标题: Spring之MultipartFile传送文件示例分享 [打印本页] 作者: 钜形不锈钢水箱 时间: 2022-6-23 14:25 标题: Spring之MultipartFile传送文件示例分享 Spring简介:
Spring框架是一个开放源代码的J2EE应用程序框架,由Rod Johnson发起,是针对bean的生命周期进行管理的轻量级容器(lightweight container)。 Spring解决了开发者在J2EE开发中遇到的许多常见的问题,提供了功能强大IOC、AOP及Web MVC等功能。Spring可以单独应用于构筑应用程序,也可以和Struts、Webwork、Tapestry等众多Web框架组合使用,并且可以与 Swing等桌面应用程序AP组合。因此, Spring不仅仅能应用于J2EE应用程序之中,也可以应用于桌面应用程序以及小应用程序之中。Spring框架主要由七部分组成,分别是 Spring Core、 Spring AOP、 Spring ORM、 Spring DAO、Spring Context、 Spring Web和 Spring Web MVC。
public interface MultipartFile {
* Return the name of the parameter in the multipart form.
* @return the name of the parameter (never {@code null} or empty)
String getName();
* Return the original filename in the client's filesystem.
* <p>This may contain path information depending on the browser used,
* but it typically will not with any other than Opera.
* @return the original filename, or the empty String if no file
* has been chosen in the multipart form, or {@code null}
* if not defined or not available
String getOriginalFilename();
* Return the content type of the file.
* @return the content type, or {@code null} if not defined
* (or no file has been chosen in the multipart form)
String getContentType();
* Return whether the uploaded file is empty, that is, either no file has
* been chosen in the multipart form or the chosen file has no content.
boolean isEmpty();
* Return the size of the file in bytes.
* @return the size of the file, or 0 if empty
long getSize();
* Return the contents of the file as an array of bytes.
* @return the contents of the file as bytes, or an empty byte array if empty
* @throws IOException in case of access errors (if the temporary store fails)
byte[] getBytes() throws IOException;
* Return an InputStream to read the contents of the file from.
* The user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @return the contents of the file as stream, or an empty stream if empty
* @throws IOException in case of access errors (if the temporary store fails)
InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
* Transfer the received file to the given destination file.
* <p>This may either move the file in the filesystem, copy the file in the
* filesystem, or save memory-held contents to the destination file.
* If the destination file already exists, it will be deleted first.
* <p>If the file has been moved in the filesystem, this operation cannot
* be invoked again. Therefore, call this method just once to be able to
* work with any storage mechanism.
* @param dest the destination file
* @throws IOException in case of reading or writing errors
* @throws IllegalStateException if the file has already been moved
* in the filesystem and is not available anymore for another transfer