Space Cell[/td]< 1 year1-2 years3-6 years6-10 years> 10 years[/tr][tr] Software testing [td] Software testing: < 1 year | Software testing: 1-2 years | Software testing: 3-6 years | Software testing: 6-10 years | Software testing: > 10 years | JavaScript: 1-2 years | JavaScript: 3-6 years | JavaScript: 6-10 years | JavaScript: > 10 years |
Space Cell[/td]test case namewhat the bug is[/tr][tr] Bug1 [td] Bug1: test case name | Bug1: what the bug is | Bug2: what the bug is | [tr] Bug3 [td] Bug3: test case nameBug3: what the bug is | [tr] Bug4 [td] Bug4: test case nameBug4: what the bug is | [tr] Bug5 [td] Bug5: test case nameBug5: what the bug is |
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