
接口名描述isSupportTemplate(templateName: string, callback: AsyncCallback): void查询模板是否存在。开发步骤
1. 导入模块。- import NotificationManager from '@ohos.notificationManager';
复制代码 2. 系统是否支持进度条模板,查询结果为支持downloadTemplate模板类通知。- NotificationManager.isSupportTemplate('downloadTemplate').then((data) => {
- console.info(`[ANS] isSupportTemplate success`);
- let isSupportTpl: boolean = data; // isSupportTpl的值为true表示支持支持downloadTemplate模板类通知,false表示不支持
- // ...
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.error(`[ANS] isSupportTemplate failed, error[${err}]`);
- });
复制代码 说明
3. 构造进度条模板对象,并发布通知。- let template = {
- name:'downloadTemplate',
- data: {
- title: '标题:',
- fileName: 'music.mp4',
- progressValue: 30,
- progressMaxValue:100,
- }
- }
- //构造NotificationRequest对象
- let notificationRquest = {
- id: 1,
- slotType: notify.SlotType.OTHER_TYPES,
- template: template,
- content: {
- contentType: notify.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT,
- normal: {
- title: template.data.title + template.data.fileName,
- text: "sendTemplate",
- additionalText: "30%"
- }
- },
- deliveryTime: new Date().getTime(),
- showDeliveryTime: true
- }
- notify.publish(notificationRquest).then(() => {
- console.info(`[ANS] publish success `);
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.error(`[ANS] failed to publish, error[${err}]`);
- });
复制代码 二、为通知添加行为意图
为通知添加行为意图的实现方式如下图所示:发布通知的应用向应用组件管理服务AMS(Ability Manager Service)申请WantAgent,然后随其他通知信息一起发送给桌面,当用户在桌面通知栏上点击通知时,触发WantAgent动作。
图1 携带行为意图的通知运行机制

接口名描述getWantAgent(info: WantAgentInfo, callback: AsyncCallback): void创建WantAgent。trigger(agent: WantAgent, triggerInfo: TriggerInfo, callback?: Callback): void触发WantAgent意图。cancel(agent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback): void取消WantAgent。getWant(agent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback): void获取WantAgent的want。equal(agent: WantAgent, otherAgent: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback): void判断两个WantAgent实例是否相等。开发步骤
1. 导入模块。- import NotificationManager from '@ohos.notificationManager';
- import wantAgent from '@ohos.app.ability.wantAgent';
复制代码 2.创建WantAgentInfo信息。
场景一:创建拉起Ability的WantAgent的WantAgentInfo信息。- let wantAgentObj = null; // 用于保存创建成功的wantAgent对象,后续使用其完成触发的动作。
- // 通过WantAgentInfo的operationType设置动作类型。
- let wantAgentInfo = {
- wants: [
- {
- deviceId: '',
- bundleName: 'com.example.test',
- abilityName: 'com.example.test.MainAbility',
- action: '',
- entities: [],
- uri: '',
- parameters: {}
- }
- ],
- operationType: wantAgent.OperationType.START_ABILITY,
- requestCode: 0,
- wantAgentFlags:[wantAgent.WantAgentFlags.CONSTANT_FLAG]
- }
复制代码 场景二:创建发布公共事件的WantAgent的WantAgentInfo信息。- let wantAgentObj = null; // 用于保存创建成功的WantAgent对象,后续使用其完成触发的动作。
- // wantAgentInfo
- let wantAgentInfo = {
- wants: [
- {
- action: 'event_name', // 设置事件名。
- parameters: {},
- }
- ],
- operationType: wantAgent.OperationType.SEND_COMMON_EVENT,
- requestCode: 0,
- wantAgentFlags: [wantAgent.WantAgentFlags.CONSTANT_FLAG],
- }
复制代码 3. 创建WantAgent。- // 创建WantAgent
- wantAgent.getWantAgent(wantAgentInfo, (err, data) => {
- if (err) {
- console.error('[WantAgent]getWantAgent err=' + JSON.stringify(err));
- } else {
- console.info('[WantAgent]getWantAgent success');
- wantAgentObj = data;
- }
- });
复制代码 4. 构造NotificationRequest对象。- // 构造NotificationRequest对象
- let notificationRequest = {
- content: {
- contentType: NotificationManager.ContentType.NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT,
- normal: {
- title: 'Test_Title',
- text: 'Test_Text',
- additionalText: 'Test_AdditionalText',
- },
- },
- id: 1,
- label: 'TEST',
- wantAgent: wantAgentObj,
- }
复制代码 5. 发布WantAgent通知。- // 通知发送
- NotificationManager.publish(notificationRequest, (err) => {
- if (err) {
- console.error(`[ANS] failed to publish, error[${err}]`);
- return;
- }
- console.info(`[ANS] publish success `);
- });
复制代码 6. 用户通过点击通知栏上的通知,即可触发WantAgent的动作。
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