在一次开发中在sp中使用MySQL PREPARE以后,使用match AGAINST语句作为prepare stmt的参数后,发现执行第二遍call会导致数据库crash,于是开始动手调查问题发生的原因。
注:本次使用的 MySQL 数据库版本为最新的debug版本。
SQL语句示例:- CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b VARCHAR(10));
- begin
- declare a VARCHAR(200);
- declare b TEXT;
- set a = 'Only MyISAM tables';
- set b ='support collections';
- set @bb := match(a,b) AGAINST ('collections');
- prepare stmt1 from 'select * from t1 where ?';
- execute stmt1 using @bb;
- end$$
- 执行结果:
- mysql> call p1;
- ERROR 1210 (HY000): Incorrect arguments to MATCH
- mysql> call p1; 这里发现代码crash了
- ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
复制代码 二、问题调查过程
1、首先查看错误堆栈信息,可以看到Item_func_match::val_real函数的item->real_item()->type()不等于FIELD_ITEM引起的,打印堆栈看了一下,此时的item->real_item()为Item_splocal,明显不是FIELD_ITEM。- #0 __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50
- #1 0x00007ffff7568859 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
- #2 0x00007ffff7568729 in __assert_fail_base (fmt=0x7ffff76fe588 "%s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed.\n%n",
- assertion=0x55555bd2e340 "std::all_of(args, args + arg_count, [](const Item *item) { return item->real_item()->type() == FIELD_ITEM; })", file=0x55555bd2a9e0 "/mysql/sql/item_func.cc",
- line=9769, function=<optimized out>) at assert.c:92
- #3 0x00007ffff7579fd6 in __GI___assert_fail (
- assertion=0x55555bd2e340 "std::all_of(args, args + arg_count, [](const Item *item) { return item->real_item()->type() == FIELD_ITEM; })", file=0x55555bd2a9e0 "/mysql/sql/item_func.cc",
- line=9769, function=0x55555bd2e300 "virtual double Item_func_match::val_real()") at assert.c:101
- #4 0x0000555558f9e17e in Item_func_match::val_real (this=0x7fff2cc86928) 这里导致的crash
- at /mysql/sql/item_func.cc:9769
- #5 0x0000555558f97f7e in Item_func_set_user_var::check (this=0x7fff2cc88200, use_result_field=false)
- at /mysql/sql/item_func.cc:8238
- #6 0x00005555592d74d3 in set_var_user::check (this=0x7fff2cc88388)
- at /mysql/sql/set_var.cc:1874
- #7 0x00005555592d5cd6 in sql_set_variables (thd=0x7fff2c001050, var_list=0x7fff2cc87210, opened=true)
- at /mysql/sql/set_var.cc:1442
- #8 0x00005555594d89ed in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fff2c001050, first_level=false)
- at /mysql/sql/sql_parse.cc:4051
- #9 0x000055555930c7a8 in sp_instr_stmt::exec_core (this=0x7fff2cc883d8, thd=0x7fff2c001050,
- nextp=0x7fffe02ed8b4) at /mysql/sql/sp_instr.cc:1039
- #10 0x000055555930ae0b in sp_lex_instr::reset_lex_and_exec_core (this=0x7fff2cc883d8, thd=0x7fff2c001050,
- nextp=0x7fffe02ed8b4, open_tables=false) at /mysql/sql/sp_instr.cc:457
- #11 0x000055555930bc74 in sp_lex_instr::validate_lex_and_execute_core (this=0x7fff2cc883d8, thd=0x7fff2c001050,
- nextp=0x7fffe02ed8b4, open_tables=false) at /mysql/sql/sp_instr.cc:771
- #12 0x000055555930c3ad in sp_instr_stmt::execute (this=0x7fff2cc883d8, thd=0x7fff2c001050, nextp=0x7fffe02ed8b4)
- at /mysql/sql/sp_instr.cc:956
- #13 0x00005555592fa772 in sp_head::execute (this=0x7fff2cc76da0, thd=0x7fff2c001050, merge_da_on_success=true)
