
标题: GEE数据集——全球SWOT 河流数据库(SWORD)河流水面高程、宽度和坡度丈量 [打印本页]

作者: 立聪堂德州十三局店    时间: 2024-8-1 15:38
标题: GEE数据集——全球SWOT 河流数据库(SWORD)河流水面高程、宽度和坡度丈量
地表水和海洋地形(SWOT)卫星使命于 2022 年 12 月乐成发射,通过提供大量的河流水面高程、宽度和坡度丈量数据集,彻底改变了我们观测河流的本事。为了最大限度地提高这些数据的实用性和灵活性,SWOT 使命提供了各种数据产物,包括每个 SWOT 立交桥的 shapefile 格式河流矢量数据。这些矢量产物为河流体系的多时分析提供了巨大的潜力,使研究职员能够跟踪河流特征随时间的变化。
为了能够举行此类分析,在 SWOT 启动之前定义一致的河流河段和节点至关重要。这可确保来自差别河段的数据能够正确分配和比较。SWOT 河流数据库(SWORD)将与河流和卫星观测有关的多个全球数据集联合在一起,从而发挥了这一关键作用。SWORD 以 shapefile 和 netCDF 两种格式提供了高分辨率河流节点(沿河流中心线每 200 米隔断)和河段(约 10 公里的河段)的标准化框架。这些节点和河段附有一系列相关的水文变量,如水面高程、宽度、坡度以及河流障碍物、流量累积等信息。这个全面的数据集涵盖了全球 30 米宽及以上的河流,使研究职员能够对河流体系举行深入分析,并充分利用 SWOT 数据的潜力。
SWORD 整合了多个现有全球水文地理数据集的数据,包括全球陆地卫星河宽(GRWL)、MERIT Hydro、HydroBASINS 和全球河流阻塞数据库(GROD)。它为每个节点和河段提供了丰富的属性,如
水文模型:各种分泌量估算模型(如 MetroMan、BAM、HiVDI)的参数及相关不确定性。
SWOT 观测信息:在 21 天的轨道周期内,SWOT 经过的次数以及与每个河段交汇的具体轨道轨迹。

