Body 部分是对本次 commit 的详细描述,可以分多行。
Body 部分应该说明代码变动的动机,以及与以前行为的对比。
More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to
about 72 characters or so.
Further paragraphs come after blank lines.
- Bullet points are okay, too
- Use a hanging indent
Footer 部分主要用于两种情况:不兼容变动和处理 Issue。
如果当前代码与上一个版本不兼容,则 Footer 部分以 BREAKING CHANGE: 开头,后面就是对变动的描述、以及变动理由和迁移方法。
[code]BREAKING CHANGE: Previously, $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled was set to true by default. This means bindings were pre-assigned in component constructors. In Angular 1.5+ the place to put the initialization logic relying on bindings being present is the controller $onInit method.To migrate follow the example below:Before:```jsangular.module('myApp', []) .component('myComponent', { bindings: {value: '