- 下载地址
- OpenSSH
- 官方安装步骤在最后
- /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service
- [Unit]
- Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server
- Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5)
- After=network.target auditd.service
- ConditionPathExists=!/etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run
- [Service]
- EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/ssh
- ExecStartPre=/usr/local/sbin/sshd -t
- ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/sshd -D $SSHD_OPTS
- ExecReload=/usr/local/sbin/sshd -t
- ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
- KillMode=process
- Restart=on-failure
- RestartPreventExitStatus=255
- Type=notify
- RuntimeDirectory=sshd
- RuntimeDirectoryMode=0755
- [Install]
- WantedBy=multi-user.target
- Alias=sshd.service
- 测试:
- ./poc 22
- - hosts:
- tasks:
- - name: Copy openssh tarball to remote host
- copy:
- src: /data/ansible/ssh/openssh-9.8p1.tar.gz
- dest: /tmp/
- - name: Extract openssh tarball
- unarchive:
- src: /tmp/openssh-9.8p1.tar.gz
- dest: /tmp/
- remote_src: yes
- - name: Configure openssh
- command: ./configure
- args:
- chdir: /tmp/openssh-9.8p1
- - name: Compile openssh
- command: make
- args:
- chdir: /tmp/openssh-9.8p1
- - name: Install openssh
- command: make install
- args:
- chdir: /tmp/openssh-9.8p1
- - name: Copy ssh.service file to remote servers
- hosts:
- - test
- - stage
- tasks:
- - name: Copy ssh.service file
- copy:
- src: /data/ansible/ssh/ssh.service
- dest: /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service
- owner: root
- group: root
- mode: '0644'
- become: yes
- - name: Copy sshd_config file
- copy:
- src: /data/ansible/ssh/sshd_config
- dest: /usr/local/etc/sshd_config
- owner: root
- group: root
- mode: '0644'
- become: yes
- - name: Restart SSH service
- systemd:
- name: sshd
- state: restarted
- daemon_reload: yes
- become: yes
- 1. Prerequisites
- ----------------
- A C compiler. Any C89 or better compiler that supports variadic macros
- should work. Where supported, configure will attempt to enable the
- compiler's run-time integrity checking options. Some notes about
- specific compilers:
- - clang: -ftrapv and -sanitize=integer require the compiler-rt runtime
- (CC=clang LDFLAGS=--rtlib=compiler-rt ./configure)
- To support Privilege Separation (which is now required) you will need
- to create the user, group and directory used by sshd for privilege
- separation. See README.privsep for details.
- The remaining items are optional.
- A working installation of zlib:
- Zlib 1.1.4 or or greater (earlier 1.2.x versions have problems):
- https://zlib.net/
- libcrypto from either of LibreSSL or OpenSSL. Building without libcrypto
- is supported but severely restricts the available ciphers and algorithms.
- - LibreSSL (https://www.libressl.org/) 3.1.0 or greater
- - OpenSSL (https://www.openssl.org) 1.1.1 or greater
- LibreSSL/OpenSSL should be compiled as a position-independent library
- (i.e. -fPIC, eg by configuring OpenSSL as "./config [options] -fPIC"
- or LibreSSL as "CFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure") otherwise OpenSSH will not
- be able to link with it. If you must use a non-position-independent
- libcrypto, then you may need to configure OpenSSH --without-pie.
- If you build either from source, running the OpenSSL self-test ("make
- tests") or the LibreSSL equivalent ("make check") and ensuring that all
- tests pass is strongly recommended.
- NB. If you operating system supports /dev/random, you should configure
- libcrypto (LibreSSL/OpenSSL) to use it. OpenSSH relies on libcrypto's
- direct support of /dev/random, or failing that, either prngd or egd.
- If your system lacks kernel-based random collection, the use of Lutz
- Jaenicke's PRNGd is recommended. It requires that libcrypto be configured
- to support it.
- http://prngd.sourceforge.net/
- EGD:
- The Entropy Gathering Daemon (EGD) supports the same interface as prngd.
- It also supported only if libcrypto is configured to support it.
- http://egd.sourceforge.net/
- PAM:
- OpenSSH can utilise Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) if your
- system supports it. PAM is standard most Linux distributions, Solaris,
- HP-UX 11, AIX >= 5.2, FreeBSD, NetBSD and Mac OS X.
- Information about the various PAM implementations are available:
- Solaris PAM: http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/pam/
- Linux PAM: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/
- OpenPAM: http://www.openpam.org/
- If you wish to build the GNOME passphrase requester, you will need the GNOME
- libraries and headers.
- http://www.gnome.org/
- Alternatively, Jim Knoble <jmknoble@pobox.com> has written an excellent X11
- passphrase requester. This is maintained separately at:
- http://www.jmknoble.net/software/x11-ssh-askpass/
- LibEdit:
- sftp supports command-line editing via NetBSD's libedit. If your platform
- has it available natively you can use that, alternatively you might try
- these multi-platform ports:
- http://www.thrysoee.dk/editline/
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/libedit/
- LDNS is a DNS BSD-licensed resolver library which supports DNSSEC.
- http://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/ldns/
- Autoconf:
- If you modify configure.ac or configure doesn't exist (eg if you checked
- the code out of git yourself) then you will need autoconf-2.69 and
- automake-1.16.1 to rebuild the automatically generated files by running
- "autoreconf". Earlier versions may also work but this is not guaranteed.
- http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/
- http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/
- Basic Security Module (BSM):
- Native BSM support is known to exist in Solaris from at least 2.5.1,
- FreeBSD 6.1 and OS X. Alternatively, you may use the OpenBSM
- implementation (http://www.openbsm.org).
