
标题: C++内存模型实践探索 [打印本页]

作者: 鼠扑    时间: 2024-10-18 22:38
标题: C++内存模型实践探索

C++对象模型是个常见、且复杂的话题,本文基于Itanium C++ ABI通过程序实践介绍了几种 简单C++继承 场景下对象模型,尤其是存在虚函数的场景,并通过图的方式直观表达内存布局。
本文展示的程序构建情况为Ubuntu,glibc 2.24,gcc 6.3.0。由于clang和gcc编译器都是基于Itanium C++ ABI(详细信息参考gcc ABI policy),因此本文介绍的对象模型对clang编译的程序也基本实用。


  1. // Derive.h
  2. class Base_C
  3. {
  4. public:
  5.     Base_C();
  6.     virtual ~Base_C();
  7. private:
  8.     int baseC;
  9. };
  10. //
  11. Base_C::Base_C()
  12. {
  13. }
  14. Base_C::~Base_C()
  15. {
  16. }
  1. // g++ -O0 -std=c++11 -fdump-class-hierarchy Derive.h
  2. Vtable for Base_C
  3. Base_C::_ZTV6Base_C: 4u entries
  4. 0     (int (*)(...))0
  5. 8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Base_C)
  6. 16    (int (*)(...))Base_C::~Base_C
  7. 24    (int (*)(...))Base_C::~Base_C
  8. Class Base_C
  9.    size=16 align=8
  10.    base size=12 base align=8
  11. Base_C (0x0x7fb8e9185660) 0
  12.     vptr=((& Base_C::_ZTV6Base_C) + 16u)
留意看到表中虚析构函数有两个,这现实上是Itanium C++ ABI规定的:
  1. The entries for virtual destructors are <em><strong>actually pairs of entries</strong></em>.
  2. The first destructor, called the <strong>complete object destructor</strong>, performs the destruction without calling delete() on the object.
  3. The second destructor, called the <strong>deleting destructor</strong>, calls delete() after destroying the object.
  4. Both destroy any virtual bases; a separate, non-virtual function, called the base object destructor,
  5. performs destruction of the object but not its virtual base subobjects, and does not call delete().
虚析构函数在虚函数表中占用两条目,分别是complete object destructor和deleting destructor。

除了析构函数,虚函数表还有两个条目,紧靠析构函数的是typeinfo指针,指向范例信息对象(typeinfo object),用于运行时范例辨认(RTTI)。
第一个条目看起来可能比力生疏,是offset,该偏移存储了从当前虚表指针(vtable pointer)位置到对象顶部的位移。在ABI文档中这两个条目均有详细的介绍:
  1. // typeinfo指针
  2. The <strong>typeinfo</strong> pointer points to the typeinfo object used for RTTI. <em>It is always present</em>.
  3. All entries in each of the virtual tables for a given class must point to the same typeinfo object.
  4. A correct implementation of typeinfo equality is to check pointer equality, except for pointers (directly or indirectly) to incomplete types.
  5. The typeinfo pointer is a valid pointer for polymorphic classes, i.e. those with virtual functions, and is zero for non-polymorphic classes.
  1. // offset偏移
  2. The <strong>offset</strong> to top holds the displacement to the top of the object from the location within the object of the virtual table pointer that addresses this virtual table, as a ptrdiff_t. <em>It is always present</em>.
  3. The offset provides a way to find the top of the object from any base subobject with a virtual table pointer. This is necessary for dynamic_cast<void*> in particular.
  4. In a complete object virtual table, and therefore in all of its primary base virtual tables, the value of this offset will be zero.
  5. For the secondary virtual tables of other non-virtual bases, and of many virtual bases, it will be negative. Only in some construction virtual tables will some virtual base virtual tables have positive offsets,
  6. due to a different ordering of the virtual bases in the full object than in the subobject's standalone layout.
别的需要留意的是:vptr=((& Base_C::_ZTV6Base_C) + 16u),虽然虚函数表中有四个条目,但是vptr的指针现实上并不是指向表的起始位置,而是指向第一个虚函数的位置。




[code]// 此处省略类的实现部分class Base_C{public:    Base_C();    virtual ~Base_C();private:    int baseC;};class Base_D : public Base_C{public:    Base_D(int i);    virtual ~Base_D();    virtual void add(void) { cout

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