Note: The SID identifies the instance's shared memory on a host, but may not uniquely distinguish this instance from other instances.实例的SID
ORACLE_SID is used to distinguish this instance from other Oracle Database instances that you may create later and run concurrently on the same host computer. The maximum number of characters for ORACLE_SID is 12, and only letters and numeric digits are permitted. On some platforms, the SID is case-sensitive.INSTANCE_NAME与ORACLE_SID默认情况下是相同的。其实ORACLE_SID与INSTANCE_NAME本来没有什么关系。当操作系统与数据库交互时,用的是ORACLE_SID,而当外部连接于数据库进行交互时用的是INSTANCE_NAME。当同一台服务器安装了多个数据库时,操作系统利用ORACLE_SID来区分不同实例的进程,而当我们与这台服务器的不同的数据库进行连接时,用INSTANCE_NAME来决定具体连接哪个数据库:在监听器动态注册时还会用于向监听器注册
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