The online markdown editor with live preview. The source code of this application is [here](
from pywebio import start_server
from pywebio.input import *
from pywebio.output import *
from pywebio.session import defer_call, info as session_info, run_async
chat_msgs = [] # The chat message history. The item is (name, message content)
online_users = set()
def t(eng, chinese):
"""return English or Chinese text according to the user's browser language"""
return chinese if 'zh' in session_info.user_language else eng
async def refresh_msg(my_name):
"""send new message to current session"""
global chat_msgs
last_idx = len(chat_msgs)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
for m in chat_msgs[last_idx:]:
if m[0] != my_name: # only refresh message that not sent by current user
put_markdown('`%s`: %s' % m, sanitize=True, scope='msg-box')
You can chat with everyone currently online.
global chat_msgs
put_markdown(t("## PyWebIO chat room\nWelcome to the chat room, you can chat with all the people currently online. You can open this page in multiple tabs of your browser to simulate a multi-user environment. This application uses less than 90 lines of code, the source code is [here](", "## PyWebIO聊天室\n欢迎来到聊天室,你可以和当前所有在线的人聊天。你可以在浏览器的多个标签页中打开本页面来测试聊天效果。本应用使用不到90行代码实现,源代码[链接]("))
put_scrollable(put_scope('msg-box'), height=300, keep_bottom=True)
nickname = await input(t("Your nickname", "请输入你的昵称"), required=True, validate=lambda n: t('This name is already been used', '昵称已被使用') if n in online_users or n == '