由于企业希望团队能够以更少的资源实现更多的目标,同时还要进行扩展以满足客户需求,因此团队和资源很容易不堪重负。在本讲座中,您将了解像 NU 如许的企业如何利用由 Spot by NetApp 解决方案提供支持的云自动化,不但优化了本钱并将团队从无差别的任务中解放出来,同时缩短了产品上市时间并加快应用服务的交付。了解 NU 如安在提高生产力的同时降低运营本钱并消除性能瓶颈,支持其成长为拉丁美洲最大的金融机构之一。本演讲由亚马逊云科技合作伙伴 Spot by NetApp 为您带来。
本次会议由来自NetApp旗下Spot的演讲者开启,欢迎观众参加在拉斯维加斯举行的亚马逊云科技re:Invent2022的第一天。他指出,在主演讲之前开始分组讨论会是不寻常的,但对与会者努力准时参加会议表示感谢。演讲者介绍了Nu Bank这个巴西数字银行如何通过自动化云操作加速上市时间的话题。他提到,Nu Bank的工程总监Vitor Montero将很快参加他,以提供客户视角,讲述他们如安在亚马逊云科技云中扩展和运营。
Spot by NetApp解决方案与客户的Kubernetes集群、云计费系统和其他工具完全集成,实现了与运营环境的完善融合。它不但提供建议,还会自主执行操作并以实际行动为客户负责。例如,它可以根据需求自动购买亚马逊云科技的储备操持,并根据分析结果调解集群大小。优化过程必须是持续的,而不但仅是定期进行手动审查。
别的,发言人还强调了Spot by NetApp在可观察性和自动化方面的上风。要实现这些上风,必要强盛的监控工具来深入分析基础设施利用环境。通过这些洞察,可以驱动基于新数据的自动化改进。开源软件也在此过程中发挥紧张作用,但必要经心规划的支持计谋。Spot by NetApp为专注于数据的开源软件(如Kafka、Cassandra和Elasticsearch)提供全管理服务,以帮助客户充实利用这些工具的上风。
Victor解释道,Nu银行建立了一种专注于为内部产品团队提供平台和工具的站点可靠性工程文化。In 2018,they began exploring Amazon Web Services' Spot instances through the Spot by NetApp solution,aiming to optimize public cloud expenditures. Since then,Nu bank has continued to mature its journey in cloud optimization,dispersing responsibilities and achieving finer-grained visibility and control.
When it comes to key challenges,Victor notes that Nu bank initially struggled with determining the optimal instance type for delay-sensitive workloads. Certain services on Spot instances would unexpectedly behave when Amazon Web Services recaptured capacity. They have closely collaborated with Spot by NetApp to develop custom features for their unique needs.
Another concern is the latency-sensitive applications due to Amazon Web Services node recycling potentially triggering delays beyond the allowed threshold. For example,Kafka requires queue rebalancing after Spot termination,causing delays in real-time payments. Spot by NetApp helps address this issue by allowing workloads to be split into different instance pools.
Lastly,Victor mentions the anxiety around handling Spot market price fluctuations and availability issues. However,during high-demand periods(such as Black Friday),automatic backup mechanisms have proven robust. Despite Spot price fluctuations,capacity remains stable with an automatic scaling function.
Several optimizations achieved by Nu bank in collaboration with Spot by NetApp include:
Grouping virtual nodes based on workload demand,differentiating Spot instances from on-demand instances
Gradually scaling Spot instances to 80% utilization for suitable services,up from 10-20% at the beginning of 2018
Enabling enhanced flexibility during Amazon Web Services recovery of Spot capacity by setting up multiple standby instance types
Improving the Spot Ocean SDK via an API-driven automation approach at Nu bank
Through its collaboration with Spot by NetApp,Nu bank has achieved an average of 6% savings in Amazon Web Services computing costs. Additional benefits include releasing on-demand capacity for the most critical applications and smoothing usage during peak events(such as online sales surges on Black Friday).
To conclude,Victor emphasizes the future focus areas at Nu bank:continuing to disperse responsibilities,matching services with the best instance types,and maximizing automation. He thanks the audience and turns the session back over to the presenter.
NetApp Spot演讲者通过总结Vitor关于降服Spot云基础设施优化平台规模停滞的见解丰富的演讲来竣事了这次会议。他强调了Nu Bank令人瞩目的规模,如今已服务于凌驾90万客户并产生了巨大的交易量。在这个层面上进行优化必要供应商与客户之间真正的合作伙伴关系。
总的来说,本次会议探讨了如何像NetApp Spot如许的专为云盘算基础设施自动化和分析而设计的解决方案可以带来明显的价值。从手动评估迁移到持续的数据驱动优化对大型企业至关紧张,尤其是针对大规模复杂的分布式系统。在保持监控的同时优先思量提高开辟者生产力是一个玄妙的平衡。专业化的解决方案使构造能够在控制本钱的同时安稳地扩展。 下面是一些演讲现场的出色瞬间: