Amazon OpenSearch Service 是一个亚马逊云科技托管的搜索和分析引擎,基于开源的 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 构建。OpenSearch Service 提供了强大的数据索引和搜索能力,适用于日志分析、实时应用监控和复杂数据分析等场景。
别的,OpenSearch Service 还支持向量化数据库功能。通过将嵌入的向量数据存储在 OpenSearch Service 中,开发者可以实现高效的相似性搜索和推荐系统。向量化数据库能够处理惩罚高维度的数据查询,特别适合必要处理惩罚天然语言处理惩罚(NLP)和图像识别等任务的应用。
print("retrieved relevant book per your query is : \n" + str(retrieved_documents))
one_shot_description_example = "{'book_summary': 'Tarzan tracks down a man who has been mistaken for him. The man is under the delusion that he is Tarzan, and he is living in a lost city inhabited by people descended from early Portuguese explorers. The plot devices of a lost city and a Tarzan double or impostor had been used by Burroughs in some previous Tarzan novels.', 'author': 'Edgar Rice Burroughs', 'title': 'Tarzan and the Madman', 'genre': 'Science fiction', 'pub_date': '1964'}"
one_shot_response_example = "It's a real page turning story about Tarzan and how a madman has been impersonating him. The author is Edgar Rice Burroughs and it's a science fiction book with adventure and lots of fun. It was published in the year 1964."
prompt = (
f" Make a book recommendation that is similar to the {original_question_on_book} The recommendation must include the title of the book, the author and genre: \n"