## agent a1
a1.sources = s1
a1.channels = c1
a1.sinks = k1
## configure source s1
a1.sources.s1.type = org.apache.flume.source.kafka.KafkaSource
a1.sources.s1.kafka.bootstrap.servers =
a1.sources.s1.kafka.topics = topic_b_queue
a1.sources.s1.kafka.consumer.group.id = queue_group
a1.sources.s1.kafka.consumer.auto.offset.reset = latest
a1.sources.s1.batchSize = 1000
## configure channel c1
## a1.channels.c1.type = memory
## a1.channels.c1.capacity = 10000
## a1.channels.c1.transactionCapacity = 1000
a1.channels.c1.type = file
a1.channels.c1.checkpointDir = /home/data/flumeData/checkpoint/queue
a1.channels.c1.dataDirs = /home/data/flumeData/flumedata/queue
## configure sink k1
a1.sinks.k1.type = hdfs
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.path = hdfs://hurys23:8020/user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_queue/day=%Y-%m-%d/
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.filePrefix = queue
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.fileSuffix = .log
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.round = true
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.roundValue = 10
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.roundUnit = second
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.rollSize = 1200000000
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.rollCount = 0
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.rollInterval = 0
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.idleTimeout = 60
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.minBlockReplicas = 1
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.fileType = SequenceFile
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.codeC = gzip
## Bind the source and sink to the channel
a1.sources.s1.channels = c1
a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1
source /etc/profile
/usr/local/hurys/dc_env/flume/flume190/bin/flume-ng agent -n a1 -f /usr/local/hurys/dc_env/flume/flume190/conf/queue.properties
source /etc/profile
/usr/local/hurys/dc_env/kettle/data-integration/pan.sh -rep=hurys_linux_kettle_repository -user=admin -pass=admin -dir=/mysql_to_hdfs/ -trans=23_MySQL_to_HDFS_tb_radar_lane level=Basic >>/home/log/kettle/23_MySQL_to_HDFS_tb_radar_lane_`date +%Y%m%d`.log
- use hurys_dc_ods;
- create external table if not exists ods_queue(
- queue_json string
- )
- comment '静态排队数据表——静态分区'
- partitioned by (day string)
- stored as SequenceFile
- ;
复制代码- --刷新表分区
- msck repair table ods_queue;
- --查看表分区
- show partitions ods_queue;
- --查看表数据
- select * from ods_queue;
- use hurys_dc_basic;
- create external table if not exists tb_device_scene(
- id int comment '主键id',
- device_no string comment '设备编号',
- scene_id string comment '场景编号'
- )
- comment '雷达场景表'
- row format delimited fields terminated by ','
- stored as textfile location '/data/tb_device_scene'
- tblproperties("skip.header.line.count"="1") ;
- --查看表数据
- select * from hurys_dc_basic.tb_device_scene;
- --1、静态排队数据内部表——动态分区 dwd_queue
- create table if not exists dwd_queue(
- device_no string comment '设备编号',
- lane_num int comment '车道数量',
- create_time timestamp comment '创建时间',
- lane_no int comment '车道编号',
- lane_type int comment '车道类型 0:渠化1:来向2:出口3:去向4:左弯待转区5:直行待行区6:右转专用道99:未定义车道',
- queue_count int comment '排队车辆数',
- queue_len decimal(10,2) comment '排队长度(m)',
- queue_head decimal(10,2) comment '排队第一辆车距离停止线距离(m)',
- queue_tail decimal(10,2) comment '排队最后一辆车距离停止线距离(m)'
- )
- comment '静态排队数据表——动态分区'
- partitioned by (day string)
- stored as orc
- ;
- --动态插入数据
- with t1 as(
- select
- get_json_object(queue_json,'$.deviceNo') device_no,
- get_json_object(queue_json,'$.createTime') create_time,
- get_json_object(queue_json,'$.laneNum') lane_num,
- get_json_object(queue_json,'$.queueList') queue_list
- from hurys_dc_ods.ods_queue
- )
- insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_queue partition(day)
- select
- t1.device_no,
- t1.lane_num,
- substr(create_time,1,19) create_time ,
- get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneNo') lane_no,
- get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneType') lane_type,
- get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueCount') queue_count,
- cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueLen') as decimal(10,2)) queue_len,
- cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueHead') as decimal(10,2)) queue_head,
- cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueTail') as decimal(10,2)) queue_tail,
- date(t1.create_time) day
- from t1
- lateral view explode(split(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(queue_list,
- '\\[|\\]','') , --将json数组两边的中括号去掉
- '\\}\\,\\{','\\}\\;\\{'), --将json数组元素之间的逗号换成分号
- '\\;') --以分号作为分隔符(split函数以分号作为分隔)
- )list_queue as list_json
- where device_no is not null and create_time is not null and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueLen') between 0 and 500
- and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueHead') between 0 and 500 and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueTail') between 0 and 500 and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueCount') between 0 and 100
- group by t1.device_no, t1.lane_num, substr(create_time,1,19), get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneNo'), get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneType'), get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueCount'), cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueLen') as decimal(10,2)), cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueHead') as decimal(10,2)), cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueTail') as decimal(10,2)), date(t1.create_time)
- ;
- --查看分区
- show partitions dwd_queue;
- --查看数据
- select * from dwd_queue
- where day='2024-03-11';
- --删掉表分区
- alter table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_queue drop partition (day='2024-03-11');
复制代码 2、业务数据的JSON只有一层
- --2、转向比数据内部表——动态分区 dwd_turnratio
- create table if not exists dwd_turnratio(
- device_no string comment '设备编号',
- cycle int comment '转向比数据周期' ,
- create_time timestamp comment '创建时间',
- volume_sum int comment '指定时间段内通过路口的车辆总数',
- speed_avg decimal(10,2) comment '指定时间段内通过路口的所有车辆速度的平均值',
- volume_left int comment '指定时间段内通过路口的左转车辆总数',
- speed_left decimal(10,2) comment '指定时间段内通过路口的左转车辆速度的平均值',
- volume_straight int comment '指定时间段内通过路口的直行车辆总数',
- speed_straight decimal(10,2) comment '指定时间段内通过路口的直行车辆速度的平均值',
- volume_right int comment '指定时间段内通过路口的右转车辆总数',
- speed_right decimal(10,2) comment '指定时间段内通过路口的右转车辆速度的平均值',
- volume_turn int comment '指定时间段内通过路口的掉头车辆总数',
- speed_turn decimal(10,2) comment '指定时间段内通过路口的掉头车辆速度的平均值'
- )
- comment '转向比数据表——动态分区'
- partitioned by (day string) --分区字段不能是表中已经存在的数据,可以将分区字段看作表的伪列。
- stored as orc --表存储数据格式为orc
- ;
- --动态插入数据
- --解析json字段、去重、非空、volumeSum>=0
- --speed_avg、speed_left、speed_straight、speed_right、speed_turn 等字段保留两位小数
- --0<=volume_sum<=1000、0<=speed_avg<=150、0<=volume_left<=1000、0<=speed_left<=100、0<=volume_straight<=1000
- --0<=speed_straight<=150、0<=volume_right<=1000、0<=speed_right<=100、0<=volume_turn<=100、0<=speed_turn<=100
- with t1 as(
- select
- get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.deviceNo') device_no,
- get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.cycle') cycle,
- get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.createTime') create_time,
- get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeSum') volume_sum,
- cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedAvg') as decimal(10,2)) speed_avg,
- get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeLeft') volume_left,
- cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedLeft') as decimal(10,2)) speed_left,
- get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeStraight') volume_straight,
- cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedStraight')as decimal(10,2)) speed_straight,
- get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeRight') volume_right,
- cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedRight') as decimal(10,2)) speed_right ,
- case when get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeTurn') is null then 0 else get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeTurn') end as volume_turn ,
- case when get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedTurn') is null then 0 else cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedTurn')as decimal(10,2)) end as speed_turn
- from hurys_dc_ods.ods_turnratio)
- insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_turnratio partition (day)
- select
- t1.device_no,
- cycle,
- substr(create_time,1,19) create_time ,
- volume_sum,
- speed_avg,
- volume_left,
- speed_left,
- volume_straight,
- speed_straight ,
- volume_right,
- speed_right ,
- volume_turn,
- speed_turn,
- date(create_time) day
- from t1
