1.1 json 介绍
- 官网:http://www.json.org/json-zh.html
- JSON是什么?如何正确明白?
二、C/C++ json 库选型
2.1 选型范围
- 资料
- 官网:http://www.json.org/json-zh.html
- 开源库比较:https://github.com/miloyip/nativejson-benchmark
- C++中json库的选择
- C/C++ 开源 JSON 程序库性能及标准符合水平评测
- 开源库
- Rapidjson、Rapidjson_FullPrec、Rapidjson_AutoUTF
- nlohmann / json
- jsoncpp
- 结论:
- 注重最佳性能,选 Rapidjson (cereal序列化库使用)
- 注重易用性,选 jsoncpp (ros 使用)、nlohmann / json
2.2 jsoncpp
- 精度控制:precision
- 15,16,17:原值会变
- 0-14:原值不变的情况下,四舍五入
2.2.2 jsoncpp 编译和交叉编译
- jsoncpp 的编译和交叉编译
- 编译
- mkdir build; cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/result \
- make install -j4
复制代码 - 交叉编译
- mkdir build; cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/result \
- -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain.cmake \ ..
- make install -j4
- # toolchain.cmake 定义交叉编译环境变量
- SET(CMAKE_SYSROOT "/opt/fslc-x11/2.4.4/sysroots/armv7at2hf-neon-fslc-linux-gnueabi")
- set(TOOLS /opt/fslc-x11/2.4.4/sysroots/x86_64-fslcsdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-fslc-linux-gnueabi)
- set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "${TOOLS}/arm-fslc-linux-gnueabi-gcc")
- set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${TOOLS}/arm-fslc-linux-gnueabi-g++")
- set(CMAKE_AR "${TOOLS}/arm-fslc-linux-gnueabi-ar")
复制代码 - include/json
- lib/cmake/xxx.cmake
- lib/pkgconfig/jsoncpp.pc
- pkgconfig
- mayue@PC-MAYUE:/mnt/d/hik/opensource/jsoncpp-1.9.5/build/result/lib$ cat pkgconfig/jsoncpp.pc
- prefix=/mnt/d/hik/opensource/jsoncpp-1.9.5/build/result
- exec_prefix=/mnt/d/hik/opensource/jsoncpp-1.9.5/build/result
- libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib
- includedir=${prefix}/include
- Name: jsoncpp
- Description: A C++ library for interacting with JSON
- Version: 1.9.5
- URL: https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp
- Libs: -L${libdir} -ljsoncpp
- Cflags: -I${includedir}
复制代码 指定连接静态库
- g++ jsoncpp-test.cpp -I./include -L ./lib -l:libjsoncpp.a
复制代码 2.3 rapidjson
- https://rapidjson.org/zh-cn/
- https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson
2.4 nlohmann/json
- https://github.com/nlohmann/json
- nlohmann入门使用总结
2.5 sonic-cpp
- 当前仅支持amd64
- 开源 C++ JSON 库 sonic-cpp解析性能为 rapidjson 的 2.5 倍
- 性能提升 2.5 倍!字节开源高性能 C++ JSON 库 sonic-cpp
5.1 jsoncpp 中关于浮点数的控制和中文显示问题
5.2 jsoncpp序列化double类型时精度损失问题的解决办法
- jsoncpp序列化double类型时精度损失问题的解决办法
- #include <json/json.h>
- #include <json/writer.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- void test_precision(int precision)
- {
- Json::Value root;
- root["pi"] = 3.1415926;
- root["count"] = 43.32558674566;
- Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
- //设置精度 注意这个默认设置的是数字总长度
- //如果想设置小数点后的位数需设置precisionType为decimal
- builder.settings_["precision"] = precision;
- //设置精度类型 只可设置2种字符串 significant精度位数为数字总长度(jsoncpp默认为此类型) decimal精度位数为小数点后的长度
- builder.settings_["precisionType"] = "decimal";
- // 设置输出为紧凑格式,不带换行和空格
- builder["commentStyle"] = "None"; // 防止输出注释,默认就是none
- builder["indentation"] = ""; // 空字符串表示不缩进
- std::unique_ptr<Json::StreamWriter> writer(builder.newStreamWriter());
- std::ostringstream oss;
- writer->write(root, &oss);
- std::string jsonText = oss.str();
- // 输出 JSON 字符串
- std::cout << "specified precision: " << precision << ", content:" << jsonText << std::endl;
- }
- int main() {
- for(int i=17; i>=0; i--)
- {
- test_precision(i);
- }
- return 0;
- }
复制代码- specified precision: 17, content:{"count":43.32558674565999723,"pi":3.14159260000000007}
- specified precision: 16, content:{"count":43.3255867456599972,"pi":3.1415926000000001}
