ParameterDescriptiondbtypeMust be the string postgishostMachine name or IP address to connect toportPort number to connect to, default 5432schemaThe database schema to accessdatabaseThe database to connect touserUser namepasswdPasswordloose bboxFlag controlling loose bbox comparisons, default is truepreparedStatementsFlag controlling whether prepared statements are used, default is falseencode functionsFlag controlling if some common functions can be encoded into their SQL equivalent连接池参数
ParameterDescriptionmax connectionsMaximum number of connection the pool will hold at any time, default is 10min connectionsMinimum number of connection the pool will hold at any time, default is 1connection timeoutMaximum number of second the pool will wait when trying to obtain a connection, default is 20 secondsvalidate connectionsFlag controlling if the pool should validate connections when a new connection is obtainedMax open prepared statementsMaximum number of prepared statements kept open and cached for each connection in the pool. Set to 0 to have unbounded caching, -1 to disableTest while idlePeriodically test if the connections are still valid also while idle in the poolTime between evictor runsNumber of seconds between idle object evictor runs. The default value is 300 seconds.Min evictable timeNumber of seconds a connection needs to stay idle before the evictor starts to consider closing itEvictor tests per runNumber of connections checked by the idle connection evictor for each of its runs. The default value is 3 connections.过滤器-Filter