本文旨在深入探究华为鸿蒙HarmonyOS Next系统(停止现在API12)的技术细节,基于现实开发实践进行总结。主要作为技术分享与交流载体,难免错漏,欢迎各位同仁提出名贵意见和问题,以便共同进步。本文为原创内容,任何情势的转载必须注明出处及原作者。
在智能设备的交互领域,NFC(Near Field Communication,近场通信)技术以其便捷、快速的特点,为用户带来了诸多便利。HarmonyOS Next中的NFC模块更是将这种便利发挥到了极致,涵盖了从标签读写到卡模拟等丰富功能,为开发者提供了广阔的创新空间。今天,我们就深入探究HarmonyOS Next中NFC模块的奇妙世界,看看怎样利用它为用户打造更加智能、高效的体验。
HarmonyOS Next的NFC模块主要提供了以下几个方面的功能:
1. NFC标签读写
2. NFC卡模拟(HCE)
1. 技术范例与应用场景
NFC技术范例应用场景NfcA(ISO 14443 - 3A)广泛应用于门禁卡、公交卡等场景,如常见的都会公交一卡通系统。NfcB(ISO 14443 - 3B)在一些特定的门禁系统或会员卡系统中利用。NfcF(JIS 6319 - 4)主要在日本等地域用于电子钱包、交通卡等应用。NfcV(ISO 15693)常用于物流管理、图书管理等领域,实现物品的快速识别和信息读取。IsoDep支持与符合ISO 7816尺度的智能卡进行通信,可用于电子护照、银行卡等安全要求较高的应用。NDEF用于存储和交换格式化的数据,如文本、URL等,在信息共享和传输方面有广泛应用,比方分享联系人信息、Wi-Fi密码等。MifareClassic常用于门禁控制、会员卡等场景,具有较高的安全性和稳定性。MifareUltralight适用于简单的数据存储和识别应用,如活动门票、优惠券等。 2. 前台标签读取实现
- {
- "abilities": [
- {
- "name": "EntryAbility",
- "srcEntry": "./ets/entryability/EntryAbility.ts",
- "description": "$string:EntryAbility_desc",
- "icon": "$media:icon",
- "label": "$string:EntryAbility_label",
- "startWindowIcon": "$media:icon",
- "startWindowBackground": "$color:start_window_background",
- "exported": true,
- "skills": [
- {
- "entities": [
- "entity.system.home"
- ],
- "actions": [
- "action.system.home",
- "ohos.nfc.tag.action.TAG_FOUND"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "requestPermissions": [
- {
- "name": "ohos.permission.NFC_TAG",
- "reason": "$string:app_name"
- }
- ]
- }
复制代码 然后,在应用代码中进行以下操作:
- import { tag } from '@kit.ConnectivityKit';
- import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
- // 判断设备是否支持NFC能力
- if (!canIUse("SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Core")) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'nfc unavailable.');
- return;
- }
- // 调⽤tag模块中前台优先的接⼝,使能前台应⽤程序优先处理所发现的NFC标签功能
- tag.enableForegroundDispatch((result) => {
- if (result === 0) {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'enableForegroundDispatch success');
- } else {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'enableForegroundDispatch failed with error code:'+ result);
- }
- });
- // 获取特定技术类型的NFC标签对象(以NfcA为例)
- tag.getNfcA(tagInfo).then((nfcATag) => {
- // 执行读写接口完成标签数据的读取或写入数据到标签
- // 例如,读取标签数据
- nfcATag.read().then((data) => {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Read data from NFC tag:'+ JSON.stringify(data));
- }).catch((err) => {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Error reading NFC tag:'+ JSON.stringify(err));
- });
- }).catch((err) => {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Error getting NfcA tag object:'+ JSON.stringify(err));
- });
- // 退出应⽤程序NFC标签页面时,调⽤tag模块退出前台优先功能
- tag.disableForegroundDispatch((result) => {
- if (result === 0) {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'disableForegroundDispatch success');
- } else {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'disableForegroundDispatch failed with error code:'+ result);
- }
- });
复制代码 3. 背景标签识别实现
- {
- "abilities": [
- {
- "name": "EntryAbility",
- "srcEntry": "./ets/entryability/EntryAbility.ts",
- "description": "$string:EntryAbility_desc",
- "icon": "$media:icon",
- "label": "$string:EntryAbility_label",
- "startWindowIcon": "$media:icon",
- "startWindowBackground": "$color:start_window_background",
- "exported": true,
- "skills": [
- {
- "entities": [
- "entity.system.home"
- ],
- "actions": [
- "action.system.home",
- "ohos.nfc.tag.action.TAG_FOUND"
- ]
- ]
- },
- "metadata": [
- {
- "name": "payment-aid",
- "value": "A0000000031010"
- },
- {
- "name": "other-aid",
- "value": "A0000000031011"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "requestPermissions": [
- {
- "name": "ohos.permission.NFC_TAG",
