demo6 {
mutableStyledString: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("运动35分钟\n顶顶顶\n得到", [
start: 8,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: new LineHeightStyle(LengthMetrics.vp(50))
controller: TextController = new TextController();
async onPageShow() {
build() {
Column() {
// 显示属性字符串
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
.margin({ top: 10 })
[*] 创建及应用文本字符间距对象(LetterSpacingStyle)
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI'
import { LengthUnit } from '@ohos.arkui.node'
// xxx.ets
struct styled_string_demo7 {
mutableStyledString: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("运动35分钟", [
start: 0,
length: 2,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LETTER_SPACING,
styledValue: new LetterSpacingStyle(new LengthMetrics(20, LengthUnit.VP))
controller: TextController = new TextController();
async onPageShow() {
build() {
Column() {
// 显示属性字符串
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
可通过ParagraphStyle设置段落样式布局。下图表现了如何分割文本中的段落,段落以换行符 \n 末端。
以下代码示例展示了如何创建 ParagraphStyle 并应用。假如将 ParagraphStyle 附加到段落开头末尾或之间的任何位置均会应用样式,非段落区间内则不会应用样式。
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI'
titleParagraphStyleAttr: ParagraphStyle = new ParagraphStyle({ textAlign: TextAlign.Center });
paragraphStyleAttr1: ParagraphStyle = new ParagraphStyle({ textIndent: LengthMetrics.vp(15) });
paragraphStyledString1: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("段落标题\n正文第一段落开始0123456789正文第一段落结束。", [
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.titleParagraphStyleAttr
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: new LineHeightStyle(new LengthMetrics(50))
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(24), fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder })
start: 5,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.paragraphStyleAttr1
start: 5,
length: 20,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: this.lineHeightStyle1
]); 除了可以在创建属性字符串时就预设样式,也可以后续通过replaceStyle清空原样式更换新样式, 同时需要在附加的文本组件controller上主动触发更新绑定的属性字符串。
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI'
paragraphStyleAttr3: ParagraphStyle = new ParagraphStyle({ textAlign: TextAlign.End, maxLines: 1, wordBreak: WordBreak.BREAK_ALL, overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis});
// 后续某个节点触发更新段落样式
controller: TextController = new TextController();
start: 5,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.paragraphStyleAttr3
this.controller.setStyledString(this.mutableStyledString3) 使用图片
// xxx.ets
import { image } from '@kit.ImageKit'
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI'
struct styled_string_demo4 {
@State message: string = 'Hello World'
imagePixelMap: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined
@State imagePixelMap3: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined
mutableStr: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString('123');
controller: TextController = new TextController();
mutableStr2: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString('This is set decoration line style to the mutableStr2', [{
start: 0,
length: 15,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.DECORATION,
styledValue: new DecorationStyle({
type: TextDecorationType.Overline,
color: Color.Orange,
style: TextDecorationStyle.DOUBLE
async aboutToAppear() {
console.info("aboutToAppear initial imagePixelMap")
this.imagePixelMap = await this.getPixmapFromMedia($r('app.media.sea'))
private async getPixmapFromMedia(resource: Resource) {
let unit8Array = await getContext(this)?.resourceManager?.getMediaContent({
bundleName: resource.bundleName,
moduleName: resource.moduleName,
id: resource.id
let imageSource = image.createImageSource(unit8Array.buffer.slice(0, unit8Array.buffer.byteLength))
let createPixelMap: image.PixelMap = await imageSource.createPixelMap({
desiredPixelFormat: image.PixelMapFormat.RGBA_8888
await imageSource.release()
return createPixelMap
leadingMarginValue: ParagraphStyle = new ParagraphStyle({ leadingMargin: LengthMetrics.vp(5)})
lineHeightStyle1: LineHeightStyle= new LineHeightStyle(new LengthMetrics(24));
boldTextStyle: TextStyle = new TextStyle({ fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold });
paragraphStyledString1: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("\n品牌相纸 高清冲印30张\n限时直降5.15元 限量增送", [
start: 0,
length: 28,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.leadingMarginValue
start: 14,
length: 9,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(14), fontColor: '#B22222' })
start: 24,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(14), fontWeight: FontWeight.Lighter })
start: 11,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: this.lineHeightStyle1
paragraphStyledString2: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("\n¥16.21 3000+人好评", [
start: 0,
length: 5,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.leadingMarginValue
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: new LineHeightStyle(new LengthMetrics(60))
start: 0,
length: 7,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: this.boldTextStyle
start: 1,
length: 1,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(18) })
start: 2,
length: 2,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(36) })
start: 4,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(20) })
start: 7,
length: 9,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontColor: Color.Grey, fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(14)})
