标题: 基于大数据的二手房可视化分析与预测体系 [打印本页]
作者: 光之使者 时间: 2024-11-30 20:18
标题: 基于大数据的二手房可视化分析与预测体系
本文先容了一个基于 Flask 框架和 scikit-learn 的二手房可视化分析与预测体系。体系通过数据爬取、处理和存储,实现了房价预测和市场分析功能。前端使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript,结合 Bootstrap 和 Echarts 实现了数据可视化展示。通过随机森林算法,体系能够准确预测房价,为购房者提供决策支持。
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摘 要
本体系利用 Flask 框架构建 Web 应用,通过 requests 和 BeautifulSoup 模块从网络上抓取二手房数据,再利用 pandas 举行数据处理与分析,将数据存储到 SQLite 数据库中,并利用 flask_sqlalchemy 模块举行 ORM 映射。前端界面使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 实现,采用 Bootstrap 框架美化页面,并利用 Echarts 绘制交互式数据可视化图表。同时,利用 scikit-learn 实现随机森林预测算法,对将来房价举行预测。实现的功能有数据抓取、数据分析、数据可视化、房价预测。
关键词: 陕西二手房分析和预测;Flask;scikit-learn
Visual analysis and prediction of second-hand houses in Shaanxi
The second-hand housing market in Shaanxi is becoming increasingly active, and buyers need accurate market data and price forecast to guide their purchasing decisions. However, at present, there is a lack of intuitive and accurate data analysis tools in the market, and it is often difficult for home buyers to understand the market trend and future trends, so a system that integrates data analysis and prediction functions is needed.
This system uses Flask framework to build a Web application, captures second-hand house data from the network through requests and BeautifulSoup modules, uses pandas for data processing and analysis, and stores the data in SQLite database. flask_sqlalchemy module is used for ORM mapping. The front-end interface is implemented in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using the Bootstrap framework to beautify the page, and using Echarts to draw interactive data visualizations. At the same time, scikit-learn is used to realize random forest prediction algorithm to predict future housing prices. The functions are data capture, data analysis, data visualization, and housing price prediction.
This system solves the problem that it is difficult for buyers to obtain accurate and intuitive second-hand housing market data and housing price forecast in Shaanxi. Through data capture, analysis and visualization, home buyers can gain a clearer understanding of market trends and home price trends and make more informed home purchase decisions.The system provides a convenient and intuitive way for home buyers to obtain second-hand housing market data and price forecast information in Shaanxi, helping them to make rational purchase decisions. At the same time, through data analysis and forecasting, it also provides market research and decision support for real estate developers and investors.
Key words: Analysis and prediction of second-hand houses in Shaanxi; Flask; scikit-learn
目 录
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 研究目的和意义
1.2 国内外相关研究
1.3 本文布局安排
2 相关技术和知识概述
2.1 Flask框架
2.2 pandas
2.3 sklearn
2.4 Bootstrap
2.5 SQLite数据库
2.6 预测算法
2.6.1 根本原理
2.6.2 实现过程
3 陕西二手房可视化预测与分析的需求和可行性分析
3.1 体系需求分析
3.2 可行性分析
3.2.1 技术可行性
3.2.2 操作可行性
3.2.3 经济可行性
4 概要设计
4.1 数据爬取流程图
4.2 体系功能设计
5 数据爬取和可视化的实现
5.1 数据来源
5.2 随机森林模子
5.3 可视化首页
5.4 房价预测
5.5 二手房信息数据查看
5.6 大屏可视化
6 总结与预测
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