- where device_no is not null and volume_sum between 0 and 1000 and speed_avg between 0 and 150 and volume_left between 0 and 1000
- and speed_left between 0 and 100 and volume_straight between 0 and 1000 and speed_straight between 0 and 150
- and volume_right between 0 and 1000 and speed_right between 0 and 100 and volume_turn between 0 and 100 and speed_turn between 0 and 100
- group by t1.device_no, cycle, substr(create_time,1,19), volume_sum, speed_avg, volume_left, speed_left, volume_straight, speed_straight, volume_right, speed_right, volume_turn, speed_turn, date(create_time)
- ;
- --查看分区
- show partitions dwd_turnratio;
- --查看数据
- select * from hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_turnratio
- where day='2024-03-11';
- --删掉表分区
- alter table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_turnratio drop partition (day='2024-03-11');
复制代码 (二)维度数据清洗
- create table if not exists dwd_radar_lane(
- device_no string comment '雷达编号',
- lane_no string comment '车道编号',
- lane_id string comment '车道id',
- lane_direction string comment '行驶方向',
- lane_type int comment '车道类型 0渠化,1来向路段,2出口,3去向路段,4路口,5非路口路段,6其他',
- lane_length float comment '车道长度',
- lane_type_name string comment '车道类型名称'
- )
- comment '雷达车道信息表'
- stored as orc
- ;
- --create table if not exists dwd_radar_lane stored as orc as
- --加载数据
- insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_radar_lane
- select
- device_no, lane_no, lane_id, lane_direction, lane_type,lane_length ,
- case when lane_type='0' then '渠化'
- when lane_type='1' then '来向路段'
- when lane_type='2' then '出口'
- when lane_type='3' then '去向路段'
- end as lane_type_name
- from hurys_dc_basic.tb_radar_lane
- where lane_length is not null
- group by device_no, lane_no, lane_id, lane_direction, lane_type, lane_length
- ;
- --查看表数据
- select * from hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_radar_lane;
复制代码 五、DWS层
- create table if not exists dws_statistics_volume_1hour(
- device_no string comment '设备编号',
- scene_name string comment '场景名称',
- lane_no int comment '车道编号',
- lane_direction string comment '车道流向',
- section_no int comment '断面编号',
- device_direction string comment '雷达朝向',
- sum_volume_hour int comment '每小时总流量',
- start_time timestamp comment '开始时间'
- )
- comment '统计数据流量表——动态分区——1小时周期'
- partitioned by (day string)
- stored as orc
- ;
- --动态加载数据 --两个一起 1m41s 、 convert.join=false 1m43s、
- --注意字段顺序 查询语句中字段顺序与建表字段顺序一致
- insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dws.dws_statistics_volume_1hour partition(day)
- select
- dwd_st.device_no,
- dwd_sc.scene_name,
- dwd_st.lane_no,
- dwd_rl.lane_direction,
- dwd_st.section_no,
- dwd_rc.device_direction,
- sum(volume_sum) sum_volume_hour,
- concat(substr(create_time, 1, 14), '00:00') start_time,
- day
- from hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_statistics as dwd_st
- right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_radar_lane as dwd_rl
- on dwd_rl.device_no=dwd_st.device_no and dwd_rl.lane_no=dwd_st.lane_no
- right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_device_scene as dwd_ds
- on dwd_ds.device_no=dwd_st.device_no
- right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_scene as dwd_sc
- on dwd_sc.scene_id = dwd_ds.scene_id
- right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_radar_config as dwd_rc
- on dwd_rc.device_no=dwd_st.device_no
- where dwd_st.create_time is not null
- group by dwd_st.device_no, dwd_sc.scene_name, dwd_st.lane_no, dwd_rl.lane_direction, dwd_st.section_no, dwd_rc.device_direction, concat(substr(create_time, 1, 14), '00:00'), day
- ;
- --查看分区
- show partitions dws_statistics_volume_1hour;
- --查看数据
- select * from hurys_dc_dws.dws_statistics_volume_1hour
- where day='2024-02-29';
复制代码 六、ADS层
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
nowdate=`date --date='0 days ago' "+%Y%m%d"`
day_30_ago_date=`date -d "30 day ago " +%Y-%m-%d`
hadoop fs -test -e /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_queue/day=${day_30_ago_date}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "文件不存在"
hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_queue/day=${day_30_ago_date}
hadoop fs -test -e /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_track/day=${day_30_ago_date}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "文件不存在"
hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_track/day=${day_30_ago_date}
