InnoDB has a maximum index length of 767 bytes for tables that use COMPACT or REDUNDANT row format, so for utf8mb3 or utf8mb4 columns, you can index a maximum of 255 or 191 characters, respectively. If you currently have utf8mb3 columns with indexes longer than 191 characters, you must index a smaller number of characters.
In an InnoDB table that uses COMPACT or REDUNDANT row format, these column and index definitions are legal:
col1 VARCHAR(500) CHARACTER SET utf8, INDEX (col1(255))
To use utf8mb4 instead, the index must be smaller:大概意思就是InnoDB最大索引长度为 767 字节数,用的编码是utf8mb4,则可以存储191个字符(767/4 约等于 191),编码字段长度超出最大索引长度后MySQL 默认在普通索引追加了191
col1 VARCHAR(500) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4, INDEX (col1(191))
CRC全称为Cyclic Redundancy Check,又叫循环冗余校验。加一个name_crc32列,创建这个列的所有,索引空间小很多,利用整型加速查询
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