特别强调:本文仅代表我个人现阶段的粗浅认知,本文观点不代表思码逸公司也不代表 DevStream 团队。二、记忆
DevOps is a set of practices, tools, and a cultural philosophy that automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams. It emphasizes team empowerment, cross-team communication and collaboration, and technology automation.我尝试翻译一下:DevOps 是一系列实践、工具和一个融合开发及 IT 团队的文化理念。DevOps 强调赋能团队、跨团队沟通与协作以及技术自动化。
DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users.DevOps 是人、过程和产品的结合,使能持续地向终端用户交付价值。
Typically, the goal for Development is to deliver more features faster, and the goal of Operations is to achieve better system stability. DevOps aligns these disciplines by using a framework of best practices proven to increase speed to market while improving system stability.多数情况下,开发的目标是快速发布更多的新特性,而运维的目标是保证更高的系统可用性。DevOps 通过切实可行的最佳实践体系来拉齐这两个目标,在提升系统稳定性的同时加速产品交付到市场的速度。
What is new? Continuous Everything. The process is a journey and requires a growth mindset to continually evolve and improve.“Continuous Everything”,铿锵有力!微软强调 DevOps 过程是一段没有终点的旅途,要求我们抱着成长的观念模式,持续地改进,永不满足。
DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity.DevOps 是文化理念、实践和工具等的组合,能够提升一个组织快速交付应用和服务的能力。
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