insert into store_info values('Xuzhou',300,'2020-12-08'); #插入4条数据
insert into store_info values('Suqian',249,'2020-12-07');
insert into store_info values('Nanjing',1500,'2020-12-05');
insert into store_info values('Suzhou',700,'2020-12-08');
语法格式:select 字段1,字段2,... from 表名;
select * from location; #查询location表中的所有字段,*表示所有,如果不嫌麻烦,当然也可以将所有字段都输进去
select Region from location; #查询location表中的Region的数据
select sales,Date from store_info; #查询store_info表中的sales,Date字段的数据
语法格式:select distinct 字段名 from 表名;
select distinct Store_name from store_info; #查询dtore_info表中的Store_name字段的数据,如有重复,则只显示一个
语法格式:select 字段名 from 表名 where 条件语句;
select Store_name from store_info where sales=300; #查询store_info表中sales字段的值等于300的Store_name的数据
select Store_name from store_info where sales>500; #查询store_info表中sales字段的值大于500的Store_name的数据
----------------and or-------------------
语法格式:select 字段名 from 表名 where 条件1 and/or 条件2;
select Store_name from store_info where sales>250 and sales<1000; #查询store_info表中sales字段的值大于250,且小于1000的Store_name的数据
select Store_name from store_info where sales<250 or sales>1000; #查询store_info表中sales字段的值小于250,或者 大于1000的Store_name的数据
select Store_name from store_info where sales>1000 or (sales >200 and sales < 500); #括号的优先级高,所以先根据括号里的and条件语句进行筛选,然后再根据or进行筛选,最后查询最终筛选出来的数据;该语句先筛选出sales大于200且小于500的值,再使用or进行或的删选,最终筛选出来的结果应该是在200到500之间的值或者大于1000的值。
select Store_name from store_info where sales>1000 or sales >200 and sales < 500; #如果不加括号,and的优先级是比or要高的,也就是说,当一条条件语句中同时存在and和or(没有括号),会先执行and条件。
in用来显示已知值的数据,简单来说,in后面跟的是一个数据集合,查询语句会根据数据集合中的值进行筛选查询。not in 就是取数据集合中的反,不在数据集合中的数据。
语法格式:select 字段名1 from 表名 where 字段名2 in ('字段名2的值1','字段名2的值2,......');
select * from store_info where Store_name in ('Nanjing','Xuzhou'); #将Nanjing和Xuzhou的所有信息都查询出来。
上述语句等于:select * from store_info where Store_name='Nanjing' or Store_name='Xuzhou';
between 值1 and 值2 ,在值1与值2之间(值2 > 值1),该语句查询的是一个范围,包含值1和值2。其作用相在某一方面当于大于等于 ... and 小于等于 ... 。
语法格式:select 字段名 from 表名 where 字段名 between 值1 and 值2;
select * from store_info where Date between '2020-12-07' and '2020-12-10'; #查询store_info表中的Data的值在12-06与12-10之间的所有数据
select * from location left join store_info on location.Store_name=store_info.Store_name; #左连接
select * from location right join store_info on location.Store_name=store_info.Store_name; #右连接
select * from location inner join store_info on location.Store_name=store_info.Store_name; #内连接法1
SELECT * FROM location A, store_info B WHERE A.Store_Name = B.Store_Name; #内连接法2
SELECT Region REGION, SUM(B.Sales) SALES FROM location A, store_info B WHERE A.Store_Name = B.Store_Name GROUP BY Region; #查询两表中name值相等的Region的值和sales的和,并按照Region字段进行分组,REGION是字段Region的别名,SALES是sum(sales)的别名,A是表location的别名,B是info表的别名
select Store_name,count(A.Store_name) from (select Store_name from location union all select Store_name from store_info) A group by A.Store_name having count(A.Store_name)>1 ;
select distinct Store_name from location where Store_name not in (select Store_name from store_info);