rocketmq-flinkRocketMQ integration for Apache Flink. This module includes the RocketMQ source and sink that allows a flink job to either write messages into a topic or read from topics in a flink job.项目地点:
在大数据处置处罚的天下里,Apache Flink 以其高性能的实时计算本领而广受赞誉,而 Apache RocketMQ 则是可靠的分布式消息中间件,两者结合能带来强大的数据处置处罚和集本钱领。这就是 RocketMQ-Flink 开源项目标魅力所在。
总结而言,RocketMQ-Flink 结合了 Flink 的强大流处置处罚本领和 RocketMQ 的稳固消息传递特性,为企业级实时应用提供了理想的数据基础架构。假如你正在探求一个高效、灵活且可靠的实时数据流解决方案,那么 RocketMQ-Flink 值得一试。现在就参加这个项目,释放你的数据潜力吧!
rocketmq-flinkRocketMQ integration for Apache Flink. This module includes the RocketMQ source and sink that allows a flink job to either write messages into a topic or read from topics in a flink job.项目地点: