Defined in header < memory >
template< class T > class enable_shared_from_this; (since C++11)
std::enable_shared_from_this allows an object t that is currently managed by a std::shared_ptr named pt to safely generate additional std::shared_ptr instances pt1, pt2, ... that all share ownership of t with pt.简单来说就是,继承自 std::enable_shared_from_this 的类可以或许在其自身实例中通过 std::shared_from_this 方法创建一个指向自己的 std::shared_ptr 智能指针。
Publicly inheriting from std::enable_shared_from_this provides the type T with a member function shared_from_this. If an object t of type T is managed by a std::shared_ptr named pt, then calling T::shared_from_this will return a new std::shared_ptr that shares ownership of t with pt.
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