if (obj != null && obj is UnityEngine.Object && ((obj as UnityEngine.Object) == null))
//throw new UnityEngine.MissingReferenceException("The object of type '"+ obj.GetType().Name +"' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.");
<%ForEachCsList(methods, function(method) if not method.IsStatic then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.METHOD_IDX, "<%=method.Name%>", _m_<%=method.Name%>);
<% end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(events, function(event) if not event.IsStatic then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.METHOD_IDX, "<%=event.Name%>", _e_<%=event.Name%>);
<% end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(getters, function(getter) if not getter.IsStatic then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.GETTER_IDX, "<%=getter.Name%>", _g_get_<%=getter.Name%>);
<%end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(setters, function(setter) if not setter.IsStatic then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.SETTER_IDX, "<%=setter.Name%>", _s_set_<%=setter.Name%>);
<%end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(lazymembers, function(lazymember) if lazymember.IsStatic == 'false' then %>Utils.RegisterLazyFunc(L, Utils.<%=lazymember.Index%>, "<%=lazymember.Name%>", type, <%=lazymember.MemberType%>, <%=lazymember.IsStatic%>);
<%end end)%>
Utils.EndObjectRegister(type, L, translator, <% if type.IsArray or ((indexers.Count or 0) > 0) then %>__CSIndexer<%else%>null<%end%>, <%if type.IsArray or ((newindexers.Count or 0) > 0) then%>__NewIndexer<%else%>null<%end%>,
<%ForEachCsList(methods, function(method) if method.IsStatic then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.CLS_IDX, "<%=method.Overloads[0].Name%>", _m_<%=method.Name%>);
<% end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(events, function(event) if event.IsStatic then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.CLS_IDX, "<%=event.Name%>", _e_<%=event.Name%>);
<% end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(getters, function(getter) if getter.IsStatic and getter.ReadOnly then %>Utils.RegisterObject(L, translator, Utils.CLS_IDX, "<%=getter.Name%>", <%=CsFullTypeName(type).."."..getter.Name%>);
<%end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(getters, function(getter) if getter.IsStatic and (not getter.ReadOnly) then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.CLS_GETTER_IDX, "<%=getter.Name%>", _g_get_<%=getter.Name%>);
<%end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(setters, function(setter) if setter.IsStatic then %>Utils.RegisterFunc(L, Utils.CLS_SETTER_IDX, "<%=setter.Name%>", _s_set_<%=setter.Name%>);
<%end end)%>
<%ForEachCsList(lazymembers, function(lazymember) if lazymember.IsStatic == 'true' then %>Utils.RegisterLazyFunc(L, Utils.<%=lazymember.Index%>, "<%=lazymember.Name%>", type, <%=lazymember.MemberType%>, <%=lazymember.IsStatic%>);
local in_num = CalcCsList(parameters, function(p) return not (p.IsOut and p.ParameterType.IsByRef) end)
local out_num = CalcCsList(parameters, function(p) return p.IsOut or p.ParameterType.IsByRef end)
local real_param_count = param_count - def_count
local has_v_params = param_count > 0 and IsParams(parameters[param_count - 1])
local in_pos = 0
%>if(LuaAPI.lua_gettop(L) <%=has_v_params and ">=" or "=="%> <%=in_num + 1 - def_count - (has_v_params and 1 or 0)%><%ForEachCsList(parameters, function(parameter, pi)
if pi >= real_param_count then return end
local parameterType = parameter.ParameterType
if has_v_params and pi == param_count - 1 then parameterType = parameterType:GetElementType() end
if not (parameter.IsOut and parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef) then in_pos = in_pos + 1
%> && <%=GetCheckStatement(parameterType, in_pos+1, has_v_params and pi == param_count - 1)%><%
%><%=GetCasterStatement(parameter.ParameterType, pi+2, LocalName(parameter.Name), true, has_v_params and pi == param_count - 1)%>;
var gen_ret = new <%=CsFullTypeName(type)%>(<%ForEachCsList(parameters, function(parameter, pi) if pi >= real_param_count then return end; if pi ~=0 then %><%=', '%><% end ;if parameter.IsOut and parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef then %>out <% elseif parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef and not parameter.IsIn then %>ref <% end %><%=LocalName(parameter.Name)%><% end)%>);
<%=GetPushStatement(type, "gen_ret")%>;
<%local in_pos = 0
ForEachCsList(parameters, function(parameter, pi)
if pi >= real_param_count then return end
if not (parameter.IsOut and parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef) then
if pi ~= 0 then %>, <% end; if parameter.IsOut and parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef then %>out <% elseif parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef and not parameter.IsIn then %>ref <% end %><%=LocalName(parameter.Name)%><% end) %> );
if type.IsArray or ((indexers.Count or 0) > 0) then
table.insert(__text_gen, "\r\n [MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute(typeof(LuaCSFunction))]\r\n public static int __CSIndexer(RealStatePtr L)\r\n {\r\n\t\t\t")
if type.IsArray or ((newindexers.Count or 0) > 0) then
table.insert(__text_gen, "\r\n [MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute(typeof(LuaCSFunction))]\r\n public static int __NewIndexer(RealStatePtr L)\r\n {\r\n\t\t\t")
table.insert(__text_gen, "\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\tcatch(System.Exception gen_e) {\r\n\t\t\t\treturn LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to right hand of ")