- "reason": "$string:app_name"
- }
- ]
- }
复制代码 在应用代码中,主要是订阅标签发现事件,当检测到符合条件的标签时,进行相应处理:
- import { tag } from '@kit.ConnectivityKit';
- import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
- // 判断设备是否支持NFC能力
- if (!canIUse("SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Core")) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'nfc unavailable.');
- return;
- }
- // 订阅标签发现事件
- tag.on('tagFound', (tagInfo) => {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'NFC tag found:'+ JSON.stringify(tagInfo));
- // 根据标签信息进行处理,例如获取标签类型并根据业务逻辑进行相应操作
- const techList = tagInfo.techList;
- if (techList.includes('NfcA')) {
- // 处理NfcA类型标签
- handleNfcATag(tagInfo);
- } else if (techList.includes('NfcB')) {
- // 处理NfcB类型标签
- handleNfcBTag(tagInfo);
- }
- });
复制代码 三、NFC卡模拟(HCE)实现
1. HCE应用场景
2. HCE卡模拟实现示例
- {
- "abilities": [
- {
- "name": "EntryAbility",
- "srcEntry": "./ets/entryability/EntryAbility.ts",
- "description": "$string:EntryAbility_desc",
- "icon": "$media:icon",
- "label": "$string:EntryAbility_label",
- "startWindowIcon": "$media:icon",
- "startWindowBackground": "$color:start_window_background",
- "exported": true,
- "skills": [
- {
- "entities": [
- "entity.system.home"
- ],
- "actions": [
- "action.system.home",
- "ohos.nfc.cardemulation.action.HOST_APDU_SERVICE"
- ]
- ]
- },
- "metadata": []
- }
- ],
- "requestPermissions": [
- {
- "name": "ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION",
- "reason": "$string:app_name"
- }
- ]
- }
复制代码 在应用代码中:
- import { cardEmulation } from '@kit.ConnectivityKit';
- import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
- import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
- import { AsyncCallback } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
- import { AbilityConstant, UIAbility, Want, bundleManager } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
- let hceElementName: bundleManager.ElementName;
- let hceService: cardEmulation.HceService;
- const hceCommandCb: AsyncCallback<number[]> = (error: BusinessError, hceCommand: number[]) => {
- if (!error) {
- if (hceCommand == null || hceCommand == undefined) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceCommandCb has invalid hceCommand.');
- return;
- }
- // 根据接收到的命令进行处理,然后发送响应
- let responseData = [0x90, 0x00]; // 根据不同命令修改响应数据
- hceService.transmit(responseData).then(() => {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceService transmit Promise success.');
- }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceService transmit Promise error ='+ JSON.stringify(err));
- });
- } else {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceCommandCb error'+ JSON.stringify(error));
- }
- };
- export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
- onCreate(want: Want, launchParam: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam) {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate');
- // 判断设备是否支持NFC能力和HCE能力
- if (!canIUse("SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Core")) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'nfc unavailable.');
- return;
- }
- if (!cardEmulation.hasHceCapability()) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hce unavailable.');
- return;
- }
- hceElementName = {
- bundleName: want.bundleName?? '',
- abilityName: want.abilityName?? '',
- moduleName: want.moduleName
- };
- hceService = new cardEmulation.HceService();
- }
- onForeground() {
- // 使能前台HCE应用程序优先处理NFC刷卡功能
- let aidList = ["A0000000031010", "A0000000031011"]; // 根据实际情况修改AID
- hceService.start(hceElementName, aidList);
- // 订阅HCE APDU数据的接收
- hceService.on('hceCmd', hceCommandCb);
- }
- onBackground() {
- // 退出应用程序NFC标签页面时,退出前台优先功能