- specified precision: 15, content:{"count":43.325586745659997,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 14, content:{"count":43.32558674566,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 13, content:{"count":43.32558674566,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 12, content:{"count":43.32558674566,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 11, content:{"count":43.32558674566,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 10, content:{"count":43.3255867457,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 9, content:{"count":43.325586746,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 8, content:{"count":43.32558675,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 7, content:{"count":43.3255867,"pi":3.1415926}
- specified precision: 6, content:{"count":43.325587,"pi":3.141593}
- specified precision: 5, content:{"count":43.32559,"pi":3.14159}
- specified precision: 4, content:{"count":43.3256,"pi":3.1416}
- specified precision: 3, content:{"count":43.326,"pi":3.142}
- specified precision: 2, content:{"count":43.33,"pi":3.14}
- specified precision: 1, content:{"count":43.3,"pi":3.1}
- specified precision: 0, content:{"count":43,"pi":3}
- 精度控制:precision
- 15,16,17:原值会变、四舍五入
- 0-14:原值不变的情况下,四舍五入
- 特别注意:精度设置肯定要大于你需求的精度位数,好比需要三位可以设置4位或5位,因为最后一位可能会不准(做了四舍五入)
- 注意:需升级jsoncpp到最新版本1.9.5版本
- 修改源码(writer.h):FastWriter类新增2个成员变量(precision_和precisionType_)和成员函数(set_precision和set_precisionType)
- #if defined(_MSC_VER)
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4996) // Deriving from deprecated class
- #endif
- class JSON_API FastWriter
- : public Writer {
- public:
- FastWriter();
- ~FastWriter() override = default;
- void enableYAMLCompatibility();
- /** \brief Drop the "null" string from the writer's output for nullValues.
- * Strictly speaking, this is not valid JSON. But when the output is being
- * fed to a browser's JavaScript, it makes for smaller output and the
- * browser can handle the output just fine.
- */
- void dropNullPlaceholders();
- void omitEndingLineFeed();
- public: // overridden from Writer
- String write(const Value& root) override;
- //设置精度位数
- void set_precision(unsigned int precision) { precision_ = (precision > 17)?17:precision; };
- //设置精度类型 默认为数字总长
- //入参:isDecimal true表示类型为小数点后长度 false表示类型为数字总长
- void set_precisionType(bool isDecimal) { isDecimal ? (precisionType_ = PrecisionType::decimalPlaces) : (precisionType_ = PrecisionType::significantDigits); };
- private:
- void writeValue(const Value& value);
- String document_;
- bool yamlCompatibilityEnabled_{false};
- bool dropNullPlaceholders_{false};
- bool omitEndingLineFeed_{false};
- int precision_{ 17 };//精度位数 默认17位
- PrecisionType precisionType_{ PrecisionType::significantDigits };//精度类型 默认为数字总长
- };
- #if defined(_MSC_VER)
- #pragma warning(pop)
- #endif
复制代码 - 修改源码(json_writer.cpp):只修改了1行代码,FastWriter::writeValue函数中case realValue的处理中调用的valueToString新增了2个参数传递(源码中没有传递用的函数默认值,现在传了而且可以通过新增的2个成员函数举行设置)
- void FastWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
- switch (value.type()) {
- case nullValue:
- if (!dropNullPlaceholders_)
- document_ += "null";
- break;
- case intValue:
- document_ += valueToString(value.asLargestInt());
- break;
- case uintValue:
- document_ += valueToString(value.asLargestUInt());
- break;
- case realValue:
- //这里原先是document_ += valueToString(value.asDouble());
- //因为后2个参数没传,所以用的函数默认值即精度位数=17,精度类型=PrecisionType::significantDigits
- //修改后 现在会传这2个参数,具体值可以通过新增加的2个成员函数设置
- document_ += valueToString(value.asDouble(), precision_, precisionType_);
- break;
- case stringValue: {
- // Is NULL possible for value.string_? No.
