In classic Python, the rule is given by the following recursive function, also known as the left-to-right depth-first rule.
def classic_lookup(cls, name):
if cls.__dict__.has_key(name):
return cls.__dict__[name]
for base in cls.__bases__:
return classic_lookup(base, name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError, name
The problem with this becomes apparent when we consider a "diamond diagram":
class A:
^ ^ def save(self): ...
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
class B class C:
^ ^ def save(self): ...
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
class D
Arrows point from a subtype to its base type(s). This particular diagram means B and C derive from A, and D derives from B and C (and hence also, indirectly, from A).
Assume that C overrides the method save(), which is defined in the base A. ( probably calls and then saves some of its own state.) B and D don't override save(). When we invoke save() on a D instance, which method is called? According to the classic lookup rule, is called, ignoring!
This is not good. It probably breaks C (its state doesn't get saved), defeating the whole purpose of inheriting from C in the first place.
Why was this not a problem in classic Python? Diamond diagrams are rarely found in classic Python class hierarchies. Most class hierarchies use single inheritance, and multiple inheritance is usually confined to mix-in classes. In fact, the problem shown here is probably the reason why multiple inheritance is unpopular in classic Python.
Why will this be a problem in the new system? The 'object' type at the top of the type hierarchy defines a number of methods that can usefully be extended by subtypes, for example __getattr__().
(Aside: in classic Python, the __getattr__() method is not really the implementation for the get-attribute operation; it is a hook that only gets invoked when an attribute cannot be found by normal means. This has often been cited as a shortcoming -- some class designs have a legitimate need for a __getattr__() method that gets called for all attribute references. But then of course this method has to be able to invoke the default implementation directly. The most natural way is to make the default implementation available as object.__getattr__(self, name).)
Thus, a classic class hierarchy like this:
class B class C:
^ ^ def __getattr__(self, name): ...
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
class D
will change into a diamond diagram under the new system:
^ ^ __getattr__()
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
class B class C:
^ ^ def __getattr__(self, name): ...
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
class D
and while in the original diagram C.__getattr__() is invoked, under the new system with the classic lookup rule, object.__getattr__() would be invoked!
Fortunately, there's a lookup rule that's better. It's a bit difficult to explain, but it does the right thing in the diamond diagram, and it is the same as the classic lookup rule when there are no diamonds in the inheritance graph (when it is a tree).