Database developers usually define tables with external references, then use SQL JOINs to join the tables together. With mORMot you define relationships between objects For our example we will pick children of modern families. Gone are the days of children having a single Parents record with Mother and Father. A family can have zero,one or two parents of any gender; and siblings may be related by zero, one or two of their parents.
IMPORTANT: Mormot does not normally download sub-tables. Rather, it just loads the TID of the specified sub-table. Likewise, when you save a table, you save the TID of the sub-table. Like all good rules, there are exceptions. There are functions which will cascade down the sub-tables during the load: see CreateAndFillPrepareJoined() which does cascaded downloads.
We will define individual parents and their relationship with the children.
kid := TSQLkids.CreateAndFillPrepare(Database, 'SELECT k.* FROM kids k JOIN parents p1 ON JOIN parents p2 ON WHERE k.kid_name LIKE ?', [], [wildcard]);