- char const* str;
- char const* end;
- bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
- if (ok)
- document_ += valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str));
- break;
- }
- case booleanValue:
- document_ += valueToString(value.asBool());
- break;
- case arrayValue: {
- document_ += '[';
- ArrayIndex size = value.size();
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (index > 0)
- document_ += ',';
- writeValue(value[index]);
- }
- document_ += ']';
- } break;
- case objectValue: {
- Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
- document_ += '{';
- for (auto it = members.begin(); it != members.end(); ++it) {
- const String& name = *it;
- if (it != members.begin())
- document_ += ',';
- document_ += valueToQuotedStringN(name.data(), name.length());
- document_ += yamlCompatibilityEnabled_ ? ": " : ":";
- writeValue(value[name]);
- }
- document_ += '}';
- } break;
- }
- }
复制代码 - 需要重新编译库,然后demo验证,使用的代码:
- #include <json/json.h>
- #include <json/writer.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- void test_precision(int precision)
- {
- Json::Value obj;
- Json::FastWriter write;
- write.set_precision(precision);
- write.set_precisionType(true);
- obj["d"] = 2.1;
- obj["d2"] = 9.111;
- obj["d3"] = 9.123456789;
- auto rtn = write.write(obj);
- std::cout << "specified precision: " << precision << ", rtn:" << rtn << std::endl;
- }
- int main() {
- for(int i=17; i>=0; i--)
- {
- test_precision(i);
- }
- return 0;
- }
复制代码- specified precision: 17, rtn:{"d":2.10000000000000009,"d2":9.11100000000000065,"d3":9.12345678900000046}
- specified precision: 16, rtn:{"d":2.1000000000000001,"d2":9.1110000000000007,"d3":9.1234567890000005}
- specified precision: 15, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111000000000001,"d3":9.123456789}
- specified precision: 14, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123456789}
- specified precision: 13, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123456789}
- specified precision: 12, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123456789}
- specified precision: 11, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123456789}
- specified precision: 10, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123456789}
- specified precision: 9, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123456789}
- specified precision: 8, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.12345679}
- specified precision: 7, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.1234568}
- specified precision: 6, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123457}
- specified precision: 5, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.12346}
- specified precision: 4, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.1235}
- specified precision: 3, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.111,"d3":9.123}
- specified precision: 2, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.11,"d3":9.12}
- specified precision: 1, rtn:{"d":2.1,"d2":9.1,"d3":9.1}
- specified precision: 0, rtn:{"d":2,"d2":9,"d3":9}
复制代码 C++ json序列化库有哪些,哪个性能最好
- Rapidjson:这是一个非常流行的C++ JSON库,以其高性能著称,由腾讯团队开发 。
- nlohmann/json:这是一个现代的、基于C++11的JSON库,以其易用性和直观的接口而受到很多C++程序员的青睐 。
- sonic-cpp:由字节跳动STE团队和服务框架团队共同研发的高效JSON库,它利用CPU硬件特性和向量化编程,大幅提高了序列化和反序列化的性能。据报道,其解析性能是rapidjson的2.5倍 。
- JsonCpp:这是一个成熟的库,提供了丰富的功能来处理JSON数据。
- simdjson:这是一个使用SIMD指令集来加快解析的库,它提供了快速的解析性能,但不支持修改解析后的JSON布局 。
- yyjson:这是一个追求解析性能的库,使用链表布局,但在查找数据时性能较差 。
在这些库中,sonic-cpp 被报道为性能最好的库,它不仅提供了高效的解析性能,还解决了其他一些库的缺点,如simdjson和yyjson的问题,并支持高效的增删改查利用 。别的,sonic-cpp已经在字节跳动的多个核心业务中大规模使用,并通过了工程化的磨练 。
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