- at /mysql/sql/sp_head.cc:2279
- #14 0x00005555592fcec2 in sp_head::execute_procedure (this=0x7fff2cc76da0, thd=0x7fff2c001050, args=0x0)
- at /mysql/sql/sp_head.cc:2995
- #15 0x00005555593661c9 in do_execute_sp (thd=0x7fff2c001050, sp=0x7fff2cc76da0, args=0x0)
- at /mysql/sql/sql_call.cc:86
复制代码 2、要想获取sp参数的实际item,应该调用this_item()方法,但是也许作者本来就不想让match支持sp参数,因此这里的写法是对的。但是本来代码不应该运行到这里,因为本来应该直接报错。- double Item_func_match::val_real() {
- assert(fixed);
- assert(!has_rollup_expr());
- assert(std::all_of(args, args + arg_count, [](const Item *item) {
- return item->real_item()->type() == FIELD_ITEM; ==>这里的item->real_item()->type()说明不支持Item_splocal
- }));
复制代码 3、接着继续调查,查看第一次报错的地方的代码,找到Item_func_match::fix_fields,看到了第一次报错的地方的代码item->type() != Item::FIELD_ITEM,因此代码运行应该在这里报错。但是为何第二次执行会运行到Item_func_match::val_real而不是在Item_func_match::fix_fields就直接报错返回呢?仔细查看下面的代码,发现下面的代码有1个地方有错误。- bool Item_func_match::fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref) {
- if (Item_func::fix_fields(thd, ref) || fix_func_arg(thd, &against) ||
- 上面这里Item_func::fix_fields执行完后使fixed=true
- 但是如果后面有任何报错的地方导致返回的话,这个值没有修改回false
- 会导致第二次call sp不会再次执行Item_func_match::fix_fields。
- !against->const_for_execution()) {
- thd->mark_used_columns = save_mark_used_columns;
- return true;
- }
- for (uint i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
- item = args[i] = args[i]->real_item();
- if (item->type() != Item::FIELD_ITEM ||
- /* Cannot use FTS index with outer table field */
- item->is_outer_reference()) {
- my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, MYF(0), "MATCH");
- return true;
- }
复制代码 三、问题解决方案
通过以上代码解析后作如下修改,正确给fixed赋值,这样就可以保证每次call sp的时候如果遇到报错再次运行还会重新执行fix_fields。- bool Item_func_match::fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref) {
- if (Item_func::fix_fields(thd, ref) || fix_func_arg(thd, &against) ||
- !against->const_for_execution()) {
- fixed = false; ==>这里需要重新把fixed赋值为false
- thd->mark_used_columns = save_mark_used_columns;
- return true;
- }
- thd->mark_used_columns = save_mark_used_columns;
- fixed = false; ==>这里需要重新把fixed赋值为false
- for (uint i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
- item = args[i] = args[i]->real_item()->this_item();
- if (item->type() != Item::FIELD_ITEM ||
- /* Cannot use FTS index with outer table field */
- item->is_outer_reference()) {
- my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, MYF(0), "MATCH");
- return true;
- }
- 中间省略
- fixed = true; ==>最后没有问题了再赋值为true
- return false;
复制代码 现在重新执行call sp,没有问题了。- mysql> call p1;
- ERROR 1210 (HY000): Incorrect arguments to MATCH
- mysql> call p1;
- ERROR 1210 (HY000): Incorrect arguments to MATCH
复制代码 四、问题总结
本次只是解决了match的fix_fields问题,但是如果想让 match 支持 sp 的参数,即Item_splocal的参数的话,代码里面还要做相应修改,包括set @bb := match(a,b) AGAINST ('collections'); 这里面生成的Item_func_match会在这句执行完以后被 cleanup 掉,等到下一句 prepare 想再次使用它的时候会因为找不到该item发生问题,这个是重构 match函数支持 sp 参数需要注意的点。
Enjoy GreatSQL
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