- hceService.stop(hceElementName);
- }
- }
复制代码 背景刷卡:
- {
- "abilities": [
- {
- "name": "EntryAbility",
- "srcEntry": "./ets/entryability/EntryAbility.ts",
- "description": "$string:EntryAbility_desc",
- "icon": "$media:icon",
- "label": "$string:EntryAbility_label",
- "startWindowIcon": "$media:icon",
- "startWindowBackground": "$color:start_window_background",
- "exported": true,
- "skills": [
- {
- "entities": [
- "entity.system.home"
- ],
- "actions": [
- "action.system.home",
- "ohos.nfc.cardemulation.action.HOST_APDU_SERVICE"
- ]
- ]
- },
- "metadata": [
- {
- "name": "payment-aid",
- "value": "A0000000031010"
- },
- {
- "name": "other-aid",
- "value": "A0000000031011"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "requestPermissions": [
- {
- "name": "ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION",
- "reason": "$string:app_name"
- }
- ]
- }
复制代码 在应用代码中:
- import { cardEmulation } from '@kit.ConnectivityKit';
- import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
- import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
- import { AsyncCallback } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
- import { AbilityConstant, UIAbility, Want, bundleManager } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
- let hceElementName: bundleManager.ElementName;
- let hceService: cardEmulation.HceService;
- const hceCommandCb: AsyncCallback<number[]> = (error: BusinessError, hceCommand: number[]) => {
- if (!error) {
- if (hceCommand == null || hceCommand == undefined) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceCommandCb has invalid hceCommand.');
- return;
- }
- // 根据接收到的命令进行处理,然后发送响应
- let responseData = [0x90, 0x00]; // 根据不同命令修改响应数据
- hceService.transmit(responseData).then(() => {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceService transmit Promise success.');
- }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceService transmit Promise error ='+ JSON.stringify(err));
- });
- } else {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceCommandCb error'+ JSON.stringify(error));
- }
- };
- export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
- onCreate(want: Want, launchParam: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam) {
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate');
- // 判断设备是否支持NFC能力和HCE能力
- if (!canIUse("SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Core")) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'nfc unavailable.');
- return;
- }
- if (!cardEmulation.hasHceCapability()) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hce unavailable.');
- return;
- }
- hceElementName = {
- bundleName: want.bundleName?? '',
- abilityName: want.abilityName?? '',
- moduleName: want.moduleName
- };
- hceService = new cardEmulation.HceService();
- hceService.on('hceCmd', hceCommandCb);
- }
- onForeground() {
- // 前台模式下,可进行一些界面提示或准备工作
- hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onForeground');
- }
- onDestroy() {
- // 退出应用程序时,取消订阅
- if (hceElementName!= undefined) {
- try {
- hceService.stop(hceElementName);
- } catch (error) {
- hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'hceService.stop error ='+ JSON.stringify(error));
- }
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 通过以上对HarmonyOS Next中NFC模块的标签读写和卡模拟功能的详细介绍,我们可以看到NFC技术为智能设备带来了丰富的交互方式和便捷的应用体验。无论是在便捷支付、门禁管理还是信息交互等方面,NFC都有着巨大的潜力等待开发者去发掘。就像一把神奇的钥匙,开启了智能设备之间近场通信的新大门,让设备之间的交互变得更加天然和流通。嘿,想象一下,以后出门只带手机,就能轻松搞定各种事情,是不是感觉生活变得更加美好了呢?哈哈!希望这篇文章可以大概资助开发者们更好地理解和运用HarmonyOS Next中的NFC技术,创造出更多有趣、实用的应用程序。
免责声明:如果侵犯了您的权益,请联系站长,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作!更多信息从访问主页:qidao123.com:ToB企服之家,中国第一个企服评测及商务社交产业平台。 |