运行后报错信息为:Unable to find plugin with ID 'Kettle'. If this is a test, make sure kettle-core tests jar is a dependency. If this is live make sure a kettle-password-encoder-plugins.xml exits in the classpath.
**办理办法:**在 resources 目录下创建 kettle-password-encoder-plugins.xml 文件。
运行后报错信息为:ERROR (version, build 0.0 from 2022-11-08 07.50.27 by buildguy) : A serious error occurred during job execution: 无法找到作业的开始点.
运行后报错信息为:Can't run transformation due to plugin missing.
**办理办法:**此问题通常出现在涉及类似于导出excel文件、json文件时。在初始化 Kettle 情况之前指明相关插件的绝对路径(相关插件通常在Kettle本地解压文件夹中的plugins目录下),新增以下代码: