Synchronization Number formats are generally not synchronized. It is recommended to create separate format instances for each thread. If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.从 SimpleDateFormat 的 Java Doc 中能看到如下描述:
Synchronization Date formats are not synchronized. It is recommended to create separate format instances for each thread. If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.修复方案一:加锁(不推荐)
FastDateFormat is a fast and thread-safe version ofSimpleDateFormat. To obtain an instance of FastDateFormat, use one of the static factory methods:getInstance(String, TimeZone, Locale),getDateInstance(int, TimeZone, Locale),getTimeInstance(int, TimeZone, Locale), orgetDateTimeInstance(int, int, TimeZone, Locale) Since FastDateFormat is thread safe, you can use a static member instance: private static final FastDateFormat DATE_FORMATTER = FastDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(FastDateFormat.LONG, FastDateFormat.SHORT); This class can be used as a direct replacement toSimpleDateFormatin most formatting and parsing situations. This class is especially useful in multi-threaded server environments.SimpleDateFormatis not thread-safe in any JDK version, nor will it be as Sun have closed the bug/RFE. All patterns are compatible with SimpleDateFormat (except time zones and some year patterns - see below).该修复方案相对来说代码改造最小,仅需在声明静态 SimpleDateFormat 实例代码处将 SimpleDateFormat 实例替换为 FastDateFormat 实例,示例代码如下:
作者:京东物流 刘建设 张九龙 田爽
来源:京东云开发者社区 自猿其说Tech 转载请注明来源
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