第二步:上传图片(本笔记以一个男性头像为例),点击CLIP反推,得出上传图片的提示词 第三步:对提示词举行适当修改,选择合适的采样方法、迭代步数、重绘尺寸等,点击“生成”
提示词:a man holds a white selfie stick in his right hand, a lake and some trees
in the background, this man put his right leg on the rock, this man wears dark
blue outdoor jacket and white sweatpants, this man has black hair, this man
wears basketball shoes and a pair of sunglasses, high quality, photography
反向词:worst quality,bad hands,bad anatomy 第四步:查看生成的效果,选择满足的图片,点击“发送到重绘” 第五步:点击“局部重绘”,用画笔对需要重绘的地域涂色,删除本来的提示词,填入重绘地域所需的新的提示词
举例1:把鞋子修改成别的颜色,用画笔把鞋子涂成玄色,提示词写"green and white basketball shoes"。
举例2:面部重塑,用玄色笔涂了面部,提示词填写 “handsome Asian face”
举例3:需要把配景更换成夏威夷的海滩边上,则需要把配景涂成玄色,再填写提示词"beautiful sunset at beach, in Hawaii"。