TASK 1直接curl探测一下就行
When visiting the web service using the IP address, what is the domain that we are being redirected to?复制代码
- unika.htb
TASK 2直接使用wappalyzer插件即可
Which scripting language is being used on the server to generate webpages?复制代码
TASK 3查看网页源代码:
What is the name of the URL parameter which is used to load different language versions of the webpage?复制代码
- page
TASK 4这里熟悉文件包含漏洞(FI)师傅能直接get到点:
Which of the following values for the page parameter would be an example of exploiting a Local File Include (LFI) vulnerability: "french.html", "//", "../../../../../../../../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts", "minikatz.exe"复制代码
- ../../../../../../../../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
TASK 5这里和上一问同理
Which of the following values for the page parameter would be an example of exploiting a Remote File Include (RFI) vulnerability: "french.html", "//", "../../../../../../../../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts", "minikatz.exe"复制代码
- //
TASK 6查阅Wiki百科就行(可以往下深入了解,这是内网的开始......[img=720,203.33333333333334]https://m-1254331109.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/202308161349030.png[/img]
What does NTLM stand for?复制代码
- NT (New Technology) LAN Manager (NTLM)
TASK 7通过上面的帮助文档可以知道
Which flag do we use in the Responder utility to specify the network interface?复制代码
- -I
TASK 8也是查阅Wiki百科即可
There are several tools that take a NetNTLMv2 challenge/response and try millions of passwords to see if any of them generate the same response. One such tool is often referred to as john, but the full name is what?.复制代码
- John the Ripper
What is the password for the administrator user?复制代码
- badminton
TASK 10使用nmap进行一个开放端口探测即可:
We'll use a Windows service (i.e. running on the box) to remotely access the Responder machine using the password we recovered. What port TCP does it listen on?复制代码
- 5985
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