hadoop fs -test -e /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_queue_dynamic/day=${day_30_ago_date}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "文件不存在"
hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_queue_dynamic/day=${day_30_ago_date}
hadoop fs -test -e /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_area/day=${day_30_ago_date}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "文件不存在"
hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_area/day=${day_30_ago_date}
hadoop fs -test -e /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_event/day=${day_30_ago_date}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "文件不存在"
hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/hive/warehouse/hurys_dc_ods.db/ods_event/day=${day_30_ago_date}
hive -e "
use hurys_dc_ods;
alter table hurys_dc_ods.ods_area drop partition (day='$day_30_ago_date');
alter table hurys_dc_ods.ods_event drop partition (day='$day_30_ago_date');
alter table hurys_dc_ods.ods_queue drop partition (day='$day_30_ago_date');
alter table hurys_dc_ods.ods_queue_dynamic drop partition (day='$day_30_ago_date');
alter table hurys_dc_ods.ods_track drop partition (day='$day_30_ago_date')
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
hive -e "
source 1_dws.sql
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
clickhouse-client --user default --password hurys@123 -d default --multiquery <1_ads.sql
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
nowdate=`date --date='0 days ago' "+%Y%m%d"`
yesdate=`date -d yesterday +%Y-%m-%d`
hive -e "
use hurys_dc_dws;
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=1000;
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=2000;
insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dws.dws_statistics_volume_1hour partition(day='$yesdate')
sum(volume_sum) sum_volume_hour,
concat(substr(create_time, 1, 14), '00:00') start_time
from hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_statistics as dwd_st
right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_radar_lane as dwd_rl
on dwd_rl.device_no=dwd_st.device_no and dwd_rl.lane_no=dwd_st.lane_no
right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_device_scene as dwd_ds
on dwd_ds.device_no=dwd_st.device_no
right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_scene as dwd_sc
on dwd_sc.scene_id = dwd_ds.scene_id
right join hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_radar_config as dwd_rc
on dwd_rc.device_no=dwd_st.device_no
where dwd_st.create_time is not null and day= '$yesdate'
group by dwd_st.device_no, dwd_sc.scene_name, dwd_st.lane_no, dwd_rl.lane_direction, dwd_st.section_no, dwd_rc.device_direction, concat(substr(create_time, 1, 14), '00:00')
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
hive -e "
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
use hurys_dc_basic
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
nowdate=`date --date='0 days ago' "+%Y%m%d"`
yesdate=`date -d yesterday +%Y-%m-%d`
cd /usr/local/hurys/dc_env/dolphinscheduler/dolphin/logs/
rm -rf dolphinscheduler-api.$yesdate*.log
rm -rf dolphinscheduler-master.$yesdate*.log
rm -rf dolphinscheduler-worker.$yesdate*.log
source /etc/profile
/usr/local/hurys/dc_env/kettle/data-integration/pan.sh -rep=hurys_linux_kettle_repository -user=admin -pass=admin -dir=/hive_to_clickhouse/ -trans=17_Hive_to_ClickHouse_ads_avg_volume_15min level=Basic >>/home/log/kettle/17_Hive_to_ClickHouse_ads_avg_volume_15min_`date +%Y%m%d`.log
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
nowdate=`date --date='0 days ago' "+%Y%m%d"`
yesdate=`date -d yesterday +%Y-%m-%d`
hive -e "
use hurys_dc_dwd;
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=1000;
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=1500;
with t1 as(
get_json_object(queue_json,'$.deviceNo') device_no,
get_json_object(queue_json,'$.createTime') create_time,
get_json_object(queue_json,'$.laneNum') lane_num,
get_json_object(queue_json,'$.queueList') queue_list
from hurys_dc_ods.ods_queue
where date(get_json_object(queue_json,'$.createTime')) = '$yesdate'
insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_queue partition(day='$yesdate')
substr(create_time,1,19) create_time ,
get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneNo') lane_no,
get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneType') lane_type,
get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueCount') queue_count,
cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueLen') as decimal(10,2)) queue_len,
cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueHead') as decimal(10,2)) queue_head,
cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueTail') as decimal(10,2)) queue_tail
from t1
lateral view explode(split(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(queue_list,
'\\\\[|\\\\]','') , --将json数组两边的中括号去掉
'\\\\}\\\\,\\\\{','\\\\}\\\\;\\\\{'), --将json数组元素之间的逗号换成分号
'\\\\;') --以分号作为分隔符(split函数以分号作为分隔)
)list_queue as list_json
where device_no is not null and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueLen') between 0 and 500 and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueHead') between 0 and 500 and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueTail') between 0 and 500 and get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueCount') between 0 and 100
group by t1.device_no, t1.lane_num, substr(create_time,1,19), get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneNo'), get_json_object(list_json,'$.laneType'), get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueCount'), cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueLen') as decimal(10,2)), cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueHead') as decimal(10,2)), cast(get_json_object(list_json,'$.queueTail') as decimal(10,2))
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
nowdate=`date --date='0 days ago' "+%Y%m%d"`
yesdate=`date -d yesterday +%Y-%m-%d`
hive -e "
use hurys_dc_dwd;
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=1000;
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=1500;
with t1 as(
get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.deviceNo') device_no,
get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.cycle') cycle,
get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.createTime') create_time,
get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeSum') volume_sum,
cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedAvg') as decimal(10,2)) speed_avg,
get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeLeft') volume_left,
cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedLeft') as decimal(10,2)) speed_left,
get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeStraight') volume_straight,
cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedStraight')as decimal(10,2)) speed_straight,
get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeRight') volume_right,
cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedRight') as decimal(10,2)) speed_right ,
case when get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeTurn') is null then 0 else get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.volumeTurn') end as volume_turn ,
case when get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedTurn') is null then 0 else cast(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.speedTurn')as decimal(10,2)) end as speed_turn
from hurys_dc_ods.ods_turnratio
where date(get_json_object(turnratio_json,'$.createTime')) = '$yesdate'
insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_turnratio partition (day='$yesdate')
substr(create_time,1,19) create_time ,
speed_straight ,
speed_right ,
from t1
where device_no is not null and volume_sum between 0 and 1000 and speed_avg between 0 and 150 and volume_left between 0 and 1000 and speed_left between 0 and 100 and volume_straight between 0 and 1000 and speed_straight between 0 and 150 and volume_right between 0 and 1000 and speed_right between 0 and 100 and volume_turn between 0 and 100 and speed_turn between 0 and 100
group by t1.device_no, cycle, substr(create_time,1,19), volume_sum, speed_avg, volume_left, speed_left, volume_straight, speed_straight, volume_right, speed_right, volume_turn, speed_turn
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
hive -e "
use hurys_dc_dwd;
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
insert overwrite table hurys_dc_dwd.dwd_holiday
day, holiday,year
from hurys_dc_basic.tb_holiday
group by day, holiday, year
#! /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
hive -e "
use hurys_dc_ods;
msck repair table ods_queue;
msck repair table ods_turnratio;
msck repair table ods_queue_dynamic;
msck repair table ods_statistics;
msck repair table ods_area;
msck repair table ods_pass;
msck repair table ods_track;
msck repair table ods_evaluation;
msck repair table ods_event;
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