Prevent automatic statistic gathering where this may otherwise produce poor plans. As such it is most useful for volatile tables whose data changes frequently and for whom poor plans may be generated with certain data sets.注:什么是Volatile Tables呢?官方解释:Volatile tables are being deleted or truncated, and then rebuilt during the day. 还有一种解释指:Volatile Tables 是指变化比较大的表,即频繁进行Insert、Delete、Update 多种操作的表。
When you set the statistics of a volatile object to null, Oracle Database dynamically gathers the necessary statistics during optimization using dynamic statistics. The OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING initialization parameter controls this feature.
This is useful when you wish to use dynamic sampling on a volatile table.You may also lock statistics on a volatile table at a point when it is fully populated, so that the table statistics are more representative of the table population, so as to use those statistics to generate plans, whatever happens to the table data.统计信息锁定
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