- makedepend:
- https://www.x.org/archive/individual/util/
- If you are making significant changes to the code you may need to rebuild
- the dependency (.depend) file using "make depend", which requires the
- "makedepend" tool from the X11 distribution.
- libfido2:
- libfido2 allows the use of hardware security keys over USB. libfido2
- in turn depends on libcbor. libfido2 >= 1.5.0 is strongly recommended.
- Limited functionality is possible with earlier libfido2 versions.
- https://github.com/Yubico/libfido2
- https://github.com/pjk/libcbor
- 2. Building / Installation
- --------------------------
- To install OpenSSH with default options:
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- This will install the OpenSSH binaries in /usr/local/bin, configuration files
- in /usr/local/etc, the server in /usr/local/sbin, etc. To specify a different
- installation prefix, use the --prefix option to configure:
- ./configure --prefix=/opt
- make
- make install
- Will install OpenSSH in /opt/{bin,etc,lib,sbin}. You can also override
- specific paths, for example:
- ./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh
- make
- make install
- This will install the binaries in /opt/{bin,lib,sbin}, but will place the
- configuration files in /etc/ssh.
- If you are using PAM, you may need to manually install a PAM control
- file as "/etc/pam.d/sshd" (or wherever your system prefers to keep
- them). Note that the service name used to start PAM is __progname,
- which is the basename of the path of your sshd (e.g., the service name
- for /usr/sbin/osshd will be osshd). If you have renamed your sshd
- executable, your PAM configuration may need to be modified.
- A generic PAM configuration is included as "contrib/sshd.pam.generic",
- you may need to edit it before using it on your system. If you are
- using a recent version of Red Hat Linux, the config file in
- contrib/redhat/sshd.pam should be more useful. Failure to install a
- valid PAM file may result in an inability to use password
- authentication. On HP-UX 11 and Solaris, the standard /etc/pam.conf
- configuration will work with sshd (sshd will match the other service
- name).
- There are a few other options to the configure script:
- --with-audit=[module] enable additional auditing via the specified module.
- Currently, drivers for "debug" (additional info via syslog) and "bsm"
- (Sun's Basic Security Module) are supported.
- --with-pam enables PAM support. If PAM support is compiled in, it must
- also be enabled in sshd_config (refer to the UsePAM directive).
- --with-prngd-socket=/some/file allows you to enable EGD or PRNGD
- support and to specify a PRNGd socket. Use this if your Unix lacks
- /dev/random.
- --with-prngd-port=portnum allows you to enable EGD or PRNGD support
- and to specify a EGD localhost TCP port. Use this if your Unix lacks
- /dev/random.
- --with-lastlog=FILE will specify the location of the lastlog file.
- ./configure searches a few locations for lastlog, but may not find
- it if lastlog is installed in a different place.
- --without-lastlog will disable lastlog support entirely.
- --with-osfsia, --without-osfsia will enable or disable OSF1's Security
- Integration Architecture. The default for OSF1 machines is enable.
- --with-utmpx enables utmpx support. utmpx support is automatic for
- some platforms.
- --without-shadow disables shadow password support.
- --with-ipaddr-display forces the use of a numeric IP address in the
- $DISPLAY environment variable. Some broken systems need this.
- --with-default-path=PATH allows you to specify a default $PATH for sessions
- started by sshd. This replaces the standard path entirely.
- --with-pid-dir=PATH specifies the directory in which the sshd.pid file is
- created.
- --with-xauth=PATH specifies the location of the xauth binary
- --with-ssl-dir=DIR allows you to specify where your Libre/OpenSSL
- libraries are installed.
- --with-ssl-engine enables Libre/OpenSSL's (hardware) ENGINE support
- --without-openssl builds without using OpenSSL. Only a subset of ciphers
- and algorithms are supported in this configuration.
- --without-zlib builds without zlib. This disables the Compression option.
- --with-4in6 Check for IPv4 in IPv6 mapped addresses and convert them to
- real (AF_INET) IPv4 addresses. Works around some quirks on Linux.
- If you need to pass special options to the compiler or linker, you
- can specify these as environment variables before running ./configure.
- For example:
- CC="/usr/foo/cc" CFLAGS="-O" LDFLAGS="-s" LIBS="-lrubbish" ./configure
- 3. Configuration
- ----------------
- The runtime configuration files are installed by in ${prefix}/etc or
- whatever you specified as your --sysconfdir (/usr/local/etc by default).
- The default configuration should be instantly usable, though you should
- review it to ensure that it matches your security requirements.
- To generate a host key, run "make host-key". Alternately you can do so
- manually using the following commands:
- ssh-keygen -t [type] -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ""
- for each of the types you wish to generate (rsa, dsa or ecdsa) or
- ssh-keygen -A
- to generate keys for all supported types.
- Replacing /etc/ssh with the correct path to the configuration directory.
- (${prefix}/etc or whatever you specified with --sysconfdir during
- configuration).
- If you have configured OpenSSH with EGD/prngd support, ensure that EGD or
- prngd is running and has collected some entropy first.
- For more information on configuration, please refer to the manual pages
- for sshd, ssh and ssh-agent.
- 4. (Optional) Send survey
- -------------------------
- $ make survey
- [check the contents of the file "survey" to ensure there's no information
- that you consider sensitive]
- $ make send-survey
- This will send configuration information for the currently configured
- host to a survey address. This will help determine which configurations
- are actually in use, and what valid combinations of configure options
- exist. The raw data is available only to the OpenSSH developers, however
- summary data may be published.
- 5. Problems?
- ------------
- If you experience problems compiling, installing or running OpenSSH,
- please refer to the "reporting bugs" section of the webpage at
- https://www.openssh.com/
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