build() {
Row() {
Column({ space: 10 }) {
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
.onClick(() => {
if (this.imagePixelMap !== undefined) {
this.mutableStr = new MutableStyledString(new ImageAttachment({
value: this.imagePixelMap,
size: { width: 180, height: 160 },
verticalAlign: ImageSpanAlignment.BASELINE,
objectFit: ImageFit.Fill
import { drawing } from '@kit.ArkGraphics2D';
class MyCustomSpan extends CustomSpan {
constructor(word: string, width: number, height: number, fontSize: number) {
this.word = word;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.fontSize = fontSize;
onMeasure(measureInfo: CustomSpanMeasureInfo): CustomSpanMetrics {
return { width: this.width, height: this.height }
onDraw(context: DrawContext, options: CustomSpanDrawInfo) {
let canvas = context.canvas;
const brush = new drawing.Brush();
brush.setColor({ alpha: 255, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 })
const font = new drawing.Font()
const textBlob = drawing.TextBlob.makeFromString(this.word.substr(0, 5), font, drawing.TextEncoding.TEXT_ENCODING_UTF8)
this.onDrawRectByRadius(context, options.x, options.x + vp2px(this.width), options.lineTop, options.lineBottom, 20)
brush.setColor({ alpha: 255, red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255 })
canvas.drawTextBlob(textBlob, options.x, options.lineBottom - 30)
brush.setColor({ alpha: 255, red: 255, green: 228 , blue: 196 })
const textBlob1 = drawing.TextBlob.makeFromString(this.word.substr(5), font, drawing.TextEncoding.TEXT_ENCODING_UTF8)
canvas.drawTextBlob(textBlob1, options.x + vp2px(100), options.lineBottom - 30)
onDrawRectByRadius(context: DrawContext, left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number, radius: number) {
let canvas = context.canvas
let path = new drawing.Path()
// 画带radius的rect
path.moveTo(left+ radius, top)
path.lineTo(right - radius, top)
path.arcTo(right - 2 * radius, top, right, top + 2 * radius, 270, 90)
path.lineTo(right, bottom - radius)
path.arcTo(right - 2 * radius, bottom - 2 * radius, right, bottom, 0, 90)
path.lineTo(left + 2 * radius, bottom)
path.arcTo(left, bottom - 2 * radius, left + 2 * radius, bottom, 90, 90)
path.lineTo(left, top + 2 * radius)
path.arcTo(left, top, left + 2 * radius, top + 2 * radius, 180, 90)
setWord(word: string) {
this.word = word;
width: number = 160
word: string = "drawing"
height: number = 10
fontSize: number = 16
struct styled_string_demo6 {
customSpan3: MyCustomSpan = new MyCustomSpan("99VIP88%off", 200, 40, 30)
textStyle: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("123");
textController: TextController = new TextController()
isPageShow: boolean = true
async onPageShow() {
if (!this.isPageShow) {
this.isPageShow = false
this.textController.setStyledString(new StyledString(this.customSpan3))
build() {
Row() {
Column() {
Text(undefined, { controller: this.textController })
import { LengthMetrics } from '@kit.ArkUI';
struct Index {
alignCenterParagraphStyleAttr: ParagraphStyle = new ParagraphStyle({ textAlign: TextAlign.Center });
lineHeightStyle1: LineHeightStyle= new LineHeightStyle(LengthMetrics.vp(24));
boldTextStyle: TextStyle = new TextStyle({ fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold });
paragraphStyledString1: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("您的豪华钻石已过期1天\n续费可继续享受会员专属权益", [
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.alignCenterParagraphStyleAttr
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: new LineHeightStyle(LengthMetrics.vp(40))
start: 11,
length: 14,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(14), fontColor: Color.Grey })
start: 11,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.alignCenterParagraphStyleAttr
start: 11,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: this.lineHeightStyle1
paragraphStyledString2: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("\n¥4.88¥15", [
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.alignCenterParagraphStyleAttr
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: new LineHeightStyle(LengthMetrics.vp(60))
start: 0,
length: 6,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: this.boldTextStyle
start: 1,
length: 1,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(18)})
start: 2,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(40)})
start: 6,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontColor: Color.Grey, fontSize: LengthMetrics.vp(14)})
start: 6,
length: 3,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.DECORATION,
styledValue: new DecorationStyle({ type: TextDecorationType.LineThrough, color: Color.Grey })
paragraphStyledString3: MutableStyledString = new MutableStyledString("\n02时06分后将失去该优惠", [
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.PARAGRAPH_STYLE,
styledValue: this.alignCenterParagraphStyleAttr
start: 0,
length: 4,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.LINE_HEIGHT,
styledValue: new LineHeightStyle(LengthMetrics.vp(30))
start: 1,
length: 2,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontColor: '#FFD700', fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold })
start: 4,
length: 2,
styledKey: StyledStringKey.FONT,
styledValue: new TextStyle({ fontColor: '#FFD700', fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold })
controller: TextController = new TextController();
build() {
Row() {
Column( { space : 5 }) {
Text(undefined, { controller: this.controller })
Button("限时4.88元 立即续费")
.margin({ bottom: 10 })
.margin({ left: 10 })