- 心率装备需支持心率广播功能
- 心率广播功能需处于开启状态
- 心率广播功能最多只能同时连接一台装备,如有其它装备正在连接需要先断开
- 开启心率广播功能后装备界面会显示当前装备名称,将装备名称更换到变量device_name
- 运行程序,将自动扫描装备并连接到心率广播功能,异步获取心率数据
- import asyncio
- from bleak import BleakClient, BleakScanner
- from bleak.backends.characteristic import BleakGATTCharacteristic
- # 设备名称
- device_name: str = "HUAWEI WATCH HR-341"
- # 心率
- value = 0
- # 最大连接超时时间
- timeout = 10
- # 通知处理器函数,当收到通知时调用
- def notification_handler(characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic, data: bytearray):
- global value
- value = int(data.hex().split('06')[1], 16)
- print(value)
- # 异步函数:扫描设备并根据本地名称获取地址
- async def scan_for_device(device_name: str):
- devices = await BleakScanner.discover()
- for device in devices:
- if device.name == device_name:
- return device
- return None
- # 异步函数:查找描述为“Heart Rate Measurement”的特征UUID
- async def find_heart_rate_measurement_uuid(client: BleakClient):
- for service in client.services:
- for characteristic in service.characteristics:
- if "Heart Rate Measurement" in characteristic.description:
- return characteristic.uuid
- return None
- # 异步主函数
- async def main():
- print("Starting scan...")
- # 根据本地名称扫描设备,也可以直接填入设备的物理地址
- device = await scan_for_device(device_name)
- if device is None:
- print(f"Device with name {device_name} not found.")
- return
- print(f"Found device: {device.name} ({device.address})")
- # 创建一个事件对象,用于处理断开连接的情况
- disconnected_event = asyncio.Event()
- # 断开连接时的回调函数
- def disconnected_callback(client):
- print("Disconnected callback called!")
- disconnected_event.set()
- print("Connecting to device...")
- async with BleakClient(device, disconnected_callback=disconnected_callback, timeout=timeout) as client:
- print("Connected")
- # 查找“Heart Rate Measurement”特征UUID(心率广播)
- hr_measurement_uuid = await find_heart_rate_measurement_uuid(client)
- if hr_measurement_uuid:
- # 开始通知,并设置通知处理器
- await client.start_notify(hr_measurement_uuid, notification_handler)
- # 等待断开连接事件
- await disconnected_event.wait()
- else:
- print("Heart Rate Measurement characteristic not found.")
- # 运行异步主函数
- asyncio.run(main())
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