Name:改成你的英文名字,例如 Li Mingtian
Bio:I am Li Mingtian, a student in xxx university. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.
Company:Xxx University
Location:Xxx University 二、申请学生认证
1、You must secure your GitHub account by enabling 2FA and complete your billing information./Please secure your GitHub account with two-factor authentication. You may need to log out and log back in to GitHub before re-applying.
2、You are unlikely to be verified until you have completed your GitHub billing information with your full name exactly as it appears in your academic affiliation document. You do not have to add a payment method. You may need to log out and log back in to GitHub before re-applying.
3、Please select proof type 'Other' for this image.
这个问题是由于上传的质料范例选错了,如果页面有proof type选项的话选Other即可
可是笔者遇到一个问题,就是没有proof type这个选项。这个选项默认是Student ID Card即学生证,而笔者一开始用的是学信网的学籍报告。所以笔者的解决办法就是,换成学生证上传。
4、Please consider using your device camera to submit academic affiliation documents. Uploaded images are more easily manipulated and are therefore less trustworthy.
5、The image you selected does not appear to contain your school name. Your complete school name must appear in your document, not only the school logo. You may include multiple documents together. If your official document is not in English then you may photograph the original next to an English translation./Your document does not appear to include a date demonstrating current academic affiliation. For countries utilizing non-standard calendars, you may need to capture the original document beside one with a converted date. You may include multiple documents in your image, so long as they are legible.