AttributeDescriptionUnitsxLongitude of each node ranging from 180°E to 180°Wdecimal degreesyLatitude of each node, ranging from 90°S to 90°Ndecimal degreesnode_idUnique identifier for each node, formatted as: CBBBBBRRRRNNNT (C: Continent, B: Pfafstetter basin codes, R: Reach ID, N: Node ID within reach, T: Type)nonenode_lengthLength of the node measured along the high-resolution centerline pointsmetersreach_idID of the reach associated with each node, formatted as: CBBBBBRRRRT (C: Continent, B: Pfafstetter basin codes, R: Reach ID, T: Type)nonewseAverage water surface elevation of the nodemeterswse_varVariance of water surface elevation along the high-resolution centerline points used to calculate the average water surface elevation for each nodemeters^2widthAverage width of the nodemeterswidth_varVariance of width along the high-resolution centerline points used to calculate the average width for each nodemeters^2n_chan_maxMaximum number of channels observed within the nodenonen_chan_modMode (most frequent) number of channels observed within the nodenoneobstr_typeType of obstruction at the node based on GROD and HydroFALLS databases: 0 - No Dam, 1 - Dam, 2 - Lock, 3 - Low Permeable Dam, 4 - Waterfallnonegrod_idUnique GROD ID for nodes with obstr_type values 1-3nonehfalls_idUnique HydroFALLS ID for nodes with obstr_type value 4nonedist_outDistance from the river outlet to the nodemeterstypeNode type identifier: 1 - River, 3 - Lake on river, 4 - Dam/waterfall, 5 - Unreliable topology, 6 - Ghost nodenonefaccMaximum flow accumulation value for the nodekilometers^2lakeflagGRWL water body identifier: 0 - River, 1 - Lake/reservoir, 2 - Canal, 3 - Tidally influenced rivernonemax_widthMaximum width across the channel for the node, including islands and barsmetersriver_nameAll river names associated with the node (separated by semicolons if multiple)nonesinuosityRatio of total reach length to the straight-line distance between reach endpoints, indicating the degree of meanderingnonemeand_lenAverage length of meanders the node belongs tometersmanual_addBinary flag indicating if the node was manually added to GRWL centerlines (1) or not (0)nonetrib_flagBinary flag indicating if a large tributary not in SWORD enters the node (1) or not (0)none AttributeDescriptionUnitsxLongitude of the reach center point (ranging from 180°E to 180°W)decimal degreesyLatitude of the reach center point (ranging from 90°S to 90°N)decimal degreesreach_idUnique identifier for each reach, formatted as: CBBBBBRRRRT (C: Continent, B: Pfafstetter basin codes, R: Reach ID, T: Type)nonereach_lengthLength of the reach measured along the high-resolution centerline pointsmeterswseAverage water surface elevation of the reachmeterswse_varVariance of water surface elevation along the high-resolution centerline points used to calculate the average water surface elevation for each reachmeters^2widthAverage width of the reachmeterswidth_varVariance of width along the high-resolution centerline points used to calculate the average width for each reachmeters^2n_nodesNumber of nodes associated with the reachnonen_chan_maxMaximum number of channels observed within the reachnonen_chan_modMode (most frequent) number of channels observed within the reachnoneobstr_typeType of obstruction within the reach based on GROD and HydroFALLS databases: 0 - No Dam, 1 - Dam, 2 - Lock, 3 - Low Permeable Dam, 4 - Waterfallnonegrod_idUnique GROD ID for reaches with obstr_type values 1-3nonehfalls_idUnique HydroFALLS ID for reaches with obstr_type value 4noneslopeAverage slope of the reach calculated along the high-resolution centerline pointsm/kmdist_outDistance from the river outlet to the reachmetersn_rch_upNumber of upstream reaches connected to this reachnonen_rch_downNumber of downstream reaches connected to this reachnonerch_id_upIDs of the upstream reaches connected to this reachnonerch_id_dnIDs of the downstream reaches connected to this reachnonelakeflagGRWL water body identifier: 0 - River, 1 - Lake/reservoir, 2 - Canal, 3 - Tidally influenced rivernonemax_widthMaximum width across the channel for the reach, including islands and barsmeterstypeReach type identifier: 1 - River, 3 - Lake on river, 4 - Dam/waterfall, 5 - Unreliable topology, 6 - Ghost reachnonefaccMaximum flow accumulation value for the reachkilometers^2swot_obsMaximum number of SWOT passes intersecting the reach during the 21-day orbit cyclenoneswot_orbitsList of SWOT orbit track numbers that intersect the reach during the 21-day cyclenoneriver_nameAll river names associated with the reach (separated by semicolons if multiple)nonetrib_flagBinary flag indicating if a large tributary not in SWORD enters the reach (1) or not (0)none 数据处置惩罚


Altenau et al., (2021) The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission River Database (SWORD): A Global River Network for Satellite Data
Products. Water Resources Research.

Elizabeth H. Altenau, Tamlin M. Pavelsky, Michael T. Durand, Xiao Yang, Renato P. d. M. Frasson, & Liam Bendezu. (2023). SWOT River Database (SWORD)
(Version v16) [Data set]. Zenodo.

  1. var nodes_merged = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/SWORD/nodes_merged");
  2. var reaches_merged = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/SWORD/reaches_merged");
  3. // Define different styles for each FeatureCollection
  4. var nodeStyle = {
  5.   color: 'red',
  6.   width: 2
  7. };
  8. var reachStyle = {
  9.   color: 'blue',
  10.   width: 1
  11. };
  12. // Add each FeatureCollection with its own style
  13. Map.addLayer(nodes_merged, nodeStyle, 'Nodes');
  14. Map.addLayer(reaches_merged, reachStyle, 'Reaches');

  1. var ee_nodes ="projects/sat-io/open-datasets/SWORD/nodes");
  2. var ee_reaches ="projects/sat-io/open-datasets/SWORD/reaches");
  3. print('Total of '+ee.List(ee_nodes.assets).size().getInfo()+ ' assets in nodes',ee_nodes.assets);
  4. print('Total of '+ee.List(ee_reaches.assets).size().getInfo()+ ' reaches in nodes',ee_reaches.assets);

The datasets are provided under a Creative Commons 4.0 International License.
Provided by: Altenau et al., (2021)
Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy
Keywords: SWORD,SWOT,Rivers,Hydrology,Hydrography,River Networks,Global
Last updated in GEE: 2024-04-12
Copyright © 2020 - 2024 Samapriya Roy



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