There are four buffered stream classes used to wrap unbuffered streams: BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream create buffered byte streams, while BufferedReader and BufferedWriter create buffered character streams.所以被包装流包装过的流都是使用缓冲区的;
——JAVA Documentation:Basic I/O
flush() :To flush output stream, use void flush() method of DataOutputStream class. This method internally calls flush() method of underlying OutputStream class which forces any buffered output bytes to be written in the stream.
Flushing Buffered Streams
It often makes sense to write out a buffer at critical points, without waiting for it to fill. This is known as flushing the buffer.
Some buffered output classes support autoflush, specified by an optional constructor argument. When autoflush is enabled, certain key events cause the buffer to be flushed. For example, an autoflush PrintWriter object flushes the buffer on every invocation of println or format. See Formatting for more on these methods.
To flush a stream manually, invoke its flush method. The flush method is valid on any output stream, but has no effect unless the stream is buffered
——JAVA Documentation:Basic I/O
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