这两条SQL除过滤条件中的常量不同外,其他全部相同,由此生成的解析树拓扑完全相同,因此Unique SQL ID相同。Unique SQL ID的计算只会忽略常数值,而不会忽略其他差异,SQL语句“select * from t2 where id = 1;”与上述两个SQL的Unique SQL ID就不相同。
ERROR: The query is in the blocklist and cannot be run, unique_sql_id(4066836196).
HINT: If you want to run the query later, confirm the reason why the query is blocklisted and remove the query from the blocklist after resolving the problem.
ERROR: The query is in the blocklist and cannot be run, unique_sql_id(2307078791).
HINT: If you want to run the query later, confirm the reason why the query is blocklisted and remove the query from the blocklist after resolving the problem.