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复制代码 源码解读
[code]package mtail...//常量值const inputName = `mtail`const description = ` extract internal monitoring data from application logs`//配置// MTail holds the configuration for the plugin.type MTail struct { config.PluginConfig Instances []*Instance `toml:"instances"`}//配置文件中instances对象需要参数结构体type Instance struct { config.InstanceConfig /** type InternalConfig struct { // append labels Labels map[string]string `toml:"labels"` // metrics drop and pass filter MetricsDrop []string `toml:"metrics_drop"` MetricsPass []string `toml:"metrics_pass"` MetricsDropFilter filter.Filter MetricsPassFilter filter.Filter // metric name prefix MetricsNamePrefix string `toml:"metrics_name_prefix"` // mapping value ProcessorEnum []*ProcessorEnum `toml:"processor_enum"` // whether instance initial success inited bool `toml:"-"` } type InstanceConfig struct { InternalConfig IntervalTimes int64 `toml:"interval_times"` } **/ NamePrefix string `toml:"name_prefix"` Progs string `toml:"progs"` //规则文件(xxx.mtail)的目录 Logs []string `toml:"logs"` //要监控的日志文件 IgnoreFileRegPattern string `toml:"ignore_filename_regex_pattern"` OverrideTimeZone string `toml:"override_timezone"` //指定时区 EmitProgLabel string `toml:"emit_prog_label"` //是否导出label标签 string类型的bool值 emitProgLabel bool `toml:"-"` EmitMetricTimestamp string `toml:"emit_metric_timestamp"` //metrics是否带时间戳 string类型的bool值 emitMetricTimestamp bool `toml:"-"` PollInterval time.Duration `toml:"poll_interval"` PollLogInterval time.Duration `toml:"poll_log_interval"` MetricPushInterval time.Duration `toml:"metric_push_interval"` MaxRegexpLen int `toml:"max_regexp_length"` MaxRecursionDepth int `toml:"max_recursion_depth"` SyslogUseCurrentYear string `toml:"syslog_use_current_year"` // true sysLogUseCurrentYear bool `toml:"-"` LogRuntimeErrors string `toml:"vm_logs_runtime_errors"` // true logRuntimeErrors bool `toml:"-"` // ctx context.Context `toml:"-"` cancel context.CancelFunc `toml:"-"` m *mtail.Server}//配置文件中instances对象的Init函数,调用mtailfunc (ins *Instance) Init() error { //初始化检查,设置默认值 if len(ins.Progs) == 0 || len(ins.Logs) == 0 { return types.ErrInstancesEmpty } // set default value ins.sysLogUseCurrentYear = ins.SyslogUseCurrentYear == "true" ins.logRuntimeErrors = ins.LogRuntimeErrors == "true" ins.emitProgLabel = ins.EmitProgLabel == "true" ins.emitMetricTimestamp = ins.EmitMetricTimestamp == "true" if ins.PollLogInterval == 0 { ins.PollLogInterval = 250 * time.Millisecond } if ins.PollInterval == 0 { ins.PollInterval = 250 * time.Millisecond } if ins.MetricPushInterval == 0 { ins.MetricPushInterval = 1 * time.Minute } if ins.MaxRegexpLen == 0 { ins.MaxRegexpLen = 1024 } if ins.MaxRecursionDepth == 0 { ins.MaxRecursionDepth = 100 } buildInfo := mtail.BuildInfo{ Version: config.Version, } //时区设置 loc, err := time.LoadLocation(ins.OverrideTimeZone) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't parse timezone %q: %s", ins.OverrideTimeZone, err) return err } //mtail参数设置 opts := []mtail.Option{ mtail.ProgramPath(ins.Progs), mtail.LogPathPatterns(ins.Logs...), mtail.IgnoreRegexPattern(ins.IgnoreFileRegPattern), mtail.SetBuildInfo(buildInfo), mtail.OverrideLocation(loc), mtail.MetricPushInterval(ins.MetricPushInterval), // keep it here ? mtail.MaxRegexpLength(ins.MaxRegexpLen), mtail.MaxRecursionDepth(ins.MaxRecursionDepth), mtail.LogRuntimeErrors, } if ins.cancel != nil { ins.cancel() } else { ins.ctx, ins.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background()) //父级ctx } //mtail配置,每隔1h启动 清理过期日志 staleLogGcWaker := waker.NewTimed(ins.ctx, time.Hour) opts = append(opts, mtail.StaleLogGcWaker(staleLogGcWaker)) if ins.PollInterval > 0 { logStreamPollWaker := waker.NewTimed(ins.ctx, ins.PollInterval) logPatternPollWaker := waker.NewTimed(ins.ctx, ins.PollLogInterval) opts = append(opts, mtail.LogPatternPollWaker(logPatternPollWaker), mtail.LogstreamPollWaker(logStreamPollWaker)) } if ins.sysLogUseCurrentYear { opts = append(opts, mtail.SyslogUseCurrentYear) } if !ins.emitProgLabel { opts = append(opts, mtail.OmitProgLabel) } if ins.emitMetricTimestamp { opts = append(opts, mtail.EmitMetricTimestamp) } //指标结果存储对象 store := metrics.NewStore() //间隔1h清理历史指标 store.StartGcLoop(ins.ctx, time.Hour) m, err := mtail.New(ins.ctx, store, opts...) if err != nil { log.Println(err) ins.cancel() return err } ins.m = m return nil}//销毁取消所有任务func (ins *Instance) Drop() { ins.cancel()}//对象初始化方法func init() { inputs.Add(inputName, func() inputs.Input { return &MTail{} })}//对象复制返回新建对象func (s *MTail) Clone() inputs.Input { return &MTail{}}func (s *MTail) Name() string { return inputName}//MTail获取配置文件中所有instancesfunc (s *MTail) GetInstances() []inputs.Instance { ret := make([]inputs.Instance, len(s.Instances)) for i := 0; i < len(s.Instances); i++ { ret = s.Instances } return ret}// Description returns a one-sentence description on the input.func (s *MTail) Description() string { return description}//抓取数据方法?// Gather retrieves all the configured fields and tables.// Any error encountered does not halt the process. The errors are accumulated// and returned at the end.// func (s *Instance) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {func (ins *Instance) Gather(slist *types.SampleList) { //获取到prometheus注册器 reg := ins.m.GetRegistry() mfs, done, err := prometheus.ToTransactionalGatherer(reg).Gather() if err != nil { log.Println(err) return } defer done() //遍历所有指标向量? for _, mf := range mfs { metricName := mf.GetName() //遍历所有指标 for _, m := range mf.Metric { //加入配置的Lables tags := util.MakeLabels(m, ins.GetLabels()) //处理不同指标类型 if mf.GetType() == dto.MetricType_SUMMARY { util.HandleSummary(inputName, m, tags, metricName, ins.GetLogMetricTime, slist) } else if mf.GetType() == dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM { util.HandleHistogram(inputName, m, tags, metricName, ins.GetLogMetricTime, slist) } else { util.HandleGaugeCounter(inputName, m, tags, metricName, ins.GetLogMetricTime, slist) } } }}//返回时间戳func (p *Instance) GetLogMetricTime(ts int64) time.Time { var tm time.Time if ts |