en: FC runs script, To use this template, you must first <a href='https://help.aliyun.com/zh/functioncompute/getting-started/quickly-create-a-function#p-t79-y7o-68z' target="_blank">activate the function computing service< /a>
en: The directory where files are stored in the OSS Bucket. / is used to split the path and quickly create subdirectories. However, do not start with / and do not appear consecutive / s.
en: The Function Compute platform will use this RAM role to generate a temporary key for accessing your Alibaba Cloud resources and pass it to your code. For details, please see <a href="https://help.aliyun.com/zh/functioncompute/user-guide/grant-function-compute-permissions-to-access-other-alibaba-cloud-services" target="_blank ">Grant Function Compute permissions to access other cloud services</a>