Server 官方手册,有类似一段话
SHOW GRANTS does not display privileges that are available to the named account but are granted to a different account. For example, if an anonymous account exists, the named account might be able to use its privileges, but SHOW GRANTS does not display them.概括如下:
In Oracle MySQL SHOW GRANTS displays only the privileges granted explicitly to the named account. Other privileges might be available to the account, but they are not displayed. For example, if an anonymous account exists, the named account might be able to use its privileges, but SHOW GRANTS will not display them. Percona Server for MySQL offers the SHOW EFFECTIVE GRANTS command to display all the effectively available privileges to the account, including those granted to a different account.
user 表只有 user1@'172.%',db 表只有 user1@'%',对应算两个用户。
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