ap auth-mode命令缺省情况下为MAC认证,如果之前没有修改其缺省配置,可以不用执行ap auth-mode mac-auth。
[AC] wlan
[AC-wlan-view] ap auth-mode mac-auth
[AC-wlan-view] ap-id 0 ap-mac 60de-4476-e360
[AC-wlan-ap-0] ap-name room_1
Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. Continue? [Y/N]:y
[AC-wlan-ap-0] ap-group ap-group1
Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. If the country code changes, it will clear channel, power and antenna gain configuration s of the radio, Whether to continue? [Y/N]:y
[AC-wlan-ap-0] quit
[AC-wlan-view] ap-id 1 ap-mac 60de-4476-e460
[AC-wlan-ap-1] ap-name door_1
Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. Continue? [Y/N]:y
[AC-wlan-ap-1] ap-group ap-group1
Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. If the country code changes, it will clear channel, power and antenna gain configuration s of the radio, Whether to continue? [Y/N]:y
[AC-wlan-ap-1] quit
[AC-wlan-view] ap-id 2 ap-mac 60de-4476-e560
[AC-wlan-ap-2] ap-name door_2
Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. Continue? [Y/N]:y
[AC-wlan-ap-2] ap-group ap-group1
Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. If the country code changes, it will clear channel, power and antenna gain configuration s of the radio, Whether to continue? [Y/N]:y
[AC-wlan-ap-2] quit
# 将AP上电后,当执行命令display ap all查看到AP的“State”字段为“nor”时,表示AP正常上线。